blob: 428430ec9c21fcb2b24cc6c6d68261a7b3ea98f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018, Data61
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
* ABN 41 687 119 230.
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
#pragma once
#include <errno.h>
#include <sel4/sel4.h>
#include <sel4/sel4_arch/mapping.h>
#include <utils/util.h>
#include <vspace/arch/page.h>
typedef seL4_Error(*vspace_map_fn_t)(seL4_CPtr cap, seL4_CPtr vspace_root, seL4_Word vaddr,
seL4_Word attr);
typedef seL4_Error(*vspace_map_page_fn_t)(seL4_CPtr cap, seL4_CPtr vspace_root, seL4_Word vaddr,
seL4_CapRights_t rights, seL4_Word attr);
static inline seL4_Error vspace_iospace_map_page(seL4_CPtr cap, seL4_CPtr root, seL4_Word vaddr,
seL4_CapRights_t rights, UNUSED seL4_Word attr)
#if defined(CONFIG_IOMMU) || defined(CONFIG_TK1_SMMU)
return seL4_ARCH_Page_MapIO(cap, root, rights, vaddr);
return -1;
/* Map object: defines a size, type and function for mapping an architecture specific
* page table */
typedef struct {
/* type to pass to untype retype to create this object */
seL4_Word type;
/* size_bits of this object */
seL4_Word size_bits;
/* function that can be used to map this object */
vspace_map_fn_t map_fn;
} vspace_map_obj_t;
typedef int (*vspace_get_map_obj_fn)(seL4_Word failed_bits, vspace_map_obj_t *obj);
* Populate a map object for a specific number of failed bits.
* @param failed_bits: the failed_bits returned by seL4_MappingFailedLookupLevel() after a failed
* frame mapping operation.
* @param obj: object to populate with details.
* @return 0 on success, EINVAL if failed_bits is invalid.
int vspace_get_map_obj(seL4_Word failed_bits, vspace_map_obj_t *obj);
/* As per vspace_get_map_obj but returns operations and sizes for an iospace (IOMMU). */
int vspace_get_iospace_map_obj(UNUSED seL4_Word failed_bits, vspace_map_obj_t *obj);
/* As per vspace_get_map_obj but returns operations and sizes for virtual page tables */
int vspace_get_ept_map_obj(seL4_Word failed_bits, vspace_map_obj_t *obj);
static inline seL4_Error vspace_map_obj(vspace_map_obj_t *obj, seL4_CPtr cap,
seL4_CPtr vspace, seL4_Word vaddr, seL4_Word attr)
ZF_LOGF_IF(obj == NULL, "obj must not be NULL");
ZF_LOGF_IF(obj->map_fn == NULL, "obj must be populated");
return obj->map_fn(cap, vspace, vaddr, attr);