Interface vpci.h

The libsel4vmmplatsupport vpci interface presents a Virtual PCI driver for ARM-based VM's. Using the vmm_pci_space_t management interface, the vpci driver establishes the configuration space in the guest VM. The driver also handles and processes all subsequent memory and ioport accesses to the virtual pci device.

Brief content:


vm_install_vpci(vm, io_port, pci)

fdt_generate_vpci_node(vm, pci, fdt, gic_phandle)


The interface vpci.h defines the following functions.

Function vm_install_vpci(vm, io_port, pci)


  • vm {vm_t *}: A handle to the VM
  • io_port {vmm_io_port_list_t *}: IOPort library instance to emulate io accesses with
  • pci {vmm_pci_space_t }: PCI library instance to emulate PCI device accesses with


  • 0 for success, -1 for error

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Function fdt_generate_vpci_node(vm, pci, fdt, gic_phandle)

Generate a PCI device node for a given fdt. This taking into account the virtual PCI device configuration space.


  • vm {vm_t *}: A handle to the VM
  • PCI {vmm_pci_space_t *}: library instance to generate fdt node
  • fdt {void *}: FDT blob to append generated device node
  • gic_phandle {int}: Phandle of IRQ controller to generate a correct interrupt map property


  • 0 for success, -1 for error

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