| /* Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| ==============================================================================*/ |
| |
| #include <math.h> |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| |
| #include <cstddef> |
| |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/c/builtin_op_data.h" |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h" |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/compatibility.h" |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/quantization_util.h" |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/tensor_ctypes.h" |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/kernel_util.h" |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels/xtensa/lstm_eval.h" |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels/xtensa/lstm_shared.h" |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/micro/micro_log.h" |
| |
| // TODO(b/230666079): Flatten the namespace to match the builtin kernel |
| // implementation |
| namespace tflite { |
| namespace ops { |
| namespace micro { |
| // namespace unidirectional_sequence_lstm { |
| namespace { |
| |
| struct OpData { |
| // If the lstm is layer norm. |
| bool use_layer_norm; |
| // The scratch tensor index. |
| int scratch_tensor_index; |
| bool compute_row_sums = false; |
| |
| lstm_eval::IntegerLstmParameter integer_lstm_param; |
| }; |
| |
| TfLiteStatus PopulateQuantizedLstmParams8x8_16( |
| TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node, |
| lstm_eval::IntegerLstmParameter* integer_lstm_param) { |
| // Calculate quantized clip for projection and cell. |
| const auto* params = |
| static_cast<TfLiteUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMParams*>(node->builtin_data); |
| const float cell_clip = static_cast<float>(params->cell_clip); |
| const float proj_clip = static_cast<float>(params->proj_clip); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_state = |
| GetVariableInput(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellStateTensor); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, cell_state != nullptr); |
| TfLiteTensor* output_tensor; |
| context, GetOutputSafe(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kOutputTensor, |
| &output_tensor)); |
| |
| auto* cell_state_params = |
| static_cast<TfLiteAffineQuantization*>(cell_state->quantization.params); |
| auto* proj_params = static_cast<TfLiteAffineQuantization*>( |
| output_tensor->quantization.params); |
| if (cell_clip > static_cast<float>(0.0)) { |
| integer_lstm_param->quantized_cell_clip = static_cast<int16_t>(std::min( |
| std::max(cell_clip / cell_state_params->scale->data[0], -32768.0f), |
| 32767.0f)); |
| } else { |
| integer_lstm_param->quantized_cell_clip = 0; |
| } |
| if (proj_clip > static_cast<float>(0.0)) { |
| integer_lstm_param->quantized_proj_clip = static_cast<int8_t>(std::min( |
| std::max(proj_clip / proj_params->scale->data[0], -128.0f), 127.0f)); |
| } else { |
| integer_lstm_param->quantized_proj_clip = 0; |
| } |
| |
| // Calculate effective scales. |
| OpData* op_data = static_cast<OpData*>(node->user_data); |
| const bool use_layer_norm = op_data->use_layer_norm; |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* input; |
| context, |
| GetInputSafe(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputTensor, &input)); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_to_input_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToInputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_to_forget_weights; |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kInputToForgetWeightsTensor, |
| &input_to_forget_weights)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_to_cell_weights; |
| context, |
| GetInputSafe(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToCellWeightsTensor, |
| &input_to_cell_weights)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_to_output_weights; |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kInputToOutputWeightsTensor, |
| &input_to_output_weights)); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* recurrent_to_input_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToInputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* recurrent_to_forget_weights; |
| context, GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToForgetWeightsTensor, |
| &recurrent_to_forget_weights)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* recurrent_to_cell_weights; |
| context, GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToCellWeightsTensor, |
| &recurrent_to_cell_weights)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* recurrent_to_output_weights; |
| context, GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToOutputWeightsTensor, |
| &recurrent_to_output_weights)); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_to_input_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellToInputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_to_forget_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellToForgetWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_to_output_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellToOutputWeightsTensor); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_layer_norm_coefficients = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* forget_layer_norm_coefficients = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kForgetLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_layer_norm_coefficients = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* output_layer_norm_coefficients = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kOutputLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* projection_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kProjectionWeightsTensor); |
| |
| TfLiteTensor* output_state = |
| GetVariableInput(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kOutputStateTensor); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, output_state != nullptr); |
| |
| // Since we have already checked that weights are all there or none, we can |
| // check the existence of only one to get the condition. |
| const bool use_cifg = (input_to_input_weights == nullptr); |
| const bool use_peephole = (cell_to_output_weights != nullptr); |
| const bool use_projection = (projection_weights != nullptr); |
| |
| // Get intermediate scales and zero points. |
| constexpr size_t kIntermediateCount = 5; |
| float intermediate_scale[kIntermediateCount]; |
| int32_t intermediate_zp[kIntermediateCount]; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { |
| if (use_layer_norm) { |
| TfLiteTensor* intermediate = |
| context->GetTensor(context, node->intermediates->data[i]); |
| auto* tmp_params = static_cast<TfLiteAffineQuantization*>( |
| intermediate->quantization.params); |
| intermediate_scale[i] = tmp_params->scale->data[0]; |
| intermediate_zp[i] = tmp_params->zero_point->data[0]; |
| } else { |
| // Q3.12 for activation functions. |
| intermediate_scale[i] = std::pow(2, -12); |
| intermediate_zp[i] = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| // In the absence of projection, hidden becomes otuput and this intermediate |
| // is ignored. |
| TfLiteTensor* hidden = |
| context->GetTensor(context, node->intermediates->data[4]); |
| auto* hidden_params = |
| static_cast<TfLiteAffineQuantization*>(hidden->quantization.params); |
| intermediate_scale[4] = hidden_params->scale->data[0]; |
| intermediate_zp[4] = hidden_params->zero_point->data[0]; |
| |
| // Scales. |
| const float default_scale = 1.0; |
| float input_scale = default_scale; |
| float input_to_input_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float recurrent_to_input_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float cell_to_input_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float input_to_forget_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float recurrent_to_forget_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float cell_to_forget_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float input_to_cell_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float recurrent_to_cell_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float input_to_output_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float recurrent_to_output_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float cell_to_output_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float projection_weight_scale = default_scale; |
| float layer_norm_input_scale = default_scale; |
| float layer_norm_forget_scale = default_scale; |
| float layer_norm_cell_scale = default_scale; |
| float layer_norm_output_scale = default_scale; |
| float output_state_scale = default_scale; |
| int cell_scale = 1; |
| |
| // Effective scales. |
| float effective_input_to_input_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_recurrent_to_input_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_cell_to_input_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_input_to_forget_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_recurrent_to_forget_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_cell_to_forget_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_input_to_cell_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_recurrent_to_cell_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_input_to_output_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_recurrent_to_output_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_cell_to_output_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_proj_scale = default_scale; |
| float effective_hidden_scale = default_scale; |
| |
| // Populate scales. |
| if (!use_cifg) { |
| input_to_input_weight_scale = input_to_input_weights->params.scale; |
| recurrent_to_input_weight_scale = recurrent_to_input_weights->params.scale; |
| } |
| |
| if (use_peephole) { |
| if (!use_cifg) { |
| cell_to_input_weight_scale = cell_to_input_weights->params.scale; |
| } |
| cell_to_forget_weight_scale = cell_to_forget_weights->params.scale; |
| cell_to_output_weight_scale = cell_to_output_weights->params.scale; |
| } |
| |
| if (use_layer_norm) { |
| if (!use_cifg) { |
| layer_norm_input_scale = input_layer_norm_coefficients->params.scale; |
| } |
| layer_norm_forget_scale = forget_layer_norm_coefficients->params.scale; |
| layer_norm_cell_scale = cell_layer_norm_coefficients->params.scale; |
| layer_norm_output_scale = output_layer_norm_coefficients->params.scale; |
| } |
| |
| if (use_projection) { |
| projection_weight_scale = projection_weights->params.scale; |
| } |
| output_state_scale = output_state->params.scale; |
| |
| input_to_forget_weight_scale = input_to_forget_weights->params.scale; |
| input_to_cell_weight_scale = input_to_cell_weights->params.scale; |
| input_to_output_weight_scale = input_to_output_weights->params.scale; |
| recurrent_to_forget_weight_scale = recurrent_to_forget_weights->params.scale; |
| recurrent_to_cell_weight_scale = recurrent_to_cell_weights->params.scale; |
| recurrent_to_output_weight_scale = recurrent_to_output_weights->params.scale; |
| |
| // Check cell state (already used above) |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, CheckedLog2(cell_state->params.scale, &cell_scale)); |
| // TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, cell_scale <= -9); |
| integer_lstm_param->cell_scale = cell_scale; |
| input_scale = input->params.scale; |
| |
| // Calculate effective scales. |
| if (!use_cifg) { |
| effective_input_to_input_scale = |
| input_to_input_weight_scale * input_scale / intermediate_scale[0]; |
| effective_recurrent_to_input_scale = recurrent_to_input_weight_scale * |
| output_state_scale / |
| intermediate_scale[0]; |
| } |
| effective_input_to_forget_scale = |
| input_to_forget_weight_scale * input_scale / intermediate_scale[1]; |
| effective_recurrent_to_forget_scale = recurrent_to_forget_weight_scale * |
| output_state_scale / |
| intermediate_scale[1]; |
| |
| effective_input_to_cell_scale = |
| input_to_cell_weight_scale * input_scale / intermediate_scale[2]; |
| effective_recurrent_to_cell_scale = recurrent_to_cell_weight_scale * |
| output_state_scale / |
| intermediate_scale[2]; |
| |
| effective_input_to_output_scale = |
| input_to_output_weight_scale * input_scale / intermediate_scale[3]; |
| effective_recurrent_to_output_scale = recurrent_to_output_weight_scale * |
| output_state_scale / |
| intermediate_scale[3]; |
| |
| effective_hidden_scale = std::pow((float)2, (float)-15) / |
| intermediate_scale[4] * |
| std::pow((float)2, (float)-15); |
| |
| effective_proj_scale = |
| projection_weight_scale * intermediate_scale[4] / output_state_scale; |
| |
| if (use_peephole) { |
| if (!use_cifg) { |
| effective_cell_to_input_scale = |
| std::pow((float)(2), (float)cell_scale) * // NOLINT |
| (float)(cell_to_input_weight_scale) / intermediate_scale[0]; |
| } |
| effective_cell_to_forget_scale = |
| std::pow((float)2, (float)cell_scale) * // NOLINT |
| (float)cell_to_forget_weight_scale / intermediate_scale[1]; |
| effective_cell_to_output_scale = |
| std::pow((float)2, (float)cell_scale) * // NOLINT |
| (float)cell_to_output_weight_scale / intermediate_scale[3]; |
| } |
| |
| // Decompose scales. |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_input_to_input_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_input_to_input_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_input_to_input_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_recurrent_to_input_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_recurrent_to_input_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_recurrent_to_input_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_cell_to_input_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_cell_to_input_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_cell_to_input_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_input_to_forget_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_input_to_forget_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_input_to_forget_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier( |
| static_cast<double>(effective_recurrent_to_forget_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_recurrent_to_forget_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_recurrent_to_forget_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_cell_to_forget_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_cell_to_forget_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_cell_to_forget_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_input_to_cell_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_input_to_cell_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_input_to_cell_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_recurrent_to_cell_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_recurrent_to_cell_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_recurrent_to_cell_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_input_to_output_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_input_to_output_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_input_to_output_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier( |
| static_cast<double>(effective_recurrent_to_output_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_recurrent_to_output_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_recurrent_to_output_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_cell_to_output_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_cell_to_output_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_cell_to_output_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_proj_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_proj_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_proj_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(effective_hidden_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_hidden_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->effective_hidden_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(layer_norm_input_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->layer_norm_input_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->layer_norm_input_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(layer_norm_forget_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->layer_norm_forget_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->layer_norm_forget_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(layer_norm_cell_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->layer_norm_cell_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->layer_norm_cell_scale_b); |
| QuantizeMultiplier(static_cast<double>(layer_norm_output_scale), |
| &integer_lstm_param->layer_norm_output_scale_a, |
| &integer_lstm_param->layer_norm_output_scale_b); |
| |
| integer_lstm_param->hidden_zp = intermediate_zp[4]; |
| |
| // 10000 is used to make sure the kernel logic does not overflow. |
| if (!use_cifg) { |
| integer_lstm_param->input_variance_guard = |
| std::max(static_cast<int32_t>(1), |
| static_cast<int32_t>(10000 * layer_norm_input_scale)); |
| } |
| integer_lstm_param->forget_variance_guard = |
| std::max(static_cast<int32_t>(1), |
| static_cast<int32_t>(10000 * layer_norm_forget_scale)); |
| integer_lstm_param->cell_variance_guard = |
| std::max(static_cast<int32_t>(1), |
| static_cast<int32_t>(10000 * layer_norm_cell_scale)); |
| integer_lstm_param->output_variance_guard = |
| std::max(static_cast<int32_t>(1), |
| static_cast<int32_t>(10000 * layer_norm_output_scale)); |
| |
| return kTfLiteOk; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // Temporary tensors |
| enum TemporaryTensor { |
| kScratchBuffer = 0, |
| kInputQuantized = 1, |
| kOutputStateQuantized = 2, |
| kCellStateQuantized = 3, |
| kInputScalingFactors = 4, |
| kOutputStateScalingFactors = 5, |
| kProductScalingFactors = 6, |
| kRecoveredCellWeights = 7, |
| kAccumScratch = 8, |
| kInputZeroPoints = 9, |
| kOutputStateZeroPoints = 10, |
| kRowSums = 11, |
| kNumTemporaryTensors = 12, |
| }; |
| |
| void* Init(TfLiteContext* context, const char* buffer, size_t length) { |
| OpData* op_data = reinterpret_cast<OpData*>( |
| context->AllocatePersistentBuffer(context, sizeof(OpData))); |
| |
| return op_data; |
| } |
| |
| // Check that input tensor dimensions matches with each other. |
| TfLiteStatus CheckInputTensorDimensions(TfLiteContext* context, |
| TfLiteNode* node, int n_input, |
| int n_output, int n_cell, |
| bool use_layer_norm, bool is_integer) { |
| const auto* params = reinterpret_cast<TfLiteLSTMParams*>(node->builtin_data); |
| |
| // Making sure clipping parameters have valid values. |
| // == 0 means no clipping |
| // > 0 means clipping |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, params->cell_clip >= 0); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, params->proj_clip >= 0); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_to_input_weights = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToInputWeightsTensor); |
| if (input_to_input_weights != nullptr) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_input_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_input_weights->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_input_weights->dims->data[1], n_input); |
| } |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_to_forget_weights = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToForgetWeightsTensor); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_forget_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_forget_weights->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_forget_weights->dims->data[1], n_input); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_to_cell_weights = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToCellWeightsTensor); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_cell_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_cell_weights->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_cell_weights->dims->data[1], n_input); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* recurrent_to_input_weights = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToInputWeightsTensor); |
| if (recurrent_to_input_weights != nullptr) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_input_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_input_weights->dims->data[0], |
| n_cell); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_input_weights->dims->data[1], |
| n_output); |
| } |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* recurrent_to_forget_weights = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToForgetWeightsTensor); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_forget_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_forget_weights->dims->data[0], |
| n_cell); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_forget_weights->dims->data[1], |
| n_output); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* recurrent_to_cell_weights = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToCellWeightsTensor); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_cell_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_cell_weights->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_cell_weights->dims->data[1], |
| n_output); |
| |
| // We make sure the input-gate's parameters are either both present (regular |
| // LSTM) or not at all (CIFG-LSTM). |
| const bool cifg_weights_all_or_none = |
| ((input_to_input_weights != nullptr) && |
| (recurrent_to_input_weights != nullptr)) || |
| ((input_to_input_weights == nullptr) && |
| (recurrent_to_input_weights == nullptr)); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, cifg_weights_all_or_none == true); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_to_input_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellToInputWeightsTensor); |
| if (cell_to_input_weights != nullptr) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_to_input_weights->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_to_input_weights->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| context, cell_to_input_weights->type, |
| is_integer ? kTfLiteInt16 : input_to_forget_weights->type); |
| } |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_to_forget_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, lstm::full::kCellToForgetWeightsTensor); |
| if (cell_to_forget_weights != nullptr) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_to_forget_weights->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_to_forget_weights->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| context, cell_to_forget_weights->type, |
| is_integer ? kTfLiteInt16 : input_to_forget_weights->type); |
| } |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_to_output_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellToOutputWeightsTensor); |
| if (cell_to_output_weights != nullptr) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_to_output_weights->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_to_output_weights->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| context, cell_to_output_weights->type, |
| is_integer ? kTfLiteInt16 : input_to_forget_weights->type); |
| } |
| |
| // Making sure the peephole weights are there all or none. |
| const bool use_cifg = (input_to_input_weights == nullptr); |
| const bool peephole_weights_all_or_none = |
| ((cell_to_input_weights != nullptr || use_cifg) && |
| (cell_to_forget_weights != nullptr) && |
| (cell_to_output_weights != nullptr)) || |
| ((cell_to_input_weights == nullptr) && |
| (cell_to_forget_weights == nullptr) && |
| (cell_to_output_weights == nullptr)); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, peephole_weights_all_or_none == true); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_gate_bias = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputGateBiasTensor); |
| |
| if (use_cifg) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_gate_bias, nullptr); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_gate_bias->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_gate_bias->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, input_gate_bias->type, kTfLiteInt32); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, input_gate_bias->type, kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| } |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* forget_gate_bias = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kForgetGateBiasTensor); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, forget_gate_bias->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, forget_gate_bias->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, forget_gate_bias->type, kTfLiteInt32); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, forget_gate_bias->type, kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_gate_bias = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellGateBiasTensor); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_gate_bias->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_gate_bias->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, cell_gate_bias->type, kTfLiteInt32); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, cell_gate_bias->type, kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* output_gate_bias = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kOutputGateBiasTensor); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, output_gate_bias->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, output_gate_bias->dims->data[0], n_cell); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, output_gate_bias->type, kTfLiteInt32); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, output_gate_bias->type, kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* projection_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kProjectionWeightsTensor); |
| if (projection_weights != nullptr) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, projection_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, projection_weights->dims->data[0], n_output); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, projection_weights->dims->data[1], n_cell); |
| } |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* projection_bias = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kProjectionBiasTensor); |
| if (projection_bias != nullptr) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, projection_bias->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, projection_bias->dims->data[0], n_output); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, projection_bias->type, kTfLiteInt32); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, projection_bias->type, kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Making sure the projection tensors are consistent: |
| // 1) If projection weight is not present, then projection bias should not be |
| // present. |
| // 2) If projection weight is present, then projection bias is optional. |
| const bool projecton_tensors_consistent = |
| ((projection_weights != nullptr) || (projection_bias == nullptr)); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, projecton_tensors_consistent == true); |
| |
| if (use_layer_norm) { |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_layer_norm_coefficients = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kInputLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| if (use_cifg) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_layer_norm_coefficients, nullptr); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, input_layer_norm_coefficients != nullptr); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_layer_norm_coefficients->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_layer_norm_coefficients->dims->data[0], |
| n_cell); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, input_layer_norm_coefficients->type, |
| kTfLiteInt16); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, input_layer_norm_coefficients->type, |
| kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| } |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* forget_layer_norm_coefficients = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kForgetLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, forget_layer_norm_coefficients->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, forget_layer_norm_coefficients->dims->data[0], |
| n_cell); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, forget_layer_norm_coefficients->type, |
| kTfLiteInt16); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, forget_layer_norm_coefficients->type, |
| kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_layer_norm_coefficients = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_layer_norm_coefficients->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, cell_layer_norm_coefficients->dims->data[0], |
| n_cell); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, cell_layer_norm_coefficients->type, |
| kTfLiteInt16); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, cell_layer_norm_coefficients->type, |
| kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* output_layer_norm_coefficients = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kOutputLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, output_layer_norm_coefficients->dims->size, 1); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, output_layer_norm_coefficients->dims->data[0], |
| n_cell); |
| if (is_integer) { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, output_layer_norm_coefficients->type, |
| kTfLiteInt16); |
| } else { |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, output_layer_norm_coefficients->type, |
| kTfLiteFloat32); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return kTfLiteOk; |
| } |
| |
| TfLiteStatus PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| TfLiteContext* context, int32_t zero_point, |
| const TfLiteTensor* weight_tensor, const TfLiteTensor* bias_tensor, |
| std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]>* output) { |
| if (weight_tensor == nullptr) { |
| return kTfLiteOk; |
| } |
| |
| const RuntimeShape& weight_shape = GetTensorShape(weight_tensor); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, weight_shape.DimensionsCount(), 2); |
| const int row = weight_shape.Dims(0); |
| const int col = weight_shape.Dims(1); |
| output->reset(new int32_t[row]); |
| if (bias_tensor == nullptr) { |
| memset(output->get(), 0, row * sizeof(int32_t)); |
| } else { |
| const int32_t* bias = GetTensorData<int32_t>(bias_tensor); |
| memcpy(output->get(), bias, row * sizeof(int32_t)); |
| } |
| if (zero_point != 0) { |
| const int8_t* weight = GetTensorData<int8_t>(weight_tensor); |
| tensor_utils::PortableMatrixScalarMultiplyAccumulate( |
| weight, zero_point, row, col, output->get()); |
| } |
| return kTfLiteOk; |
| } |
| |
| TfLiteStatus PopulatePrecomputedZPTimesWeightsWithBias(TfLiteContext* context, |
| OpData* op_data, |
| TfLiteNode* node) { |
| const TfLiteTensor* input; |
| context, |
| GetInputSafe(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputTensor, &input)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* output_state = |
| GetVariableInput(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kOutputStateTensor); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, output_state != nullptr); |
| |
| const int32_t input_zero_point = -input->params.zero_point; |
| const int32_t output_state_zero_point = -output_state->params.zero_point; |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_to_input_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToInputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_to_forget_weights; |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kInputToForgetWeightsTensor, |
| &input_to_forget_weights)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_to_cell_weights; |
| context, |
| GetInputSafe(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToCellWeightsTensor, |
| &input_to_cell_weights)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_to_output_weights; |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kInputToOutputWeightsTensor, |
| &input_to_output_weights)); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* recurrent_to_input_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToInputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* recurrent_to_forget_weights; |
| context, GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToForgetWeightsTensor, |
| &recurrent_to_forget_weights)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* recurrent_to_cell_weights; |
| context, GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToCellWeightsTensor, |
| &recurrent_to_cell_weights)); |
| const TfLiteTensor* recurrent_to_output_weights; |
| context, GetInputSafe(context, node, |
| micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToOutputWeightsTensor, |
| &recurrent_to_output_weights)); |
| |
| const TfLiteTensor* projection_weights = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, lstm::full::kProjectionWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteTensor* projection_bias = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kProjectionBiasTensor); |
| |
| lstm_eval::IntegerLstmParameter* integer_lstm_params = |
| &op_data->integer_lstm_param; |
| |
| TfLiteTensor* intermediate = |
| context->GetTensor(context, node->intermediates->data[4]); |
| const auto* params = |
| static_cast<TfLiteAffineQuantization*>(intermediate->quantization.params); |
| const int32_t hidden_zp = params->zero_point->data[0]; |
| |
| // Get bias and perform zero point calculation. |
| // When there is layer normalization, the gate bias does not apply to matmul |
| // directly: |
| // y = ln(w * x + w * r + w * c) + b. |
| const bool is_layer_norm = op_data->use_layer_norm; |
| |
| // Forget gate. |
| const TfLiteTensor* forget_gate_bias = |
| is_layer_norm |
| ? nullptr |
| : GetInput(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kForgetGateBiasTensor); |
| context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, input_zero_point, input_to_forget_weights, forget_gate_bias, |
| &(integer_lstm_params->input_to_forget_effective_bias))); |
| |
| context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, output_state_zero_point, recurrent_to_forget_weights, |
| nullptr, &(integer_lstm_params->recurrent_to_forget_effective_bias))); |
| |
| // Modulation gate. |
| const TfLiteTensor* cell_gate_bias = |
| is_layer_norm |
| ? nullptr |
| : GetInput(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellGateBiasTensor); |
| context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, input_zero_point, input_to_cell_weights, cell_gate_bias, |
| &(integer_lstm_params->input_to_cell_effective_bias))); |
| context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, output_state_zero_point, recurrent_to_cell_weights, nullptr, |
| &(integer_lstm_params->recurrent_to_cell_effective_bias))); |
| |
| // Output gate. |
| const TfLiteTensor* output_gate_bias = |
| is_layer_norm |
| ? nullptr |
| : GetInput(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kOutputGateBiasTensor); |
| context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, input_zero_point, input_to_output_weights, output_gate_bias, |
| &(integer_lstm_params->input_to_output_effective_bias))); |
| |
| context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, output_state_zero_point, recurrent_to_output_weights, |
| nullptr, &(integer_lstm_params->recurrent_to_output_effective_bias))); |
| |
| // Input gate. The calculation is only meaningful for non-cifg case. |
| const TfLiteTensor* input_gate_bias = |
| is_layer_norm |
| ? nullptr |
| : GetInput(context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputGateBiasTensor); |
| context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, input_zero_point, input_to_input_weights, input_gate_bias, |
| &(integer_lstm_params->input_to_input_effective_bias))); |
| context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, output_state_zero_point, recurrent_to_input_weights, nullptr, |
| &(integer_lstm_params->recurrent_to_input_effective_bias))); |
| |
| // Projection bias. The calculation is only meaningful for with projection. |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| PrecomputeZeroPointTimesWeightWithBias( |
| context, hidden_zp, projection_weights, projection_bias, |
| &(integer_lstm_params->projection_effective_bias))); |
| return kTfLiteOk; |
| } |
| |
| // Resize the output and state tensors based on the sizes of the input tensors. |
| // Allocate a temporary scratch tensor. Also check that the sizes of the input |
| // tensors match each other. |
| TfLiteStatus Prepare(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) { |
| OpData* op_data = reinterpret_cast<OpData*>(node->user_data); |
| // const int scratch_tensor_index = op_data->scratch_tensor_index; |
| |
| // Check we have all the inputs and outputs we need. |
| bool use_layer_norm = false; |
| if (node->inputs->size == 24) { |
| const TfLiteTensor* forget_layer_norm_coefficients = GetOptionalInputTensor( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kForgetLayerNormCoefficientsTensor); |
| if (forget_layer_norm_coefficients == nullptr) { |
| use_layer_norm = false; |
| } else { |
| use_layer_norm = true; |
| } |
| } else if (node->inputs->size == 20) { |
| // This is deprecated and is only kept here for backward compatibility. |
| use_layer_norm = false; |
| } else { |
| MicroPrintf("The LSTM Full kernel expects 20 or 24 inputs. Got %d inputs", |
| node->inputs->size); |
| return kTfLiteError; |
| } |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, node->outputs->size, 1); |
| op_data->use_layer_norm = use_layer_norm; |
| |
| // Inferring batch size, number of outputs and sequence length and |
| // number of cells from the input tensors. |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputTensor); |
| const bool is_integer = input->type == kTfLiteInt8; |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, input->dims->size > 1); |
| const auto* params = |
| reinterpret_cast<TfLiteUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMParams*>( |
| node->builtin_data); |
| const bool time_major = params->time_major; |
| const int n_batch = time_major ? input->dims->data[1] : input->dims->data[0]; |
| const int n_input = input->dims->data[2]; |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_to_output_weights = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToOutputWeightsTensor); |
| const int n_cell = input_to_output_weights->dims->data[0]; |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_output_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, input_to_output_weights->dims->data[1], n_input); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* recurrent_to_output_weights = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToOutputWeightsTensor); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_output_weights->dims->size, 2); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, recurrent_to_output_weights->dims->data[0], |
| n_cell); |
| const int n_output = recurrent_to_output_weights->dims->data[1]; |
| |
| // Check that input tensor dimensions matches with each other. |
| context, CheckInputTensorDimensions(context, node, n_input, n_output, |
| n_cell, use_layer_norm, is_integer)); |
| // Get the pointer to output, output_state and cell_state buffer tensors. |
| // TfLiteEvalTensor* output = |
| // tflite::micro::GetEvalOutput(context, node, |
| // micro::lstm::full::kOutputTensor); |
| TfLiteEvalTensor* output_state = tflite::micro::GetMutableEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kOutputStateTensor); |
| TFLITE_DCHECK(output_state != nullptr); |
| TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_state = tflite::micro::GetMutableEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kCellStateTensor); |
| TFLITE_DCHECK(cell_state != nullptr); |
| // Check the shape of input state tensors. |
| // These tensor may be 1D or 2D. It's fine as long as the total size is |
| // correct. |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, NumElements(output_state->dims), |
| n_batch * n_output); |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, NumElements(cell_state->dims), n_batch * n_cell); |
| |
| if (is_integer) { |
| const int num_intermediate_tensors = node->intermediates->size; |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, num_intermediate_tensors == 5); |
| } |
| |
| if (is_integer) { |
| // Integer UnidirectionalSequenceLSTM prepare function for 8x8->16. |
| // This code path needs 5 intermediate tensors per Op. |
| // Populate quantization parameters. |
| PopulateQuantizedLstmParams8x8_16(context, node, |
| &op_data->integer_lstm_param); |
| // Allocate scratch buffer. Need 6 16bit buffer with size n_batch * n_cell |
| // and 1 8bit buffer with size n_batch * n_cell. We also need 1 32 bit |
| // buffer with size n_batch * n_cell. |
| // |
| // Handle cifg case as well, which might save one buffer. |
| |
| int scratch_idx = 0; |
| |
| context->RequestScratchBufferInArena( |
| context, n_batch * n_cell * sizeof(int32_t), &(scratch_idx)); |
| op_data->scratch_tensor_index = scratch_idx; |
| |
| for (int scratch_index = 1; scratch_index < 6; ++scratch_index) { |
| // node->temporaries->data[scratch_index] = op_data->scratch_tensor_index |
| // + scratch_index; |
| context->RequestScratchBufferInArena( |
| context, n_batch * n_cell * sizeof(int32_t), &(scratch_idx)); |
| TFLITE_DCHECK(scratch_idx == |
| (op_data->scratch_tensor_index + scratch_index)); |
| } |
| |
| // Populate precomputed zp * weight. |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, PopulatePrecomputedZPTimesWeightsWithBias( |
| context, op_data, node)); |
| } |
| |
| return kTfLiteOk; |
| } |
| |
| TfLiteStatus Eval(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) { |
| const auto* params = |
| reinterpret_cast<TfLiteUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMParams*>( |
| node->builtin_data); |
| const OpData* op_data = reinterpret_cast<OpData*>(node->user_data); |
| // const bool use_layer_norm = op_data->use_layer_norm; |
| // const bool time_major = params->time_major; |
| |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_to_input_weights = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToInputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_to_forget_weights = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToForgetWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_to_cell_weights = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToCellWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_to_output_weights = tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kInputToOutputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* recurrent_to_input_weights = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToInputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* recurrent_to_forget_weights = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToForgetWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* recurrent_to_cell_weights = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToCellWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* recurrent_to_output_weights = |
| tflite::micro::GetEvalInput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kRecurrentToOutputWeightsTensor); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_to_input_weights = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, |
| node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kCellToInputWeightsTensor]); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_to_forget_weights = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, |
| node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kCellToForgetWeightsTensor]); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_to_output_weights = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, |
| node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kCellToOutputWeightsTensor]); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_gate_bias = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kInputGateBiasTensor]); |
| |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* forget_gate_bias = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kForgetGateBiasTensor]); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_gate_bias = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kCellGateBiasTensor]); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* output_gate_bias = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kOutputGateBiasTensor]); |
| |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* projection_weights = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kProjectionWeightsTensor]); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* projection_bias = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kProjectionBiasTensor]); |
| |
| TfLiteEvalTensor* output_state = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kOutputStateTensor]); |
| TFLITE_DCHECK(output_state != nullptr); |
| TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_state = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kCellStateTensor]); |
| TFLITE_DCHECK(cell_state != nullptr); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_layer_norm_coefficients = |
| context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, |
| node->inputs |
| ->data[micro::lstm::full::kInputLayerNormCoefficientsTensor]); |
| |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* forget_layer_norm_coefficients = |
| context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, |
| node->inputs |
| ->data[micro::lstm::full::kForgetLayerNormCoefficientsTensor]); |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* cell_layer_norm_coefficients = context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, |
| node->inputs->data[micro::lstm::full::kCellLayerNormCoefficientsTensor]); |
| |
| const TfLiteEvalTensor* output_layer_norm_coefficients = |
| context->GetEvalTensor( |
| context, |
| node->inputs |
| ->data[micro::lstm::full::kOutputLayerNormCoefficientsTensor]); |
| |
| TfLiteEvalTensor* output = tflite::micro::GetEvalOutput( |
| context, node, micro::lstm::full::kOutputTensor); |
| |
| // Copy out the LSTM specific params so they can be passed in the function. |
| TfLiteLSTMParams lstm_params; |
| lstm_params.activation = params->activation; |
| lstm_params.cell_clip = params->cell_clip; |
| lstm_params.proj_clip = params->proj_clip; |
| lstm_params.asymmetric_quantize_inputs = params->asymmetric_quantize_inputs; |
| switch (input_to_output_weights->type) { |
| case kTfLiteInt8: { |
| const bool is_hybrid = input->type == kTfLiteFloat32; |
| if (is_hybrid) { |
| MicroPrintf(" hybrid type is not supported."); |
| return kTfLiteError; |
| |
| } else { |
| TfLiteEvalTensor* scratch[6]; |
| // Allocate scratch buffer. Need 6 16bit buffer with size n_batch * |
| // n_cell |
| // and 1 8bit buffer with size n_batch * n_cell. We also need 1 32 bit |
| // buffer with size n_batch * n_cell. |
| // |
| // Handle cifg case as well, which might save one buffer. |
| |
| const auto* tmp_params = |
| reinterpret_cast<TfLiteUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMParams*>( |
| node->builtin_data); |
| const bool time_major = tmp_params->time_major; |
| for (int scratch_index = 0; scratch_index < 6; ++scratch_index) { |
| TFLITE_DCHECK(context != nullptr); |
| TFLITE_DCHECK(context->GetScratchBuffer != nullptr); |
| int32_t* scratch_tensor = |
| static_cast<int32_t*>(context->GetScratchBuffer( |
| context, op_data->scratch_tensor_index + scratch_index)); |
| scratch[scratch_index] = (TfLiteEvalTensor*)scratch_tensor; |
| } |
| /* |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetScratchSafe(context, node, 0, |
| &scratch0)); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetScratchSafe(context, node, 1, |
| &scratch1)); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetScratchSafe(context, node, 2, |
| &scratch2)); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetScratchSafe(context, node, 3, |
| &scratch3)); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetScratchSafe(context, node, 4, |
| &scratch4)); |
| |
| TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, |
| GetScratchSafe(context, node, 5, |
| &scratch5)); |
| */ |
| return lstm_eval::EvalInteger8x8_16( |
| context, node, input, input_to_input_weights, |
| input_to_forget_weights, input_to_cell_weights, |
| input_to_output_weights, recurrent_to_input_weights, |
| recurrent_to_forget_weights, recurrent_to_cell_weights, |
| recurrent_to_output_weights, cell_to_input_weights, |
| cell_to_forget_weights, cell_to_output_weights, |
| input_layer_norm_coefficients, forget_layer_norm_coefficients, |
| cell_layer_norm_coefficients, output_layer_norm_coefficients, |
| input_gate_bias, forget_gate_bias, cell_gate_bias, output_gate_bias, |
| projection_weights, projection_bias, &lstm_params, |
| /*forward_sequence=*/true, time_major, &op_data->integer_lstm_param, |
| output_state, cell_state, output, scratch[0], scratch[1], |
| scratch[2], scratch[3], scratch[4], scratch[5]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| default: |
| MicroPrintf("Type %s is not currently supported.", |
| TfLiteTypeGetName(input_to_output_weights->type)); |
| return kTfLiteError; |
| } |
| return kTfLiteOk; |
| } |
| //} // namespace unidirectional_sequence_lstm |
| |
| } // namespace micro |
| } // namespace ops |
| |
| return tflite::micro::RegisterOp(ops::micro::Init, ops::micro::Prepare, |
| ops::micro::Eval); |
| } |
| } // namespace tflite |