blob: 95b2168a7ca5c5722284c4ef3ad857a6a8b530da [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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#include <stdint.h>
namespace tflite {
namespace tflm_signal {
// TODO(b/286250473): remove namespace once de-duped libraries above
struct FilterbankConfig {
// Number of filterbank channels
int32_t num_channels;
// Each of the following three arrays is of size num_channels + 1
// An extra channel is needed for scratch. See implementation of
// FilterbankAccumulateChannels() for more details
// For each channel, the index in the input (spectrum) where its band starts
const int16_t* channel_frequency_starts;
// For each channel, the index in the weights/unweights arrays where
// it filter weights start
const int16_t* channel_weight_starts;
// For each channel, the number of bins in the input (spectrum) that span
// its band
const int16_t* channel_widths;
// The weights array holds the triangular filter weights of all the filters
// in the bank. The output of each filter in the bank is caluclated by
// multiplying the elements in the input spectrum that are in its band
// (see above: channel_frequency_starts, channel_widths) by the filter weights
// then accumulating. Each element in the unweights array holds the 1 minus
// corresponding elements in the weights array and is used to make this
// operation more efficient. For more details, see documnetation in
// FilterbankAccumulateChannels()
const int16_t* weights;
const int16_t* unweights;
int32_t output_scale;
int32_t input_correction_bits;
// Accumulate the energy spectrum bins in `input` into filter bank channels
// contained in `output`.
// * `input` - Spectral energy array
// * `output` - of size `config.num_channels` + 1.
// Elements [1:num_channels] contain the filter bank channels.
// Element 0 is used as scratch and should be ignored
void FilterbankAccumulateChannels(const FilterbankConfig* config,
const uint32_t* input, uint64_t* output);
} // namespace tflm_signal
} // namespace tflite