Merge #272

272: Add the RISC-V entry point assembly to libtock_runtime r=hudson-ayers a=jrvanwhy

To support the entry point assembly, I rewrote the linker script ([link to the new version]( in case you don't want to see the diff).

The rust toolchain is unable to compile raw assembly files on its own. I don't want a separate toolchain to be a build requirement of `libtock-rs`, so instead I committed the compiled library into the repository. To keep the compiled library and source code in sync, I added an actions workflow that verifies the compiled library matches the provided sources.

There is one part of this PR I am unhappy with. I have to manually `strip` local symbols from the compiled library -- i.e., removing the `riscv64-linux-gnu-strip` invocation from `` gives the following:

Disassembly of section .start:

00000000 <start>:
   0:   00000417                auipc   s0,0x0
   4:   87aa                    mv      a5,a0
   6:   4384                    lw      s1,0(a5)
   8:   00940c63                beq     s0,s1,20 <.Lset_brk>
   c:   4521                    li      a0,8
   e:   4585                    li      a1,1
  10:   4609                    li      a2,2
  12:   4709                    li      a4,2
  14:   00000073                ecall
  18:   4501                    li      a0,0
  1a:   4719                    li      a4,6
  1c:   00000073                ecall

00000020 <.Lset_brk>:
  20:   4501                    li      a0,0
  22:   43cc                    lw      a1,4(a5)
  24:   4715                    li      a4,5
  26:   00000073                ecall
  2a:   0087a103                lw      sp,8(a5)
  2e:   47c8                    lw      a0,12(a5)
  30:   c909                    beqz    a0,42 <.Lzero_bss>
  32:   4b8c                    lw      a1,16(a5)
  34:   4bd0                    lw      a2,20(a5)

00000036 <.Ldata_loop_body>:
  36:   4194                    lw      a3,0(a1)
  38:   c214                    sw      a3,0(a2)
  3a:   1571                    addi    a0,a0,-4
  3c:   0591                    addi    a1,a1,4
  3e:   0611                    addi    a2,a2,4
  40:   f97d                    bnez    a0,36 <.Ldata_loop_body>

00000042 <.Lzero_bss>:
  42:   4f88                    lw      a0,24(a5)
  44:   c519                    beqz    a0,52 <.Lcall_rust_start>
  46:   4fcc                    lw      a1,28(a5)

00000048 <.Lbss_loop_body>:
  48:   00058023                sb      zero,0(a1)
  4c:   157d                    addi    a0,a0,-1
  4e:   0585                    addi    a1,a1,1
  50:   fd65                    bnez    a0,48 <.Lbss_loop_body>

00000052 <.Lcall_rust_start>:
  52:   fafff0ef                jal     ra,0 <start>

I'd appreciate advice on how to prevent `riscv64-linux-gnu-as` from including the local symbols in its output.

Co-authored-by: Johnathan Van Why <>
diff --git a/.cargo/config b/.cargo/config
index 96fe275..8292c1c 100644
--- a/.cargo/config
+++ b/.cargo/config
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
 rthumbv7em = "run --release --target=thumbv7em-none-eabi --example"
 rtv7em = "rthumbv7em"
-# Deny warnings on all architectures. build.rustflags cannot be used here as the lower section would override its effect.
-rustflags = ["-D", "warnings"]
 # Common settings for all embedded targets
 [target.'cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "riscv32"))']
 rustflags = [
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index f62bca8..e9b448b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -35,9 +35,16 @@
       # makefile can be tested locally. We experimentally determined that -j2 is
       # optimal for the Azure Standard_DS2_v2 VM, which is the VM type used by
       # GitHub Actions at the time of this writing.
+      #
+      # We have to append the "-D warnings" flag to .cargo/config rather than
+      # using the RUSTFLAGS environment variable because if we set RUSTFLAGS
+      # cargo will ignore the rustflags config in .cargo/config, breaking
+      # relocation.
       - name: Build and Test
         run: |
           sudo apt-get install binutils-riscv64-unknown-elf
           cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"
+          echo "[target.'cfg(all())']" >> .cargo/config
+          echo 'rustflags = ["-D", "warnings"]' >> .cargo/config
           make -j2 setup
           make -j2 test