blob: c86da40bd98e03b2a313313d3447087c69f773f0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Implements `Syscalls` for all types that implement `RawSyscalls`.
use crate::{RawSyscalls, Syscalls, YieldNoWaitReturn};
mod yield_op {
pub const NO_WAIT: u32 = 0;
pub const WAIT: u32 = 1;
impl<S: RawSyscalls> Syscalls for S {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Yield
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
fn yield_no_wait() -> YieldNoWaitReturn {
unsafe {
// flag can be uninitialized because it is not read before the yield
// system call, and the kernel promises to only write to it (not
// read it).
let mut flag = core::mem::MaybeUninit::<YieldNoWaitReturn>::uninit();
// flag is safe to write a YieldNoWaitReturn to, as guaranteed by
// MaybeUninit.
Self::yield2(yield_op::NO_WAIT as *mut (), flag.as_mut_ptr() as *mut ());
// yield-no-wait guarantees it sets (initializes) flag before
// returning.
fn yield_wait() {
// Safety: yield-wait does not return a value, which satisfies yield1's
// requirement. The yield-wait system call cannot trigger undefined
// behavior on its own in any other way.
unsafe {
Self::yield1(yield_op::WAIT as *mut ());