blob: f014bd942048e722181e231bea5df266ea6d6ac9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Get absolute path of Renode directory.
# To make it run from any place in the system (possibly different git repository)
# we have to get full path of the script and then find the git repository that
# contains it (it will be the Renode repository).
RENODE_DIR="$(git -C $(dirname $(realpath $0)) rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
# Read dts2repl commit cached in the Renode repository
# NOTE: The output of the 'git submodule status' command is:
# " a53f2f01039a462bdd7322d1fb315edd95033b6d tools/dts2repl (heads/main)"
# We are looking for the commit SHA-1 (40 hexadecimal digits) followed
# by the "tools/dts2repl" string.
# It could be done in a single grep command:
# grep -oP "[a-f0-9]{40}(?=\s+tools/dts2repl)")
# however, the -P option isn't available on all supported platforms, so
# it has to be split into two separate commands.
git -C $RENODE_DIR submodule status --cached tools/dts2repl | \
grep -Eo "[a-f0-9]{40}\s+tools/dts2repl" | \
grep -Eo "[a-f0-9]{40}" \
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Failed to determine dts2repl version."
exit 1
# In packages the DTS2REPL_VERSION variable will be set to specific dts2repl version.
# The bottom part of this script will be copied directly to the package, but the
# upper part will contain a single line:
# DTS2REPL_VERSION=<commit-sha>
# To make it easy to cut the head of this script we leave the marker here:
case $1 in
echo "git+$DTS2REPL_VERSION"
echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-h] [--commit] [--pip] [--pipx] [--url]"
echo ""
echo "Display version of dts2repl supported by this version of Renode in specified format."
echo ""
echo "options:"
echo " --commit git commit SHA (default)"
echo " --pip url that can be passed to pip to install dts2repl"
echo " --pipx url that can be passed to pipx to install dts2repl"
echo " --url url to the specific commit on GitHub"
echo " -h, --help show this help message and exit"
>&2 echo "Unrecognized argument '$1'"
exit 1