| /* Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| ==============================================================================*/ |
| |
| #include "python/tflite_micro/python_ops_resolver.h" |
| |
| #include "tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels/micro_ops.h" |
| |
| namespace tflite { |
| |
| PythonOpsResolver::PythonOpsResolver() { |
| // Please keep this list of Builtin Operators in alphabetical order. |
| AddAbs(); |
| AddAdd(); |
| AddAddN(); |
| AddArgMax(); |
| AddArgMin(); |
| AddAssignVariable(); |
| AddAveragePool2D(); |
| AddBatchToSpaceNd(); |
| AddBroadcastArgs(); |
| AddBroadcastTo(); |
| AddCallOnce(); |
| AddCast(); |
| AddCeil(); |
| AddCircularBuffer(); |
| AddConcatenation(); |
| AddConv2D(); |
| AddCos(); |
| AddCumSum(); |
| AddDelay(); |
| AddDepthToSpace(); |
| AddDepthwiseConv2D(); |
| AddDequantize(); |
| AddDetectionPostprocess(); |
| AddDiv(); |
| AddEnergy(); |
| AddElu(); |
| AddEqual(); |
| AddEthosU(); |
| AddExp(); |
| AddExpandDims(); |
| AddFftAutoScale(); |
| AddFill(); |
| AddFilterBank(); |
| AddFilterBankLog(); |
| AddFilterBankSquareRoot(); |
| AddFilterBankSpectralSubtraction(); |
| AddFloor(); |
| AddFloorDiv(); |
| AddFloorMod(); |
| AddFramer(); |
| AddFullyConnected(); |
| AddGather(); |
| AddGatherNd(); |
| AddGreater(); |
| AddGreaterEqual(); |
| AddHardSwish(); |
| AddIf(); |
| AddIrfft(); |
| AddL2Normalization(); |
| AddL2Pool2D(); |
| AddLeakyRelu(); |
| AddLess(); |
| AddLessEqual(); |
| AddLog(); |
| AddLogicalAnd(); |
| AddLogicalNot(); |
| AddLogicalOr(); |
| AddLogistic(); |
| AddLogSoftmax(); |
| AddMaxPool2D(); |
| AddMaximum(); |
| AddMean(); |
| AddMinimum(); |
| AddMirrorPad(); |
| AddMul(); |
| AddNeg(); |
| AddNotEqual(); |
| AddOverlapAdd(); |
| AddPack(); |
| AddPad(); |
| AddPadV2(); |
| AddPrelu(); |
| AddQuantize(); |
| AddReadVariable(); |
| AddReduceMax(); |
| AddRelu(); |
| AddRelu6(); |
| AddReshape(); |
| AddResizeBilinear(); |
| AddResizeNearestNeighbor(); |
| AddRfft(); |
| AddRound(); |
| AddRsqrt(); |
| AddSelectV2(); |
| AddShape(); |
| AddSin(); |
| AddSlice(); |
| AddSoftmax(); |
| AddSpaceToBatchNd(); |
| AddSpaceToDepth(); |
| AddSplit(); |
| AddSplitV(); |
| AddSqrt(); |
| AddSquare(); |
| AddSquaredDifference(); |
| AddSqueeze(); |
| AddStridedSlice(); |
| AddStacker(); |
| AddSub(); |
| AddSum(); |
| AddSvdf(); |
| AddTanh(); |
| AddTranspose(); |
| AddTransposeConv(); |
| AddUnidirectionalSequenceLSTM(); |
| AddUnpack(); |
| AddVarHandle(); |
| AddWhile(); |
| AddWindow(); |
| AddZerosLike(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace tflite |