blob: 8485a57d04021db1d77fee1ac350bfeb9aefeddc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Style an input list of files as cmake files.
# Pass the cmake format as args such that can be used
# to provide definitions for custom function formatting.
CMAKE_FMT="--line-width 100 \
--tab-size 4 \
--max-subargs-per-line 3 \
--separate-ctrl-name-with-space False \
--separate-fn-name-with-space False \
--dangle-parens True \
--command-case unchanged \
--keyword-case unchanged \
--enable-markup False"
# cmake-format sends its version info to standard error. :-/
CF_VERSION=$(cmake-format --version 2>&1)
case "$CF_VERSION" in
echo "$PROGNAME: fatal error: no output from \"cmake-format --version\""
exit 2
# Good version; proceed.
echo "$PROGNAME: fatal error: need version $DESIRED_VERSION of" \
"cmake-format; $CF_VERSION is installed"
exit 2
cmake-format -i $CMAKE_FMT "$@"