Interface cross_vm_connection.h

The crossvm connection module facilitates the creation of communication channels between VM's and other components on a seL4-based system. The module exports registered cross vm connections to a Linux VM such that processes can access them from userlevel. This being facilitated over a virtual PCI device.

Brief content:


cross_vm_connections_init_common(vm, connection_base_addr, connections, num_connections, pci, alloc_irq)

consume_connection_event(vm, event_id, inject_irq)





The interface cross_vm_connection.h defines the following functions.

Function cross_vm_connections_init_common(vm, connection_base_addr, connections, num_connections, pci, alloc_irq)

Install a set of cross vm connections into a guest VM (for either x86 or ARM VM platforms) for the crossvm connectors PCI device


  • vm {vm_t *}: A handle to the VM
  • connection_base_addr {uintptr_t}: The base guest physical address that can be used to reserve memory
  • connections {crossvm_handle_t *}: The set of crossvm connections to be initialised and installed in the guest
  • num_connection {int}: The number of connections passed in through the ‘connections’ parameter
  • pci {vmm_pci_space_t *}: A handle to the VM's host PCI device. The connections are advertised through the
  • alloc_irq {alloc_free_interrupt_fn}: A function that is used to allocated an irq number for the crossvm connections


  • -1 on failure otherwise 0 for success

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Function consume_connection_event(vm, event_id, inject_irq)

Handler to consume a cross vm connection event. This being called by the VMM when it recieves a notification from an external process. The event is then relayed onto the VM.


  • vm {vm_t *}: A handle to the VM
  • event_id {seL4_Word}: The id that corresponds to the occuring event
  • inject_irq {bool}: Whether to inject an interrupt into the VM


No return

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The interface cross_vm_connection.h defines the following structs.

Struct crossvm_dataport_handle

Datastructure representing a dataport of a crossvm connection


  • size {size_t}: The size of the crossvm dataport
  • num_frames {int}: Total number of frames in the frames member
  • frames {seL4_CPtr *}: The set of frames backing the dataport

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Struct crossvm_handle

Datastructure representing a single crossvm connection This is matched on when invoking consume_connection_event


  • dataport {crossvm_dataport_handle_t *}: The dataport associated with the crossvm connection
  • emit_fn {emit_fn}: The function pointer to the crossvm emit method
  • consume_id {seL4_Word}: The identifier used for the crossvm connection when receiving incoming notifications

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