blob: 08726a989fe2bc2dfa2444346709e953753ed6c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <sel4runtime.h>
#include <sel4runtime/start.h>
* This function is simply passed a pointer to the inital stack from the
* C runtime entrypoint.
* The stack has the following structure:
* * argument count,
* * array of argument pointers,
* * an empty string,
* * array of environment pointers,
* * a null terminator,
* * array of auxiliary vector entries,
* * an 'zero' auxiliary vector, then
* * unspecified data.
void __sel4_start_c(void const *stack)
// First word on the stack is argument count.
unsigned long argc = *((unsigned long const *) stack);
// Second word on the stack is the start of the argument vector.
char const *const *argv = &((char const * const *) stack)[1];
// The environment pointer vector follows after the argv.
char const *const *envp = &argv[argc + 1];
int envc = 0;
while (envp[envc] != SEL4RUNTIME_NULL) {
// The auxiliary vector follows the environment pointer vector.
auxv_t const *auxv = (void const *)(&envp[envc + 1]);
__sel4runtime_start_main(main, argc, argv, envp, auxv);