blob: 4d7d9d9edcb99e98d829b73de7d376780d4aebcb [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels/testdata/lstm_test_data.h"
#include <cstring>
namespace tflite {
namespace testing {
namespace {
// LSTM internal setting (e.g., nonlinear activation type)
// Only UnidirectionalLSTM is supported now
constexpr TfLiteUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMParams kDefaultBuiltinData = {
} // namespace
GateOutputCheckData<4, 4> Get2X2GateOutputCheckData() {
GateOutputCheckData<4, 4> gate_data;
const float input_data[4] = {
0.2, 0.3, // batch1
-0.98, 0.62 // batch2
std::memcpy(gate_data.input_data, input_data, 4 * sizeof(float));
const float hidden_state[4] = {
-0.1, 0.2, // batch1
-0.3, 0.5 // batch2
std::memcpy(gate_data.hidden_state, hidden_state, 4 * sizeof(float));
const float cell_state[4] = {
-1.3, 6.2, // batch1
-7.3, 3.5 // batch2
std::memcpy(gate_data.cell_state, cell_state, 4 * sizeof(float));
// Use the forget gate parameters to test small gate outputs
// output = sigmoid(W_i*i+W_h*h+b) = sigmoid([[-10,-10],[-20,-20]][0.2,
// +[[-10,-10],[-20,-20]][-0.1, 0.2]+[1,2]) = sigmoid([-5,-10]) =
// [6.69285092e-03, 4.53978687e-05] (Batch1)
// Similarly, we have [0.93086158 0.9945137 ] for batch 2
const float expected_forget_gate_output[4] = {6.69285092e-3f, 4.53978687e-5f,
0.93086158, 0.9945137};
expected_forget_gate_output, 4 * sizeof(float));
// Use the input gate parameters to test small gate outputs
// output = sigmoid(W_i*i+W_h*h+b) = sigmoid([[10,10],[20,20]][0.2, 0.3]
// +[[10,10],[20,20]][-0.1, 0.2]+[-1,-2]) = sigmoid([5,10]) =
// [0.99330715, 0.9999546]
// Similarly, we have [0.06913842 0.0054863 ] for batch 2
const float expected_input_gate_output[4] = {0.99330715, 0.9999546,
0.06913842, 0.0054863};
std::memcpy(gate_data.expected_input_gate_output, expected_input_gate_output,
4 * sizeof(float));
// Use the output gate parameters to test normnal gate outputs
// output = sigmoid(W_i*i+W_h*h+b) = sigmoid([[1,1],[1,1]][0.2, 0.3]
// +[[1,1],[1,1]][-0.1, 0.2]+[0,0]) = sigmoid([0.6,0.6]) =
// [0.6456563062257954, 0.6456563062257954]
// Similarly, we have [[0.46008512 0.46008512]] for batch 2
const float expected_output_gate_output[4] = {
0.6456563062257954, 0.6456563062257954, 0.46008512, 0.46008512};
expected_output_gate_output, 4 * sizeof(float));
// Use the cell(modulation) gate parameters to tanh output
// output = tanh(W_i*i+W_h*h+b) = tanh([[1,1],[1,1]][0.2, 0.3]
// +[[1,1],[1,1]][-0.1, 0.2]+[0,0]) = tanh([0.6,0.6]) =
// [0.6456563062257954, 0.6456563062257954]
// Similarly, we have [-0.1586485 -0.1586485] for batch 2
const float expected_cell_gate_output[4] = {
0.5370495669980353, 0.5370495669980353, -0.1586485, -0.1586485};
std::memcpy(gate_data.expected_cell_gate_output, expected_cell_gate_output,
4 * sizeof(float));
// Cell = forget_gate*cell + input_gate*cell_gate
// Note -6.80625824 is clipped to -6
const float expected_updated_cell[4] = {0.52475447, 0.53730665, -6,
std::memcpy(gate_data.expected_updated_cell, expected_updated_cell,
4 * sizeof(float));
// Use the updated cell state to update the hidden state
// tanh(expected_updated_cell) * expected_output_gate_output
const float expected_updated_hidden[4] = {0.31079388, 0.3169827, -0.46007947,
std::memcpy(gate_data.expected_updated_hidden, expected_updated_hidden,
4 * sizeof(float));
return gate_data;
// TODO(b/253466487): document how the golden values are arrived at
LstmEvalCheckData<12, 4, 12> Get2X2LstmEvalCheckData() {
LstmEvalCheckData<12, 4, 12> eval_data;
const float input_data[12] = {
0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3, // batch one
-0.98, 0.62, 0.01, 0.99, 0.49, -0.32 // batch two
std::memcpy(eval_data.input_data, input_data, 12 * sizeof(float));
// Initialize hidden state as zeros
const float hidden_state[4] = {};
std::memcpy(eval_data.hidden_state, hidden_state, 4 * sizeof(float));
// The expected model output after 3 time steps using the fixed input and
// parameters
const float expected_output[12] = {
0.26455893, 0.26870455, 0.47935803,
0.47937014, 0.58013272, 0.58013278, // batch1
-1.41184672e-3f, -1.43329117e-5f, 0.46887168,
0.46891281, 0.50054074, 0.50054148 // batch2
std::memcpy(eval_data.expected_output, expected_output, 12 * sizeof(float));
const float expected_hidden_state[4] = {
0.58013272, 0.58013278, // batch1
0.50054074, 0.50054148 // batch2
std::memcpy(eval_data.expected_hidden_state, expected_hidden_state,
4 * sizeof(float));
const float expected_cell_state[4] = {
0.89740515, 0.8974053, // batch1
0.80327607, 0.80327785 // batch2
std::memcpy(eval_data.expected_cell_state, expected_cell_state,
4 * sizeof(float));
return eval_data;
LstmNodeContent<float, float, float, float, 2, 3, 2, 2>
Create2x3x2X2FloatNodeContents(const float* input_data,
const float* hidden_state_data,
const float* cell_state_data) {
// Parameters for different gates
// negative large weights for forget gate to make it really forget
const GateData<float, float, 2, 2> forget_gate_data = {
/*.activation_weight=*/{-10, -10, -20, -20},
/*.recurrent_weight=*/{-10, -10, -20, -20},
/*.fused_bias=*/{1, 2},
/*activation_zp_folded_bias=*/{0, 0},
/*recurrent_zp_folded_bias=*/{0, 0}};
// positive large weights for input gate to make it really remember
const GateData<float, float, 2, 2> input_gate_data = {
/*.activation_weight=*/{10, 10, 20, 20},
/*.recurrent_weight=*/{10, 10, 20, 20},
/*.fused_bias=*/{-1, -2},
/*activation_zp_folded_bias=*/{0, 0},
/*recurrent_zp_folded_bias=*/{0, 0}};
// all ones to test the behavior of tanh at normal range (-1,1)
const GateData<float, float, 2, 2> cell_gate_data = {
/*.activation_weight=*/{1, 1, 1, 1},
/*.recurrent_weight=*/{1, 1, 1, 1},
/*.fused_bias=*/{0, 0},
/*activation_zp_folded_bias=*/{0, 0},
/*recurrent_zp_folded_bias=*/{0, 0}};
// all ones to test the behavior of sigmoid at normal range (-1. 1)
const GateData<float, float, 2, 2> output_gate_data = {
/*.activation_weight=*/{1, 1, 1, 1},
/*.recurrent_weight=*/{1, 1, 1, 1},
/*.fused_bias=*/{0, 0},
/*activation_zp_folded_bias=*/{0, 0},
/*recurrent_zp_folded_bias=*/{0, 0}};
LstmNodeContent<float, float, float, float, 2, 3, 2, 2> float_node_contents(
kDefaultBuiltinData, forget_gate_data, input_gate_data, cell_gate_data,
if (input_data != nullptr) {
if (hidden_state_data != nullptr) {
if (cell_state_data != nullptr) {
return float_node_contents;
NodeQuantizationParameters Get2X2Int8LstmQuantizationSettings() {
NodeQuantizationParameters quantization_settings;
quantization_settings.activation_type = kTfLiteInt8;
quantization_settings.weight_type = kTfLiteInt8;
quantization_settings.cell_type = kTfLiteInt16;
quantization_settings.bias_type = kTfLiteInt32;
quantization_settings.nonlinear_activation_input_scale =
0.00024414062; // std::pow(2.0f, -12.0f)
quantization_settings.nonlinear_activation_output_scale =
0.00003051757; // std::pow(2.0f, -15.0f)
// state quantization parameters
quantization_settings.input = {/*scale=*/0.00784313725490196, /*zp=*/0,
quantization_settings.output = {/*scale=*/0.004705882165580988, /*zp=*/-21,
quantization_settings.hidden_state = {/*scale=*/0.004705882165580988,
/*zp=*/-21, /*symmetry=*/false};
quantization_settings.cell_state = {/*scale=*/0.00024414062, /*zp=*/0,
// gate quantization parameters
quantization_settings.forget_gate = {
{/*scale=*/0.15748031496062992, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.15748031496062992, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.0012351397251814111, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true}};
quantization_settings.input_gate = {
{/*scale=*/0.15748031496062992, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.15748031496062992, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.0012351397251814111, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true}};
quantization_settings.cell_gate = {
{/*scale=*/0.007874015748031496, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.007874015748031496, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/6.175698625907056e-5, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true}};
quantization_settings.output_gate = {
{/*scale=*/0.007874015748031496, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.007874015748031496, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/6.175698625907056e-5, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true}};
return quantization_settings;
NodeQuantizationParameters Get2X2Int16LstmQuantizationSettings() {
NodeQuantizationParameters quantization_settings;
quantization_settings.activation_type = kTfLiteInt16;
quantization_settings.weight_type = kTfLiteInt8;
quantization_settings.cell_type = kTfLiteInt16;
quantization_settings.bias_type = kTfLiteInt64;
quantization_settings.nonlinear_activation_input_scale =
0.00024414062; // std::pow(2.0f, -12.0f)
quantization_settings.nonlinear_activation_output_scale =
0.00003051757; // std::pow(2.0f, -15.0f)
// state quantization parameters
quantization_settings.input = {/*scale=*/3.0518044e-5, /*zp=*/0,
quantization_settings.output = {/*scale=*/1.8310826e-5, /*zp=*/-5461,
quantization_settings.hidden_state = {/*scale=*/1.8310826e-5, /*zp=*/-5461,
quantization_settings.cell_state = {/*scale=*/0.00024414062, /*zp=*/0,
// gate quantization parameters
quantization_settings.forget_gate = {
{/*scale=*/0.15748031496062992, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.15748031496062992, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/4.8059911474468205e-06, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true}};
quantization_settings.input_gate = {
{/*scale=*/0.15748031496062992, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.15748031496062992, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/4.8059911474468205e-06, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true}};
quantization_settings.cell_gate = {
{/*scale=*/0.007874015748031496, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.007874015748031496, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/2.40299557372341e-07, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true}};
quantization_settings.output_gate = {
{/*scale=*/0.007874015748031496, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/0.007874015748031496, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true},
{/*scale=*/2.40299557372341e-07, /*zp=*/0, /*symmetry=*/true}};
return quantization_settings;
LstmNodeContent<int8_t, int8_t, int32_t, int16_t, 2, 3, 2, 2>
Create2x3x2X2Int8NodeContents(const float* input_data,
const float* hidden_state,
const float* cell_state) {
auto float_node_content =
Create2x3x2X2FloatNodeContents(input_data, hidden_state, cell_state);
const auto quantization_settings = Get2X2Int8LstmQuantizationSettings();
return CreateIntegerNodeContents<int8_t, int8_t, int32_t, int16_t, 2, 3, 2,
LstmNodeContent<int16_t, int8_t, int64_t, int16_t, 2, 3, 2, 2>
Create2x3x2X2Int16NodeContents(const float* input_data,
const float* hidden_state,
const float* cell_state) {
auto float_node_content =
Create2x3x2X2FloatNodeContents(input_data, hidden_state, cell_state);
const auto quantization_settings = Get2X2Int16LstmQuantizationSettings();
return CreateIntegerNodeContents<int16_t, int8_t, int64_t, int16_t, 2, 3, 2,
} // namespace testing
} // namespace tflite