| <!--ts--> |
| |
| * [Online Memory Allocation Overview in TensorFlow Lite Micro](#online-memory-allocation-overview-in-tensorflow-lite-micro) |
| * [Arena](#arena) |
| * [Existing buffers in the flatbuffer](#existing-buffers-in-the-flatbuffer) |
| * [Model Init Phase](#model-init-phase) |
| * [Model Prepare Phase](#model-prepare-phase) |
| * [Finish Model Allocation Phase](#finish-model-allocation-phase) |
| |
| <!-- Added by: kreeger, at: Wed Apr 28 10:52:04 CDT 2021 --> |
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| <!--te--> |
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| # Online Memory Allocation Overview in TensorFlow Lite Micro |
| |
| This document outlines how "online" memory is managed in TensorFlow Lite Micro |
| (TFLM). |
| |
| ## Arena |
| |
| Online memory planning strategically places allocations in a single `uint8_t` |
| buffer array. The buffer is split into two main sections: the “head” and the |
| “tail”. Generally, non-persistent allocations are placed in the “head” and |
| persistent allocations are placed in the “tail”. More details about the arena |
| can be [found here](memory_management.md#tensor-arena). |
| |
| ## Existing buffers in the flatbuffer |
| |
| The TFLite flatbuffer model contains a variety of information required to run a |
| model in TFLite or TFLM. The TFLM online memory planner will walk the main |
| subgraph and find all tensors required for the model (represented as |
| `TfLiteTensor` and `TfLiteEvalTensor` C structs at runtime). Persistent tensors |
| in the flatbuffer (e.g. weight tensors) will point at a buffer inlined in the |
| flatbuffer. These buffers are reused during online memory planning. The |
| corresponding C structures will point back at the buffer packed into the |
| flatbuffer. |
| |
| ## Model Init Phase |
| |
| Either through the first call of `MicroInterpreter::Invoke()` or an explicit |
| call to `MicroInterpreter::AllocateTensors()` the online model allocation will |
| begin. The `MicroInterpreter` instance will invoke |
| `MicroAllocator::StartModelAllocation()`. This function will begin pulling data |
| out of the serialized flatbuffer and begin walking through the main subgraph. |
| |
| The method `MicroAllocator::StartModelAllocation()` begins allocation in the |
| following order: |
| * Initializes internal state for scratch buffer allocations |
| * Allocates a list of `TfLiteEvalTensor` C structs based on the number of tensors |
| in the subgraph. |
| * Allocations are persistent and stored in the tail section. |
| * Tensors that reference buffers in the flatbuffer are assigned at this point. |
| * Allocates a list of `TfLiteRegistration` and `TfLiteNode` C structs for every |
| operator in the model subgraph |
| * Allocations are persistent and stored in the |
| tail section. |
| * Walks back through the list of subgraph operators and assigns |
| all C structs with relevant information from the flatbuffer. |
| |
| At the conclusion of this phase, the operator kernel implementations are ready |
| for calls to the `TfLiteRegistration::init()` function. The `MicroInterpreter` |
| walks through the operator list and invokes all operator implementations that |
| have this function. Typically, operator implementations return the object to |
| store in the `user_data` field of a `TfLiteNode` struct. |
| |
| ## Model Prepare Phase |
| |
| After the interpreter has initialized all operator kernels, another pass through |
| the subgraph is done. This time, each operator implementations that provides a |
| `TfLiteRegistration::prepare()` function is called. This phase in TFLM is used |
| for kernels to verify capabilities from model information, validate shapes, |
| allocate any scratch buffers requested (through |
| `TfLiteContext::GetScratchBuffer()`), and calculate quantization runtime data. |
| |
| At this time, operator implementation will request tensor data through the |
| `TfLiteTensor` C struct. This struct is heavier and contains more information |
| that operators will need during this phase of initialization. Internally, TFLM |
| will allocate these instances per request in the temp section. The temp section |
| is the space between the head and the tail in the arena. During the prepare |
| phase, nothing is yet been placed in the head section. This extra space between |
| the head and tail is used to allocate buffers that are available until |
| `MicroAllocator::ResetTempAllocations()` is called. Additional information |
| [available here](memory_management.md#temporary-section). |
| |
| NOTE: The `TfLiteTensor` struct is only available in TFLM during |
| `TfLiteRegistration::prepare()`, after this allocation phase tensor data can |
| only be accessed via a `TfLiteEvalTensor` struct. |
| |
| Additionally, at this time each operator implementation may request scratch |
| buffer requests through `TfLiteContext::RequestScratchBufferInArena()`. These |
| requests are limited to `kMaxScratchBuffersPerOp` and are stored in an instance |
| variable for each operator prepare block. All requests are eventually moved to |
| the head section when the interpreter moves to the next operator. |
| |
| After each call to `TfLiteRegistration::prepare()` the `MicroInterpreter` calls |
| `MicroAllocator::FinishPrepareNodeAllocations()`. This method resets temp |
| allocations and begins to store all scratch buffer requests inside the head |
| section of the arena. |
| |
| After all operators have been prepared, the `MicroInterpreter` calls |
| `MicroAllocator::FinishModelAllocation()` to begin finalizing the online memory |
| plan. |
| |
| ## Finish Model Allocation Phase |
| |
| The last phase of online memory planning is handled in |
| `MicroAllocator::FinishModelAllocation()`. This function performs the following |
| tasks |
| |
| * Allocates space in the tail for all persistent buffer requests that are |
| currently in the head. |
| * Commits Static Memory Plan |
| * Uses the `GreedyMemoryPlanner` to optimize the non-persistent space in |
| the head. |
| * Optimizes for the operator that requires the largest byte-width buffer. |
| * Allocates pointers in the tail that provide pointers into shared space |
| and offsets in the head. |
| * Sets the size of the head based on the result of |
| `GreedyMemoryPlanner::GetMaxiumMemorySize()`. |
| * Allocates variable tensor buffers in the tail section. |
| |
| Once TFLM has finalized online model allocation, all buffers are prepared and |
| ready for optimal speed for inference. The system no longer enables operator |
| implementations to allocate scratch buffers after this point. |