blob: 35bebc84482617d52a8d14f97ef8bb938904313a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017, Data61
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
* ABN 41 687 119 230.
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
#include <assert.h>
#include <sel4/sel4.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vka/cspacepath_t.h>
#include <vka/null-vka.h>
#include <vka/vka.h>
static int cspace_alloc(void *data, seL4_CPtr *res)
return -1;
static void cspace_make_path(void *data, seL4_CPtr slot, cspacepath_t *res)
static void cspace_free(void *data, seL4_CPtr slot)
static int utspace_alloc(void *data, const cspacepath_t *dest, seL4_Word type,
seL4_Word size_bits, seL4_Word *res)
return -1;
static int utspace_alloc_maybe_device(void *data, const cspacepath_t *dest, seL4_Word type,
seL4_Word size_bits, bool can_use_dev, seL4_Word *res)
return -1;
static int utspace_alloc_at(void *data, const cspacepath_t *dest, seL4_Word type,
seL4_Word size_bits, uintptr_t paddr, seL4_Word *res)
return -1;
static void utspace_free(void *data, seL4_Word type, seL4_Word size_bits,
seL4_Word target)
static uintptr_t utspace_paddr(void *data, seL4_Word target, seL4_Word type, seL4_Word size_bits)
return VKA_NO_PADDR;
void vka_init_nullvka(vka_t *vka)
assert(vka != NULL);
*vka = (vka_t) {
.data = NULL, /* not required */
.cspace_alloc = cspace_alloc,
.cspace_make_path = cspace_make_path,
.utspace_alloc = utspace_alloc,
.utspace_alloc_maybe_device = utspace_alloc_maybe_device,
.utspace_alloc_at = utspace_alloc_at,
.cspace_free = cspace_free,
.utspace_free = utspace_free,
.utspace_paddr = utspace_paddr