Add the RISC-V entry point assembly to libtock_runtime, and a workflow to verify it is included correctly.
diff --git a/.github/workflows/assembly.yml b/.github/workflows/assembly.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ac8ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/assembly.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Builds the libtock_runtime entry point assembly, making sure the source code
+# and compiled library match. Outputs the library file as an artifact in case
+# users have a different toolchain version that produces a slightly different
+# library.
+name: assembly
+# We want to run this on all pull requests. Additionally, Bors needs workflows
+# to run on the `staging` and `trying` branches to block merges on them.
+ pull_request:
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - staging
+ - trying
+ assembly:
+ # Using ubuntu-latest can cause breakage when ubuntu-latest is updated to
+ # point at a new Ubuntu version. Instead, explicitly specify the version, so
+ # we can update when we need to. This *could* break if we don't update it
+ # until support for 20.04 is dropped, but it is likely we'll have a reason
+ # to update to a newer Ubuntu before then anyway.
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ steps:
+ # Clones a single commit from the libtock-rs repository. The commit cloned
+ # is a merge commit between the PR's target branch and the PR's source.
+ # We'll later add another commit (the pre-merge target branch) to the
+ # repository.
+ - name: Clone repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.0
+ # Build the entry point assembly.
+ - name: Build assembly
+ run: |
+ sudo apt-get install binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu
+ core/runtime/asm/
+ # Publish the built assembly library.
+ - name: Upload assembly library
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ with:
+ name: assembly
+ path: core/runtime/asm/*.a
+ # The main goal of this is to verify the built library matches the PR's
+ # library, although this check has the secondary benefit of catching any
+ # intermediate files left behind by
+ - name: Check assembly library diff
+ run: git diff --quiet
diff --git a/core/runtime/asm/asm_riscv32.S b/core/runtime/asm/asm_riscv32.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3f42c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/runtime/asm/asm_riscv32.S
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+.section .start, "ax"
+.globl start
+ /* First, verify the process binary was loaded at the correct address. The
+ * check is performed by comparing the program counter at the start to the
+ * address of `start`, which is stored in rt_header. */
+ auipc s0, 0 /* s0 = pc */
+ mv a5, a0 /* Save rt_header so syscalls don't overwrite it */
+ lw s1, 0(a5) /* s1 = rt_header.start */
+ beq s0, s1, .Lset_brk /* Skip error handling code if pc is correct */
+ /* If the beq on the previous line did not jump, then the binary is not at
+ * the correct location. Report the error via LowLevelDebug then exit. */
+ li a0, 8 /* LowLevelDebug driver number */
+ li a1, 1 /* Command: Print alert code */
+ li a2, 2 /* Alert code 2 (incorrect location) */
+ li a4, 2 /* `command` class */
+ ecall
+ li a0, 0 /* exit-terminate */
+ /* TODO: Set a completion code, once completion codes are decided */
+ li a4, 6 /* `exit` class */
+ ecall
+ .Lset_brk:
+ /* memop(): set brk to rt_header's initial break value */
+ li a0, 0 /* operation: set break */
+ lw a1, 4(a5) /* rt_header's initial process break */
+ li a4, 5 /* `memop` class */
+ ecall
+ /* Set the stack pointer */
+ lw sp, 8(a5) /* sp = rt_header._stack_top */
+ /* Copy .data into place. */
+ lw a0, 12(a5) /* remaining = rt_header.data_size */
+ beqz a0, .Lzero_bss /* Jump to zero_bss if remaining is zero */
+ lw a1, 16(a5) /* src = rt_header.data_flash_start */
+ lw a2, 20(a5) /* dest = rt_header.data_ram_start */
+ .Ldata_loop_body:
+ lw a3, 0(a1) /* a3 = *src */
+ sw a3, 0(a2) /* *dest = a3 */
+ c.addi a0, -4 /* remaining -= 4 */
+ c.addi a1, 4 /* src += 4 */
+ c.addi a2, 4 /* dest += 4 */
+ bnez a0, .Ldata_loop_body /* Iterate again if remaining != 0 */
+ .Lzero_bss:
+ lw a0, 24(a5) /* remaining = rt_header.bss_size */
+ beqz a0, .Lcall_rust_start /* Jump to call_Main if remaining is zero */
+ lw a1, 28(a5) /* dest = rt_header.bss_start */
+ .Lbss_loop_body:
+ sb zero, 0(a1) /* *dest = zero */
+ c.addi a0, -1 /* remaining -= 1 */
+ c.addi a1, 1 /* dest += 1 */
+ bnez a0, .Lbss_loop_body /* Iterate again if remaining != 0 */
+ .Lcall_rust_start:
+ jal rust_start
diff --git a/core/runtime/asm/ b/core/runtime/asm/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d07e2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/runtime/asm/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+set -e
+# Switch into the directory this script is in, in case it was run from another
+# location.
+cd "$(dirname "$0")"
+# Our CI runs in GitHub Actions' Ubuntu 20.04 image. The only RISC-V toolchain
+# in Ubuntu 20.04's repositories is for riscv64-linux-gnu. Fortunately, this
+# toolchain can output 32-bit RISC-V assembly using the -march= option, and the
+# fact it is targeted at GNU/Linux doesn't matter for our short handwritten
+# assembly segment.
+# Although we also support rv32imac targets, we do not need to separately
+# assemble for it, as asm_riscv32.S does not use atomic instructions.
+riscv64-linux-gnu-as -march=rv32imc asm_riscv32.S -o riscv32.o
+# For some reason, riscv64-linux-gnu-as includes local symbols in its output.
+# This pollutes the output of `objdump`, making debugging more difficult. This
+# strips the extra symbols to keep the disassembly readable.
+riscv64-linux-gnu-strip -K start -K rust_start riscv32.o
+# Remove the archive file in case there is something unexpected in it (so that
+# issues cannot persist across calls to this script).
+rm -f libriscv32.a
+# c == do not complain if archive needs to be created
+# r == insert or replace file in archive
+riscv64-linux-gnu-ar cr libriscv32.a riscv32.o
+# Remove riscv32.o as it is an intermediate build artifact.
+rm riscv32.o
diff --git a/core/runtime/asm/libriscv32.a b/core/runtime/asm/libriscv32.a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6139a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/runtime/asm/libriscv32.a
Binary files differ
diff --git a/core/runtime/layout_generic.ld b/core/runtime/layout_generic.ld
index 0bbef87..38624a0 100644
--- a/core/runtime/layout_generic.ld
+++ b/core/runtime/layout_generic.ld
@@ -1,171 +1,124 @@
-/* Userland Generic Layout
+/* Layout file for Tock process binaries that use libtock-rs. This currently
+ * implements static linking, because we do not have a working
+ * position-independent relocation solution. This layout works for all
+ * platforms libtock-rs supports (ARM and RISC-V).
- * Currently, due to incomplete ROPI-RWPI support in rustc (see
- *, this layout implements static
- * linking. An application init script must define the FLASH and SRAM address
- * ranges as well as MPU_MIN_ALIGN before including this layout file.
- *
- * Here is a an example application linker script to get started:
+ * This layout should be included by a script that defines the FLASH and RAM
+ * regions for the board as well as TBF_HEADER_SIZE. Here is a an example
+ * process binary linker script to get started:
- * /* FLASH memory region must start immediately *after* the Tock
- * * Binary Format headers, which means you need to offset the
- * * beginning of FLASH memory region relative to where the
- * * application is loaded.
- * FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x10030, LENGTH = 0x0FFD0
- * SRAM (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x20000, LENGTH = 0x10000
+ * FLASH (X) : ORIGIN = 0x10000, LENGTH = 0x10000
+ * RAM (W) : ORIGIN = 0x20000, LENGTH = 0x10000
* }
+ * TBF_HEADER_SIZE = 0x40;
* INCLUDE ../libtock-rs/layout.ld
+ *
+ * FLASH refers to the area the process binary occupies in flash, including TBF
+ * headers. RAM refers to the area the process will have access to in memory.
+ * STACK_SIZE is the size of the process' stack (this layout file may round the
+ * stack size up for alignment purposes). TBF_HEADER_SIZE must correspond to the
+ * --protected-region-size flag passed to elf2tab.
+ *
+ * This places the flash sections in the following order:
+ * 1. .rt_header -- Constants used by runtime initialization.
+ * 2. .text -- Executable code.
+ * 3. .rodata -- Read-only global data (e.g. most string constants).
+ * 4. .data -- Read-write data, copied to RAM at runtime.
+ *
+ * This places the RAM sections in the following order:
+ * 1. .stack -- The stack grows downward. Putting it first gives us
+ * MPU-based overflow detection.
+ * 2. .data -- Read-write data, initialized by copying from flash.
+ * 3. .bss -- Zero-initialized read-write global data.
+ * 4. Heap -- The heap (optional) comes after .bss and grows upwards to
+ * the process break.
+/* GNU LD looks for `start` as an entry point by default, while LLVM's LLD looks
+ * for `_start`. To be compatible with both, we manually specify an entry point.
+ */
- /* Section for just the app crt0 header.
- * This must be first so that the app can find it.
+ /* Sections located in FLASH at runtime.
- .crt0_header :
- {
- _beginning = .; /* Start of the app in flash. */
- /**
- * Populate the header expected by `crt0`:
- *
- * struct hdr {
- * uint32_t got_sym_start;
- * uint32_t got_start;
- * uint32_t got_size;
- * uint32_t data_sym_start;
- * uint32_t data_start;
- * uint32_t data_size;
- * uint32_t bss_start;
- * uint32_t bss_size;
- * uint32_t reldata_start;
- * uint32_t stack_size;
- * };
- */
- /* Offset of GOT symbols in flash */
- LONG(LOADADDR(.got) - _beginning);
- /* Offset of GOT section in memory */
- LONG(_got);
- /* Size of GOT section */
- LONG(SIZEOF(.got));
- /* Offset of data symbols in flash */
- LONG(LOADADDR(.data) - _beginning);
- /* Offset of data section in memory */
- LONG(_data);
- /* Size of data section */
+ /* Add a section where elf2tab will place the TBF headers, so that the rest
+ * of the FLASH sections are in the right locations. */
+ .tbf_header (NOLOAD) : {
+ . = . + TBF_HEADER_SIZE;
+ } > FLASH
+ /* Runtime header. Contains values the linker knows that the runtime needs
+ * to look up.
+ */
+ .rt_header : {
+ rt_header = .;
+ LONG(start);
+ LONG(ADDR(.bss) + SIZEOF(.bss)); /* Initial process break */
+ LONG(_stack_top);
- /* Offset of BSS section in memory */
- LONG(_bss);
- /* Size of BSS section */
+ LONG(LOADADDR(.data));
+ LONG(ADDR(.data));
- /* First address offset after program flash, where elf2tab places
- * section */
- LONG(LOADADDR(.endflash) - _beginning);
- /* The size of the stack requested by this application */
- LONG(_stack_top_aligned - _sstack);
- /* Pad the header out to a multiple of 32 bytes so there is not a gap
- * between the header and subsequent .data section. It's unclear why,
- * but LLD is aligning sections to a multiple of 32 bytes. */
- . = ALIGN(32);
- } > FLASH =0xFF
+ LONG(ADDR(.bss));
+ } > FLASH
- /* Text section, Code! */
- .text :
- {
- . = ALIGN(4);
- _text = .;
- KEEP (*(.start))
- *(.text*)
- *(.rodata*)
- KEEP (*(.syscalls))
- *(.ARM.extab*)
- . = ALIGN(4); /* Make sure we're word-aligned here */
- _etext = .;
- } > FLASH =0xFF
+ /* Text section -- the application's code. */
+ .text ALIGN(4) : {
+ *(.start)
+ *(.text)
+ } > FLASH
- /* Application stack */
- .stack (NOLOAD) :
- {
- /* elf2tab requires that the `_sram_origin` symbol be present to
- * mark the first address in the SRAM memory. Since ELF files do
- * not really need to specify this address as they only care about
- * loading into flash, we need to manually mark this address for
- * elf2tab. elf2tab will use it to add a fixed address header in the
- * TBF header if needed.
+ /* Read-only data section. Contains strings and other global constants. */
+ .rodata ALIGN(4) : {
+ *(.rodata)
+ /* .data is placed after .rodata in flash. data_flash_start is used by
+ * AT() to place .data in flash as well as in rt_header.
- _sram_origin = .;
- _sstack = .;
+ _data_flash_start = .;
+ } > FLASH
+ /* Sections located in RAM at runtime.
+ */
+ /* Reserve space for the stack. Aligned to a multiple of 16 bytes for the
+ * RISC-V calling convention:
+ *
+ */
+ .stack (NOLOAD) : {
- _stack_top_unaligned = .;
- . = ALIGN(8);
- _stack_top_aligned = .;
- } > SRAM
+ _stack_top = ALIGN(16); /* Used in rt_header */
+ } > RAM
- /* Data section, static initialized variables
- * Note: This is placed in Flash after the text section, but needs to be
- * moved to SRAM at runtime
+ /* Read-write data section. This is deployed as part of FLASH but is copied
+ * into RAM at runtime.
- .data : AT (_etext)
- {
- . = ALIGN(4); /* Make sure we're word-aligned here */
- _data = .;
- KEEP(*(.data*))
- *(.sdata*) /* RISC-V small-pointer data section */
- . = ALIGN(4); /* Make sure we're word-aligned at the end of flash */
- } > SRAM
- /* Global Offset Table */
- .got :
- {
- . = ALIGN(4); /* Make sure we're word-aligned here */
- _got = .;
- *(.got*)
- *(.got.plt*)
+ .data ALIGN(4) : AT(_data_flash_start) {
+ data_ram_start = .;
+ /* .sdata is the RISC-V small data section */
+ *(.sdata .data)
+ /* Pad to word alignment so the relocation loop can use word-sized
+ * copies.
+ */
. = ALIGN(4);
- } > SRAM
+ } > RAM
- /* BSS section, static uninitialized variables */
- .bss :
- {
- . = ALIGN(4); /* Make sure we're word-aligned here */
- _bss = .;
- KEEP(*(.bss* .sbss*))
- . = ALIGN(4);
- } > SRAM
- /* End of flash. */
- .endflash :
- {
- } > FLASH
- /* ARM Exception support
- *
- * This contains compiler-generated support for unwinding the stack,
- * consisting of key-value pairs of function addresses and information on
- * how to unwind stack frames.
- *
- *
- * .ARM.exidx is sorted, so has to go in its own output section.
- *
- * __NOTE__: It's at the end because we currently don't actually serialize
- * it to the binary in elf2tbf. If it was before the RAM sections, it would
- * through off our calculations of the header.
+ /* BSS section. These are zero-initialized static variables. This section is
+ * not copied from FLASH into RAM but rather directly initialized, and is
+ * mainly put in this linker script so that we get an error if it overflows
+ * the RAM region.
- PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__exidx_start = .);
- .ARM.exidx :
- {
- /* (C++) Index entries for section unwinding */
- *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
- } > FLASH
- PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__exidx_end = .);
+ .bss ALIGN(4) (NOLOAD) : {
+ /* .sbss is the RISC-V small data section */
+ *(.sbss .bss)
+ } > RAM
+ _heap_start = ADDR(.bss) + SIZEOF(.bss); /* Used by rt_header */
+ /* Sections we do not need. */
- *(.eh_frame)
+ *(.ARM.exidx .eh_frame)
-ASSERT((_stack_top_aligned - _stack_top_unaligned) == 0, "
-STACK_SIZE must be 8 byte multiple")