blob: d58ce5e4bae2918615d0886b9c862a66d73cc8f0 [file] [log] [blame]
use libtock_platform::{OneArgMemop, RawSyscalls, YieldType, ZeroArgMemop};
impl RawSyscalls for crate::TockSyscalls {
// This yield implementation is currently limited RISC-V versions without
// floating-point registers, as it does not mark them clobbered.
#[cfg(not(any(target_feature = "d", target_feature = "f")))]
fn raw_yield(r0_in: YieldType) -> u32 {
let mut r0 = r0_in as u32;
let mut _a4 = 0;
unsafe {
// x0 is a constant.
lateout("x1") _, // Return address
// x2-x4 are stack, global, and thread pointers. sp is
// callee-saved.
lateout("x5") _,
lateout("x6") _,
lateout("x7") _,
// x8 and x9 are callee-saved.
inlateout("x10") r0,
lateout("x11") _,
lateout("x12") _,
lateout("x13") _,
inlateout("x14") _a4,
lateout("x15") _,
lateout("x16") _,
lateout("x17") _,
// x18-27 (aka s2-s11) are callee-saved
lateout("x28") _,
lateout("x29") _,
lateout("x30") _,
lateout("x31") _,
unsafe fn four_arg_syscall(
mut r0: u32,
mut r1: u32,
mut r2: usize,
mut r3: usize,
class: u8,
) -> (u32, usize, usize, usize) {
inlateout("a0") r0,
inlateout("a1") r1,
inlateout("a2") r2,
inlateout("a3") r3,
in("a4") class,
options(preserves_flags, nostack),
(r0, r1 as usize, r2, r3)
fn zero_arg_memop(r0_in: ZeroArgMemop) -> (u32, usize) {
let mut r0 = r0_in as u32;
let r1;
unsafe {
inlateout("a0") r0,
lateout("a1") r1,
in("a4") 5,
options(preserves_flags, nostack, nomem),
(r0, r1)
fn one_arg_memop(r0_in: OneArgMemop, mut r1: usize) -> (u32, usize) {
let mut r0 = r0_in as u32;
unsafe {
inlateout("a0") r0,
inlateout("a1") r1,
in("a4") 5,
options(preserves_flags, nostack, nomem)
(r0, r1)