blob: a05a9b4e836b082d2dd34f7b5132ee974c73afbf [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2023 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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#include "tensorflow/lite/c/builtin_op_data.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/micro_common.h"
namespace tflite {
struct OpDataSvdf {
int32_t effective_scale_1_a;
int32_t effective_scale_2_a;
// b versions of each scale are kept at int since the numbers are just the
// shift value - typically between [-32, 32].
int effective_scale_1_b;
int effective_scale_2_b;
int scratch_tensor_index;
int scratch_output_tensor_index;
// Cached tensor zero point values for quantized operations.
int input_zero_point;
int output_zero_point;
int activation_state_zero_point;
// Input tensors.
extern const int kSvdfInputTensor;
extern const int kSvdfWeightsFeatureTensor;
extern const int kSvdfWeightsTimeTensor;
extern const int kSvdfBiasTensor;
// This is a variable tensor, and will be modified by this op.
extern const int kSvdfInputActivationStateTensor;
// Output tensor.
extern const int kSvdfOutputTensor;
void EvalInt8SvdfReference(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_tensor,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* weights_feature_tensor,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* weights_time_tensor,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* bias_tensor,
const TfLiteSVDFParams* params,
TfLiteEvalTensor* activation_state_tensor,
TfLiteEvalTensor* output_tensor,
const OpDataSvdf& data);
// TODO(#523): remove 16-bit code when no longer needed.
void EvalInt16SvdfReference(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* input_tensor,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* weights_feature_tensor,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* weights_time_tensor,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* bias_tensor,
const TfLiteSVDFParams* params,
TfLiteEvalTensor* activation_state_tensor,
TfLiteEvalTensor* output_tensor,
const OpDataSvdf& data);
void EvalFloatSvdfReference(
TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node, const TfLiteEvalTensor* input,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* weights_feature,
const TfLiteEvalTensor* weights_time, const TfLiteEvalTensor* bias,
const TfLiteSVDFParams* params, int scratch_tensor_index,
TfLiteEvalTensor* activation_state, TfLiteEvalTensor* output);
TfLiteStatus PrepareSvdf(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node);
// This is the most generic TFLMRegistration. The actual supported types
// may still be target dependent. The only requirement is that every
// implementation (reference or optimized) must define this function.
TFLMRegistration Register_SVDF();
#if defined(HEXAGON) || defined(CMSIS_NN) || defined(XTENSA)
TFLMRegistration Register_SVDF_INT8();
// Note that while this block gets used for both reference and optimized kernels
// that do not have any specialized implementations, the only goal here is to
// define fallback implementation that allow reference kernels to still be used
// from applications that call a more specific kernel variant.
inline TFLMRegistration Register_SVDF_INT8() { return Register_SVDF(); }
} // namespace tflite