blob: 62cf0cd835c9a640d2e92e8ae444e7241339c7f1 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Prepare Machine
[Arguments] ${elf}
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create "ra8m1"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/boards/renesas-ek_ra8m1.repl
Execute Command set bin @${elf}
Execute Command macro reset "sysbus LoadELF $bin"
Execute Command runMacro $reset
Prepare Segger RTT
[Arguments] ${pauseEmulation}=true
Execute Command machine CreateVirtualConsole "segger_rtt"
Execute Command include @scripts/single-node/
Execute Command setup_segger_rtt sysbus.segger_rtt
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.segger_rtt defaultPauseEmulation=${pauseEmulation}
Prepare LED Tester
Create Led Tester sysbus.port6.led_blue
Create Echo I2C Peripheral
[Arguments] ${master} ${slave_address}
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "dummy: Mocks.DummyI2CSlave @ ${master} ${slave_address}"
${python_script}= Catenate SEPARATOR=\n
... python
... """
... class EchoI2CPeripheral:
... ${SPACE*4}def __init__(self, dummy):
... ${SPACE*8}self.dummy = dummy
... ${SPACE*4}def write(self, data):
... ${SPACE*8}self.dummy.EnqueueResponseBytes(data)
... def mc_setup_echo_i2c_peripheral(path):
... ${SPACE*4}dummy = monitor.Machine[path]
... ${SPACE*4}dummy.DataReceived += EchoI2CPeripheral(dummy).write
... """
Execute Command ${python_script}
Execute Command setup_echo_i2c_peripheral "sysbus.${master}.dummy"
*** Test Cases ***
Should Run Periodically Blink LED
Prepare Machine ${AGT_ELF}
Prepare LED Tester
Prepare Segger RTT
Execute Command agt0 IRQ AddStateChangedHook "Antmicro.Renode.Logging.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, 'AGT0 ' + str(state))"
# Timeout is only used for checking whether the IRQ has been handled
Create Log Tester 0.001 defaultPauseEmulation=true
# Configuration is roughly in ms
Wait For Prompt On Uart One-shot mode:
Write Line To Uart 10 waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Time period for one-shot mode timer: 10
Wait For Prompt On Uart Periodic mode:
Write Line To Uart 5 waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Time period for periodic mode timer: 5
Wait For Prompt On Uart Enter any key to start or stop the timers
Write Line To Uart waitForEcho=false
# Timeout is extended by an additional 1ms to account for rounding errors
Wait For Log Entry AGT0 True level=Error timeout=0.011
Wait For Log Entry AGT0 False level=Error
# move to the beginning of a True state
Assert Led State True timeout=0.01 pauseEmulation=true
# Run test for 5 cycles
Assert Led Is Blinking testDuration=0.05 onDuration=0.005 offDuration=0.005 tolerance=0.2 pauseEmulation=true
Assert Led State True timeout=0.005 pauseEmulation=true
# Stop timers, clear log tester history and check whether the periodic timer stops
Write Line To Uart waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Periodic timer stopped. Enter any key to start timers.
Assert And Hold Led State True 0.0 0.05
Should Read And Write On UART
Prepare Machine ${SCI_UART_ELF}
Execute Command cpu AddHook `sysbus GetSymbolAddress "bsp_clock_init"` "cpu.PC = cpu.LR"
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.sci2
Wait For Line On Uart Starting UART demo
Write Line To Uart 56 waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Setting intensity to: 56
Wait For Line On Uart Set next value
Write Line To Uart 1 waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Setting intensity to: 1
Wait For Line On Uart Set next value
Write Line To Uart 100 waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Setting intensity to: 100
Wait For Line On Uart Set next value
Write Line To Uart 371 waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Invalid input. Input range is from 1 - 100
Write Line To Uart 74 waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Setting intensity to: 74
Wait For Line On Uart Set next value
Should Read Temperature From SPI
Prepare Machine ${SCI_SPI_ELF}
Execute Command cpu AddHook `sysbus GetSymbolAddress "bsp_clock_init"` "cpu.PC = cpu.LR"
Prepare Segger RTT
# Sample expects the MAX31723PMB1 temperature sensor which there is no model for in Renode
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "sensor: Sensors.GenericSPISensor @ sci2"
# Sensor initialization values
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x80
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x6
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x0
# Temperature of 15 °C
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x0
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0xF
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x0
# Temperature of 10 °C
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x0
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0xA
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x0
# Temperature of 2 °C
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x0
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x2
Execute Command sci2.sensor FeedSample 0x0
Wait For Line On Uart Temperature:${SPACE*2}15.000000 *C
Wait For Line On Uart Temperature:${SPACE*2}10.000000 *C
Wait For Line On Uart Temperature:${SPACE*2}2.000000 *C
Wait For Line On Uart Temperature:${SPACE*2}0.000000 *C
Should Pass Communication Test On SCI With Sample I2C Echo Slave
Prepare Machine ${SCI_I2C_ELF}
Prepare Segger RTT
Execute Command cpu AddHook `sysbus GetSymbolAddress "bsp_clock_init"` "cpu.PC = cpu.LR"
Create Echo I2C Peripheral sci1 0x4A
Wait For Line On Uart ** SCI_I2C Master Write operation is successful **
Wait For Line On Uart ** SCI_I2C Master Read operation is successful **
Wait For Line On Uart ** Read and Write buffers are equal **