blob: 40ae32e46c738edc557e7784de0f29f18b816b61 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
memoryBrom: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0xFFFF0000
size: 0x10000
memorySram: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x0
size: 0x40000
memoryRam: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x40000000
size: 0x80000000
uart0: UART.NS16550 @ sysbus 0x1C28000
wideRegisters: true
-> gic@0x1
uart1: UART.NS16550 @ sysbus 0x1C28400
wideRegisters: true
-> gic@0x2
uart2: UART.NS16550 @ sysbus 0x1C28800
wideRegisters: true
-> gic@0x3
uart3: UART.NS16550 @ sysbus 0x1C28c00
wideRegisters: true
-> gic@0x4
uart4: UART.NS16550 @ sysbus 0x1C29000
wideRegisters: true
-> gic@0x11
uart5: UART.NS16550 @ sysbus 0x1C29400
wideRegisters: true
-> gic@0x12
uart6: UART.NS16550 @ sysbus 0x1C29800
wideRegisters: true
-> gic@0x13
uart7: UART.NS16550 @ sysbus 0x1C29c00
wideRegisters: true
-> gic@0x14
usbEhci1: USBDeprecated.EHCIHostController @ sysbus <0x1C14000, +0x1000>
-> gic@0x27
ehciBaseAddress: 0x0
capabilityRegistersLength: 0x10
usbHub: USBDeprecated.UsbHub @ usbEhci1 1
usbEhci2: USBDeprecated.EHCIHostController @ sysbus <0x1C1C000, +0x1000>
-> gic@0x28
ehciBaseAddress: 0x0
capabilityRegistersLength: 0x10
gic: IRQControllers.ARM_GenericInterruptController @ {
sysbus new Bus.BusMultiRegistration { address: 0x1C81000; size: 0x1000; region: "distributor" };
sysbus new Bus.BusMultiRegistration { address: 0x1C82000; size: 0x100; region: "cpuInterface" }
0 -> cpu@0
supportsTwoSecurityStates: false
architectureVersion: IRQControllers.ARM_GenericInterruptControllerVersion.GICv2
// The cpuType, the frequency of the timer and the timer interrupt id are extracted from the legacy CPU.CortexA7 class
cpu: CPU.ARMv7A @ sysbus
cpuType: "cortex-a15"
genericInterruptController: gic
timer: Timers.ARM_GenericTimer @ cpu
frequency: 24000000
VirtualTimerIRQ -> gic#0@1
uartSemihosting: UART.SemihostingUart @ cpu
sunxiMmc0: SD.SunxiMMC @ sysbus 0x1C0F000
-> gic@32
sunxiMmc1: SD.SunxiMMC @ sysbus 0x1C10000
-> gic@33
sunxiMmc3: SD.SunxiMMC @ sysbus 0x1C12000
-> gic@35
sunxiHstimer: Timers.SunxiHighSpeedTimer @ sysbus 0x1C60000
frequency: 100000000
[0-3] -> gic@[81-84]
sunxiTimer: Timers.SunxiTimer @ sysbus 0x1C20C00
Timer0Irq -> gic@22
Timer1Irq -> gic@23
Tag <0x1C00000, 0x1C00FFF> "SRAM_CONTROLLER"
Tag <0x1C01000, 0x1C01FFF> "DRAM_CONTROLLER"
Tag <0x1C00024, 0x1C00027> "FEL_GPIO" 0xFFFFFFFF
Tag <0x1C0F000, 0x1C0FFFF> "SDC0"
Tag <0x1C20000, 0x1C203FF> "CCU"
Tag <0x1C03000, 0x1C03FFF> "NANDFLASHC"
Tag <0x1C02000, 0x1C02FFF> "DMAC"
Tag <0x1C11000, 0x1C11FFF> "SDC2"
Tag <0x1C05000, 0x1C05FFF> "SPI0"
Tag <0x1C13000, 0x1C13FFF> "USB0"