blob: d2feb1499ff249474bf8362c4f959af88db6c5aa [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
nvic: IRQControllers.NVIC @ sysbus 0xE000E000
priorityMask: 0xF0
systickFrequency: 32000000
IRQ -> cpu@0
cpu: CPU.CortexM @ sysbus
cpuType: "cortex-m33"
nvic: nvic
// Missing interrupt lines for SPIs
spi1: SPI.STM32SPI @ sysbus 0x40013000
spi2: SPI.STM32SPI @ sysbus 0x40003800
spi3: SPI.STM32SPI @ sysbus 0x40003C00
// This model's registers are not compatible with the EXTI in this MCU,
// it is currently here to support direct interrupts
exti: IRQControllers.STM32F4_EXTI @ sysbus 0x4002F400
[0-15,17] -> nvic@[11-26,2]
numberOfOutputLines: 43
firstDirectLine: 17
sram1: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x20000000
size: 0x30000
flash: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x08000000
size: 0x80000
// frequency to be verified
usart1: UART.STM32F7_USART @ sysbus 0x40013800
frequency: 200000000
IRQ -> nvic@61
usart2: UART.STM32F7_USART @ sysbus 0x40004400
frequency: 200000000
IRQ -> nvic@62
usart3: UART.STM32F7_USART @ sysbus 0x40004800
frequency: 200000000
IRQ -> nvic@63
uart4: UART.STM32F7_USART @ sysbus 0x40004C00
frequency: 200000000
IRQ -> nvic@64
uart5: UART.STM32F7_USART @ sysbus 0x40005000
frequency: 200000000
IRQ -> nvic@65
lpuart1: UART.STM32F7_USART @ sysbus 0x40008000
frequency: 200000000
IRQ -> nvic@66
dma1: DMA.STM32LDMA @ sysbus 0x40020000
[0-7] -> nvic@[29-36]
i2c1: I2C.STM32F4_I2C @ sysbus 0x40005400
EventInterrupt -> nvic@55
ErrorInterrupt -> nvic@56
rtc: STM32L_RTC @ sysbus <0x40002800, +0x400>
-> exti@17
// frequency to be verified
timer2: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40000000
-> nvic@28
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFFFFFF
timer3: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40000400
-> nvic@29
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFF
timer4: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40000800
-> nvic@30
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFF
timer5: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40000C00
-> nvic@45
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFFFFFF
timer6: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40001000
-> nvic@43
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFF
timer7: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40001400
-> nvic@44
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFF
timer15: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40014000
-> nvic@25
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFF
timer16: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40014400
-> nvic@26
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFF
timer17: Timers.STM32_Timer @ sysbus 0x40014800
-> nvic@27
frequency: 10000000
initialLimit: 0xFFFF
// Hard set all oscillator RDY bits
Tag <0x40021000 4> "RCC_CR" 0x2A020402
// Hard set HSI16 oscillator as system clock
Tag <0x40021008 4> "RCC_CFGR" 0x4
Tag <0x42020000 0x400> "gpioPortA"
Tag <0x42020400 0x400> "gpioPortB"
Tag <0x42020800 0x400> "gpioPortC"
Tag <0x42020C00 0x400> "gpioPortD"
Tag <0x42021000 0x400> "gpioPortE"
Tag <0x42021400 0x400> "gpioPortF"
Tag <0x42021800 0x400> "gpioPortG"
Tag <0x42021C00 0x400> "gpioPortH"
Tag <0x40007000 0x400> "PWR"
Tag <0xE0001000 0xffb> "DWT"