blob: 3bc8e3d65ef7b53a65ab9d9934d9b632d909ea23 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
cpu: CPU.CortexM @ sysbus
cpuType: "cortex-m4f"
nvic: nvic
PerformanceInMips: 96
nvic: IRQControllers.NVIC @ sysbus 0xE000E000
-> cpu@0
// Memory
// Renode-only helper peripheral placed in reserved address space.
// The error is logged with an unimplemented function's name if a valid
// LR value is written to the peripheral's address.
bootrom_logger: Miscellaneous.AmbiqApollo4_BootromLogger @ sysbus 0x07FFFFFC
bootromBaseAddress: 0x08000000
bootrom: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x08000000
size: 0x1000
// Bootrom in Ambiq Apollo4b contains functions which are used by SDK.
// Since the actual bootrom code isn't currently available even as a blob,
// these simple implementations for necessary functions are provided:
// * program_main2
WriteWord 0x6C 0x2900 // asm: cmp r1, #0 // compare arg1
WriteWord 0x6E 0xD000 // asm: beq 0x72 // jump to 0x72 if equal
WriteWord 0x70 0xE0D6 // asm: b 0x220 // jump to 0x220
WriteWord 0x72 0xE0C5 // asm: b 0x200 // jump to 0x200
// * read_word
WriteWord 0x74 0x6800 // asm: ldr r0, [r0, #0]
WriteWord 0x76 0x4770 // asm: bx lr
// * delay -- called with a number of iterations in 'r0' (see 'am_hal_delay_us' in
// SDK's 'mcu/apollo4p/hal/mcu/am_hal_utils.c'). 15 iterations are added
// because in hardware equivalent time is spent on checking burst mode
// and adjusting to it. It's safe to do so -- with AmbiqSuite v4.2 the
// number of iterations passed will always be lower than '2^32 - 1 - 15'.
WriteWord 0x9C 0x300F // asm: adds r0, #15 // add 15 iterations
WriteWord 0x9E 0x3801 // asm: subs r0, #1 // decrement number of iterations
WriteWord 0xA0 0x2800 // asm: cmp r0, #0 // compare with 0
WriteWord 0xA2 0xd1fc // asm: bne.n 0x9E // jump to 0x9E if not equal
WriteWord 0xA4 0x4770 // asm: bx lr // return
// A handler which prevents silent usage of unimplemented functions:
// 1. the address of the caller (LR) is written to the 'bootrom_logger'
// (see above) which logs an error with the name of the function,
// 2. the jump to the 'logger_address' is performed, which aborts the
// simulation because it isn't a MappedMemory.
WriteDoubleWord 0x30 0x3014f8df // asm: ldr r3, logger_address
WriteDoubleWord 0x34 0xe000f8c3 // asm: str lr, [r3]
WriteWord 0x38 0x4718 // asm: bx r3
WriteDoubleWord 0x48 0x07fffffc // logger_address
// Unimplemented functions jump to the handler (asm: bl handler).
WriteDoubleWord 0x4C 0xfff0f7ff // mass_erase
WriteDoubleWord 0x50 0xffeef7ff // page_erase
WriteDoubleWord 0x54 0xffecf7ff // program_main
WriteDoubleWord 0x58 0xffeaf7ff // program_info_area
WriteDoubleWord 0x78 0xffdaf7ff // write
WriteDoubleWord 0x80 0xffd6f7ff // info_erase
WriteDoubleWord 0x98 0xffcaf7ff // recovery
// * program_main2 -- with parm1 == 0, assuming that numWords is not 0
WriteWord 0x200 0x9800 // asm: ldr r0, [sp] // load numWords from stack
WriteWord 0x202 0x0080 // asm: lsl r0, r0, #2 // multiply numWords by 4 (to get number of bytes)
WriteWord 0x204 0x009B // asm: lsl r3, r3, #2 // multiply dst to get the actual address
WriteWord 0x206 0x501A // asm: str r2, [r3, r0] // store r2 to dst + numWords
WriteWord 0x208 0x3804 // asm: subs r0, #4 // decrease numWords
WriteWord 0x20A 0x2800 // asm: cmp r0, #0 // compare numWords with 0
WriteWord 0x20C 0xDAFB // asm: bge 0x206 // jump to 0x206 if not negative
WriteWord 0x20E 0x2000 // asm: movs r0, #0 // set return value to OK
WriteWord 0x210 0x4770 // asm: bx lr // return
// * program_main2 -- with parm1 == 1, assuming that numWords is not 0
WriteWord 0x220 0x9800 // asm: ldr r0, [sp] // load numWords from stack
WriteWord 0x222 0x0080 // asm: lsl r0, r0, #2 // multiply numWords by 4 (to get number of bytes)
WriteWord 0x224 0x009B // asm: lsl r3, r3, #2 // multiply dst to get the actual address
WriteWord 0x226 0x5811 // asm: ldr r1, [r2, r0] // load src + numWords to r5
WriteWord 0x228 0x5019 // asm: str r1, [r3, r0] // store r1 to dst + numWords
WriteWord 0x22A 0x3804 // asm: subs r0, #4 // decrease numWords
WriteWord 0x22C 0x2800 // asm: cmp r0, #0 // compare numWords with 0
WriteWord 0x22E 0xDAFA // asm: bge 0x226 // jump to 0x226 if not negative
WriteWord 0x230 0x2000 // asm: movs r0, #0 // set return value to OK
WriteWord 0x232 0x4770 // asm: bx lr // return
mcu_mram: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x00000000
size: 0x200000
mcu_tcm: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x10000000
size: 0x60000
shared_sram: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x10060000
size: 0x100000
// Other peripherals
adc: Analog.AmbiqApollo4_ADC @ sysbus 0x40038000
// The last 6 bits contain the fraction part in measurement averages computed from multiple samples.
Channel0Data: 0x40 // Min value for the integer part.
Channel1Data: 0xAAAA
Channel2Data: 0x15555
Channel3Data: 0x1FFFF
Channel4Data: 0x2AAAA
Channel5Data: 0x35555
Channel6Data: 0x3FFC0 // Max value for the integer part.
-> nvic@19
gpio: GPIOPort.AmbiqApollo4_GPIO @ sysbus 0x40010000
McuN0IrqBank0 -> nvic@56
McuN0IrqBank1 -> nvic@57
McuN0IrqBank2 -> nvic@58
McuN0IrqBank3 -> nvic@59
McuN1IrqBank0 -> nvic@60
McuN1IrqBank1 -> nvic@61
McuN1IrqBank2 -> nvic@62
McuN1IrqBank3 -> nvic@63
iom0: SPI.AmbiqApollo4_IOMaster @ sysbus 0x40050000
-> nvic@6
iom1: SPI.AmbiqApollo4_IOMaster @ sysbus 0x40051000
-> nvic@7
iom2: SPI.AmbiqApollo4_IOMaster @ sysbus 0x40052000
-> nvic@8
iom3: SPI.AmbiqApollo4_IOMaster @ sysbus 0x40053000
-> nvic@9
iom4: SPI.AmbiqApollo4_IOMaster @ sysbus 0x40054000
-> nvic@10
iom5: SPI.AmbiqApollo4_IOMaster @ sysbus 0x40055000
-> nvic@11
iom6: SPI.AmbiqApollo4_IOMaster @ sysbus 0x40056000
-> nvic@12
iom7: SPI.AmbiqApollo4_IOMaster @ sysbus 0x40057000
-> nvic@13
rtc: Timers.AmbiqApollo4_RTC @ sysbus 0x40004800
-> nvic@2
timerIRQ: Miscellaneous.CombinedInput @ none
numberOfInputs: 16
-> nvic@14
timer: Timers.AmbiqApollo4_Timer @ sysbus 0x40008000
0 -> timerIRQ@0 | nvic@67
1 -> timerIRQ@1 | nvic@68
2 -> timerIRQ@2 | nvic@69
3 -> timerIRQ@3 | nvic@70
4 -> timerIRQ@4 | nvic@71
5 -> timerIRQ@5 | nvic@72
6 -> timerIRQ@6 | nvic@73
7 -> timerIRQ@7 | nvic@74
8 -> timerIRQ@8 | nvic@75
9 -> timerIRQ@9 | nvic@76
10 -> timerIRQ@10 | nvic@77
11 -> timerIRQ@11 | nvic@78
12 -> timerIRQ@12 | nvic@79
13 -> timerIRQ@13 | nvic@80
14 -> timerIRQ@14 | nvic@81
15 -> timerIRQ@15 | nvic@82
stimer: Timers.AmbiqApollo4_SystemTimer @ sysbus 0x40008800
IRQA -> nvic@32
IRQB -> nvic@33
IRQC -> nvic@34
IRQD -> nvic@35
IRQE -> nvic@36
IRQF -> nvic@37
IRQG -> nvic@38
IRQH -> nvic@39
IRQI -> nvic@40
uart0: UART.PL011 @ sysbus 0x4001C000
-> nvic@15
uart1: UART.PL011 @ sysbus 0x4001D000
-> nvic@16
uart2: UART.PL011 @ sysbus 0x4001E000
-> nvic@17
uart3: UART.PL011 @ sysbus 0x4001F000
-> nvic@18
pwrctrl: Miscellaneous.AmbiqApollo4_PowerController @ sysbus 0x40021000
security: Miscellaneous.AmbiqApollo4_Security @ sysbus 0x40030000
wdt: Timers.AmbiqApollo4_Watchdog @ sysbus 0x40024000
cpu_complex: Python.PythonPeripheral @ sysbus 0x48000000
size: 0x1000
// DAXI Control = 0x4 - DAXIREADY bit set
script: "request.value = 0x4 if request.offset == 0x54 else 0"
SilenceRange <0x40020000, 0x40020FFF> // MCUCTRL
SilenceRange <0x47FF0000, 0x47FF0004> // SYNC_READ
Tag <0x0800004D,0x0800009F> "CPU_BOOTROM"
Tag <0x40004000,0x40004FFF> "CLKGEN"
Tag <0x40008000,0x400087FF> "TIMER"
Tag <0x40014000,0x40014FFF> "MRAM"
Tag <0x400C0000,0x400C3FFF> "CRYPTO"
Tag <0x400C2000,0x400C3FFF> "OTP"
Tag <0x42000000,0x4200FFFF> "NVM_OTP"
Tag <0x42000000,0x42000067> "INFO0"
Tag <0x42002000,0x4200332F> "INFO1"
Tag <0xE0000000,0xE0000FFF> "ITM"
Tag <0xF0000000,0xF0000FFF> "JEDEC"