blob: d364be449ce149a1aee662dfee6d3693237c1a4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017, Data61
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
* ABN 41 687 119 230.
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
#include <autoconf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sel4/sel4.h>
#include <sel4debug/debug.h>
#include <simple-default/simple-default.h>
#include <vspace/page.h>
#include <vka/kobject_t.h>
void *simple_default_get_frame_info(void *data, void *paddr, int size_bits, seL4_CPtr *frame_cap, seL4_Word *offset) {
unsigned int i;
seL4_BootInfo *bi = (seL4_BootInfo *) data;
assert(bi && paddr && offset && frame_cap);
for (i = 0; i < bi->untyped.end - bi->untyped.start; i++) {
if (bi->untypedList[i].paddr <= (seL4_Word)paddr &&
bi->untypedList[i].paddr + BIT(bi->untypedList[i].sizeBits) >= (seL4_Word)paddr + BIT(size_bits)) {
*frame_cap = bi->untyped.start + i;
*offset = (seL4_Word)paddr - bi->untypedList[i].paddr;
return NULL;
seL4_Error simple_default_get_frame_cap(void *data, void *paddr, int size_bits, cspacepath_t *path) {
unsigned int i;
seL4_BootInfo *bi = (seL4_BootInfo *) data;
assert(bi && paddr);
for (i = 0; i < bi->untyped.end - bi->untyped.start; i++) {
if (bi->untypedList[i].paddr == (seL4_Word)paddr &&
bi->untypedList[i].sizeBits >= size_bits) {
return seL4_Untyped_Retype(bi->untyped.start + i, kobject_get_type(KOBJECT_FRAME, size_bits),
size_bits, path->root, path->dest, path->destDepth, path->offset, 1);
return seL4_FailedLookup;
void *simple_default_get_frame_mapping(void *data, void *paddr, int size_bits) {
return NULL;
seL4_Error simple_default_set_ASID(void *data, seL4_CPtr vspace) {
return seL4_ARCH_ASIDPool_Assign(seL4_CapInitThreadASIDPool, vspace);
int simple_default_cap_count(void *data) {
seL4_BootInfo * bi = data;
return (bi->sharedFrames.end - bi->sharedFrames.start)
+ (bi->userImageFrames.end - bi->userImageFrames.start)
+ (bi->userImagePaging.end - bi->userImagePaging.start)
+ (bi->untyped.end - bi->untyped.start)
+ SIMPLE_NUM_INIT_CAPS; //Include all the init caps
seL4_CPtr simple_default_nth_cap(void *data, int n) {
seL4_BootInfo * bi = data;
size_t shared_frame_range = bi->sharedFrames.end - bi->sharedFrames.start + SIMPLE_NUM_INIT_CAPS;
size_t user_img_frame_range = bi->userImageFrames.end - bi->userImageFrames.start + shared_frame_range;
size_t user_img_paging_range = bi->userImagePaging.end - bi->userImagePaging.start + user_img_frame_range;
size_t untyped_range = bi->untyped.end - bi->untyped.start + user_img_paging_range;
seL4_CPtr true_return = seL4_CapNull;
/* skip seL4_CapNull */
true_return = (seL4_CPtr) n+1;
#if !(defined(CONFIG_ARCH_IA32) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_X86_64))
/* skip seL4_CapIOPortControl on non-x86 */
if (true_return >= seL4_CapIOPortControl) {
/* skip seL4_CapIOSpace if IOMMU isn't supported on x86 */
if (true_return >= seL4_CapIOSpace) {
} else if (n < shared_frame_range) {
return bi->sharedFrames.start + (n - SIMPLE_NUM_INIT_CAPS);
} else if (n < user_img_frame_range) {
return bi->userImageFrames.start + (n - shared_frame_range);
} else if (n < user_img_paging_range) {
return bi->userImagePaging.start + (n - user_img_frame_range);
} else if (n < untyped_range) {
return bi->untyped.start + (n - user_img_paging_range);
return true_return;
seL4_CPtr simple_default_init_cap(void *data, seL4_CPtr cap_pos) {
return cap_pos;
uint8_t simple_default_cnode_size(void *data) {
return ((seL4_BootInfo *)data)->initThreadCNodeSizeBits;
int simple_default_untyped_count(void *data) {
return ((seL4_BootInfo *)data)->untyped.end - ((seL4_BootInfo *)data)->untyped.start;
seL4_CPtr simple_default_nth_untyped(void *data, int n, size_t *size_bits, uintptr_t *paddr, bool *device) {
seL4_BootInfo *bi = data;
if(n < (bi->untyped.end - bi->untyped.start)) {
if(paddr != NULL) {
*paddr = bi->untypedList[n].paddr;
if(size_bits != NULL) {
*size_bits = bi->untypedList[n].sizeBits;
if (device != NULL) {
*device = (bool)bi->untypedList[n].isDevice;
return bi->untyped.start + (n);
return seL4_CapNull;
int simple_default_userimage_count(void *data) {
return ((seL4_BootInfo *)data)->userImageFrames.end - ((seL4_BootInfo *)data)->userImageFrames.start;
seL4_CPtr simple_default_nth_userimage(void *data, int n) {
seL4_BootInfo *bi = data;
if(n < (bi->userImageFrames.end - bi->userImageFrames.start)) {
return bi->userImageFrames.start + (n);
return seL4_CapNull;
int simple_default_core_count(void *data) {
return ((seL4_BootInfo *)data)->numNodes;
void simple_default_print(void *data) {
if (data == NULL) {
ZF_LOGE("Data is null!");
seL4_CPtr simple_default_sched_control(void *data, int core)
assert(core < simple_default_core_count(data));
return ((seL4_BootInfo *) data)->schedcontrol.start + core;
ZF_LOGW("not implemented");
return seL4_CapNull;
ssize_t simple_default_get_extended_bootinfo_size(void *data, seL4_Word type) {
if (data == NULL) {
ZF_LOGE("Data is null!");
return -1;
seL4_BootInfo *bi = data;
/* start of the extended bootinfo is defined to be 4K from the start of regular bootinfo */
uintptr_t cur = (uintptr_t)bi + PAGE_SIZE_4K;
uintptr_t end = cur + bi->extraLen;
while (cur < end) {
seL4_BootInfoHeader *header = (seL4_BootInfoHeader*)cur;
if (header->id == type) {
return header->len;
cur += header->len;
ZF_LOGE("bootinfo header type not found");
return -1;
ssize_t simple_default_get_extended_bootinfo(void *data, seL4_Word type, void *dest, ssize_t max_len) {
seL4_BootInfo *bi = data;
if (max_len < 0) {
ZF_LOGE("Unexpected negative size");
return -1;
/* start of the extended bootinfo is defined to be 4K from the start of regular bootinfo */
uintptr_t cur = (uintptr_t)bi + PAGE_SIZE_4K;
uintptr_t end = cur + bi->extraLen;
while (cur < end) {
seL4_BootInfoHeader *header = (seL4_BootInfoHeader*)cur;
if (header->id == type) {
ssize_t copy_len = MIN(header->len, max_len);
memcpy(dest, (void*)cur, copy_len);
return copy_len;
cur += header->len;
return -1;
void simple_default_init_bootinfo(simple_t *simple, seL4_BootInfo *bi) {
simple->data = bi;
simple->frame_info = &simple_default_get_frame_info;
simple->frame_cap = &simple_default_get_frame_cap;
simple->frame_mapping = &simple_default_get_frame_mapping;
simple->ASID_assign = &simple_default_set_ASID;
simple->cap_count = &simple_default_cap_count;
simple->nth_cap = &simple_default_nth_cap;
simple->init_cap = &simple_default_init_cap;
simple->cnode_size = &simple_default_cnode_size;
simple->untyped_count = &simple_default_untyped_count;
simple->nth_untyped = &simple_default_nth_untyped;
simple->userimage_count = &simple_default_userimage_count;
simple->core_count = &simple_default_core_count;
simple->nth_userimage = &simple_default_nth_userimage;
simple->print = &simple_default_print;
simple->sched_ctrl = &simple_default_sched_control;
simple->extended_bootinfo_len = &simple_default_get_extended_bootinfo_size;
simple->extended_bootinfo = &simple_default_get_extended_bootinfo;
simple_default_init_arch_simple(&simple->arch_simple, NULL);