blob: 98e0390dab18f75cadfcc84bcfeaab6551f8f662 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2019, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <assert.h>
#include <camkes/dataport.h>
#include <camkes/irq.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <platsupport/io.h>
#include <platsupport/irq.h>
#include <utils/util.h>
#include <sel4/sel4.h>
/*- import 'dtb-query-common.template.c' as dtb_macros with context -*/
/*# Grab the DTB object made from the previous stages of the parsing #*/
/*- set configuration_name = '%s.%s' % (, -*/
/*- set dtb_config = configuration[configuration_name].get('dtb') -*/
/*- if dtb_config is none -*/
/*# DTB query hasn't been made, raise a fault #*/
/*? raise(TemplateError('Missing DTB attribute, create a DTB query to attribute %s.dtb.' % ( ?*/
/*- endif -*/
/*- set dtb_query = dtb_config.get('query') -*/
/*- if dtb_query is none -*/
/*# DTB path hasn't been passed, raise a fault #*/
/*? raise(TemplateError('Missing DTB query, assign a DTB path to attribute %s.dtb.' % ( ?*/
/*- endif -*/
/*- if len(dtb_query) != 1 -*/
/*? raise(TemplateError('Invalid number of DTB paths, assign a single DTB path to attribute %s.dtb.' % ( ?*/
/*- endif -*/
/*- if dtb_query[0] is none -*/
/*? raise(TemplateError('Missing DTB path, assign a single DTB path to attribute %s.dtb.' % ( ?*/
/*- endif -*/
/*- set dtb = dtb_query[0] -*/
/*# Check if we want interrupts #*/
/*- set generate_interrupts = configuration[configuration_name].get('generate_interrupts', none) -*/
/*# ================ #*/
/*# Register section #*/
/*# ================ #*/
/*? dtb_macros.parse_dtb_node_reg(dtb) ?*/
/*- set reg_set = pop('reg_set') -*/
/*- set cached = configuration[configuration_name].get('hardware_cached', False) -*/
/*- for paddr, size in reg_set -*/
/*# Get the next multiple of 4K that can fit the register #*/
/*- set size = macros.next_page_multiple(size, options.architecture) -*/
/*- set page_size = macros.get_page_size(size, options.architecture) -*/
/*- set page_size_bits = int(math.log(page_size, 2)) -*/
/*- set dataport_symbol_name = "from_%d_%s_data" % (loop.index0, -*/
struct {
char content[ROUND_UP_UNSAFE(/*? size ?*/,
SIZE_BITS_TO_BYTES(/*? page_size_bits ?*/))];
} /*? dataport_symbol_name ?*/
ALIGN(/*? page_size ?*/)
SECTION("align_/*? page_size_bits ?*/bit")
/*- set reg_interface_name = '%s_%d' % (, loop.index0) -*/
/*- set frame_caps = [] -*/
/*? register_shared_variable('%s_data' % reg_interface_name, dataport_symbol_name, size, frame_size=page_size, perm='RW', paddr=paddr, cached=cached, with_mapping_caps=frame_caps) ?*/
/*# Assign a name for this particular set of registers #*/
volatile void * /*? reg_interface_name ?*/ =
(volatile void *) & /*? dataport_symbol_name ?*/;
/*- set id = composition.connections.index(me.parent) -*/
__attribute__((used)) __attribute__((section("_dataport_frames")))
dataport_frame_t /*? reg_interface_name ?*/_frames[] = {
/*- for cap in frame_caps -*/
.paddr = /*? paddr + loop.index0 * page_size ?*/,
.cap = /*? cap ?*/,
.size = /*? page_size ?*/,
.vaddr = (uintptr_t)&(/*? dataport_symbol_name ?*/.content[/*? loop.index0 * page_size ?*/]),
/*- endfor -*/
/*# We only pull frame_caps from the stash. This is because only one caller of register_shared_variable
should pass a frames parameter. By not stashing the frame_objs we ensure that only the original
creator passed the frames, and everyone else will still have a None here #*/
/* Flush data corresponding to the dataport-relative address range from the CPU cache */
int /*? reg_interface_name ?*/_flush_cache(size_t start_offset UNUSED, size_t size UNUSED, dma_cache_op_t cache_op UNUSED) {
return camkes_dataport_flush_cache(start_offset, size,
(uintptr_t) &/*? dataport_symbol_name ?*/.content,
/*? size ?*/, cache_op);
/*- endfor -*/
/*# ================== #*/
/*# Interrupts section #*/
/*# ================== #*/
/*- if generate_interrupts -*/
/*- set ntfn_obj = alloc_obj('%s_ntfn' %, seL4_NotificationObject) -*/
/*- set root_ntfn = alloc_cap('%s_root_ntfn' %, ntfn_obj, read=True, write=True) -*/
/*- set irq_handler_pairs = [] -*/
/*- set interrupt_struct_prefix = '%s_irq' % ( -*/
/*# CAmkES has a maximum limit of 28 bits for badges, #*/
/*# highly unlikely a device has greater than 28 #*/
/*? dtb_macros.parse_dtb_node_interrupts(dtb, 28, options.architecture) ?*/
/*- set badges = macros.global_endpoint_badges(composition, me, configuration) -*/
/*- set irq_set = pop('irq_set') -*/
/*- set name = '%s_global_endpoint' % -*/
/*- set stash_name = "%s_global_notification" % (name) -*/
/*# Check the global stash for our endpoint #*/
/*- set maybe_notification = _pop(stash_name) -*/
/*# Create the endpoint if we need to #*/
/*- if maybe_notification is none -*/
/*- set notification_owner = -*/
/*- set notification_object = alloc_obj(name, seL4_NotificationObject, label=notification_owner) -*/
/*- else -*/
/*- set notification_object, notification_owner = maybe_notification -*/
/*- endif -*/
/*# Put it back into the stash #*/
/*- do _stash(stash_name, (notification_object, notification_owner)) -*/
/*# Create the badged endpoint #*/
/*- for i,irq_node in enumerate(irq_set) -*/
/*- set _irq = irq_node['irq'] -*/
/*- set interrupt_ntfn = alloc_cap('%s_%s_%d_notification_object_cap' % (name, badges[i], False), notification_object, read=False, write=True) -*/
/*- do cap_space.cnode[interrupt_ntfn].set_badge(badges[i]) -*/
/*- set irq = alloc('%s_irq_%d' % (, i), seL4_IRQHandler, number=_irq, notification=cap_space.cnode[interrupt_ntfn]) -*/
/*# Add the interrupt number to the IRQ num list for later #*/
/*- do irq_handler_pairs.append((_irq, irq)) -*/
/*- set interrupt_interface_name = '%s_%d' % (, i) -*/
/*# Add an entry to the allocated_irqs ELF section #*/
static allocated_irq_t /*? interrupt_struct_prefix ?*/_/*? i ?*/ = {
.irq_handler = /*? irq ?*/,
.irq = { .type = PS_INTERRUPT, .irq = { .number = /*? _irq ?*/ }},
.is_allocated = false,
.callback_fn = NULL,
.callback_data = NULL
USED SECTION("_allocated_irqs")
allocated_irq_t * /*? interrupt_struct_prefix ?*/_/*? i ?*/_ptr = &/*? interrupt_struct_prefix ?*/_/*? i ?*/;
static int /*? ?*/_acknowledge_cb_/*? i ?*/(UNUSED void* cookie) {
return seL4_IRQHandler_Ack(/*? irq ?*/);
/*# Add an entry to the global_notification_irqs ELF section #*/
/*- set irq_handler_struct_name = '%s_irq_handler_%d' % (, i) -*/
static global_notification_irq_handler_t /*? irq_handler_struct_name ?*/ = {
.badge = /*? badges[i] ?*/,
.ack_fun = /*? ?*/_acknowledge_cb_/*? i ?*/,
.allocated_ref = &/*? interrupt_struct_prefix ?*/_/*? i ?*/,
USED SECTION("_global_notification_irqs")
global_notification_irq_handler_t * /*? irq_handler_struct_name ?*/_ptr = &/*? irq_handler_struct_name ?*/;
/*- endfor -*/
/*- endif -*/