blob: 8517e4530eaea8b76230f2efff1c25a79a1604f6 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "signal/src/filter_bank.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace tflm_signal {
void FilterbankAccumulateChannels(const FilterbankConfig* config,
const uint32_t* input, uint64_t* output) {
// With a log mel filterbank, the energy at each frequency gets added to
// two adjacent filterbank filters/channels.
// For the first filter bank channel, its energy is first multiplied by
// some weight 'w', then gets accumulated.
// For the subsequent filter bank, its power is first multiplied by 1-'w'
// (called unweight here), then gets accumulated.
// For this reason, we need to calculate (config->num_channels + 1) output
// where element 0 is only used as scratch storage for the unweights of
// element 1 (channel 0). The caller should discard element 0.
// Writing the code like this doesn't save multiplications, but it lends
// itself better to optimization, because input[freq_start + j] only needs
// to be loaded once.
uint64_t weight_accumulator = 0;
uint64_t unweight_accumulator = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < config->num_channels + 1; i++) {
const int16_t freq_start = config->channel_frequency_starts[i];
const int16_t weight_start = config->channel_weight_starts[i];
for (int j = 0; j < config->channel_widths[i]; ++j) {
weight_accumulator += config->weights[weight_start + j] *
static_cast<uint64_t>(input[freq_start + j]);
unweight_accumulator += config->unweights[weight_start + j] *
static_cast<uint64_t>(input[freq_start + j]);
output[i] = weight_accumulator;
weight_accumulator = unweight_accumulator;
unweight_accumulator = 0;
} // namespace tflm_signal
} // namespace tflite