blob: d0488f882675041851b4ace99caa05b499983059 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Build script module for compiling the external assembly (used for the entry
//! point) and linking it into the process binary. Requires out_dir to be added
//! to rustc's link search path.
pub(crate) fn build_and_link(out_dir: &str) {
use std::env::var;
let arch = var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").expect("Unable to read CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH");
// Identify the toolchain configurations to try for the target architecture.
// We support trying multiple toolchains because not all toolchains are
// available on every OS that we want to support development on.
let build_configs = match arch.as_str() {
"riscv32" => &[
// First try riscv64-unknown-elf, as it is the toolchain used by
// libtock-c and the toolchain used in the CI environment.
AsmBuildConfig {
triple: "riscv64-unknown-elf",
as_extra_args: &["-march=rv32imc"],
strip: true,
// Second try riscv32-unknown-elf. This is the best match for Tock's
// risc-v targets, but is not as widely available (and has not been
// tested with libtock-rs yet).
AsmBuildConfig {
triple: "riscv32-unknown-elf",
as_extra_args: &[],
strip: false, // Untested, may need to change.
// Last try riscv64-linux-gnu, as it is the only option on Debian 10
AsmBuildConfig {
triple: "riscv64-linux-gnu",
as_extra_args: &["-march=rv32imc"],
strip: true,
unknown_arch => {
panic!("Unsupported architecture {}", unknown_arch);
// Loop through toolchain configs until one works.
for &build_config in build_configs {
if try_build(&arch, build_config, out_dir).is_ok() {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct AsmBuildConfig {
// Triple name, which is prepended to the command names.
triple: &'static str,
// Extra arguments to pass to the assembler.
as_extra_args: &'static [&'static str],
// Do we need to strip the object file before packing it into the library
// archive? This should be set to true on platforms where the assembler adds
// local symbols to the object file.
strip: bool,
// Indicates the toolchain in the build config is unavailable.
struct ToolchainUnavailable;
fn try_build(
arch: &str,
build_config: AsmBuildConfig,
out_dir: &str,
) -> Result<(), ToolchainUnavailable> {
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
// Invoke the assembler to produce an object file.
let asm_source = &format!("asm/asm_{}.S", arch);
let obj_file_path = [out_dir, "libtock_rt_asm.o"].iter().collect::<PathBuf>();
let obj_file = obj_file_path.to_str().expect("Non-Unicode obj_file_path");
let as_result = Command::new(format!("{}-as", build_config.triple))
.args(&[asm_source, "-o", obj_file])
match as_result {
Err(error) => {
if error.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
// This `as` command does not exist. Return an error so
// build_an_link can try another config (if one is available).
return Err(ToolchainUnavailable);
} else {
panic!("Error invoking assembler: {}", error);
Ok(status) => {
assert!(status.success(), "Assembler returned an error");
// At this point, we know this toolchain is installed. We will fail if later
// commands are uninstalled rather than trying a different build config.
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", asm_source);
// Run `strip` if necessary.
if build_config.strip {
let strip_cmd = format!("{}-strip", build_config.triple);
let status = Command::new(&strip_cmd)
.args(&["-K", "start", "-K", "rust_start", obj_file])
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to invoke {}", strip_cmd));
assert!(status.success(), "{} returned an error", strip_cmd);
// Remove the archive file in case there is something unexpected in it. This
// prevents issues from persisting across invocations of this script.
const ARCHIVE_NAME: &str = "tock_rt_asm";
let archive_path: PathBuf = [out_dir, &format!("lib{}.a", ARCHIVE_NAME)]
if let Err(error) = std::fs::remove_file(&archive_path) {
if error.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
panic!("Unable to remove archive file {}", archive_path.display());
// Create the library archive.
let ar_cmd = format!("{}-ar", build_config.triple);
let archive = archive_path.to_str().expect("Non-Unicode archive_path");
let status = std::process::Command::new(&ar_cmd)
// c == Do not complain if archive needs to be created.
// r == Insert or replace file in archive.
.args(&["cr", archive, obj_file])
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to invoke {}", ar_cmd));
assert!(status.success(), "{} returned an error", ar_cmd);
// Tell rustc to link the binary against the library archive.
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", ARCHIVE_NAME);