blob: de2c63a8deae5ef34d2ab6cf9baf375ad78a8f19 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${MTVEC} 0x80080000
${RV32_PRIV10}= SEPARATOR=${\n}
... """
... cpu: CPU.RiscV32 @ sysbus
... ${SPACE*4}cpuType: "rv32gcv"
... ${SPACE*4}privilegeArchitecture: PrivilegeArchitecture.Priv1_10
... ${SPACE*4}timeProvider: empty
... dram: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x80000000
... ${SPACE*4}size: 0x06400000
... """
*** Keywords ***
Write Opcode To
[Arguments] ${adress} ${opcode}
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord ${adress} ${opcode}
Create RV32PRIV10 Machine
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString ${RV32_PRIV10}
Prepare RV32 State
Execute Command cpu MTVEC ${MTVEC}
Execute Command cpu PC 0x80000000
Step Once And Ensure Not Trapped
[Arguments] ${trap_adress}
${PC}= Execute Command cpu Step
Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${PC} ${trap_adress}
*** Test Cases ***
Should Not Throw Exception After MRET in the NAPOT GRAIN32 Configuration
Create RV32PRIV10 Machine
Prepare RV32 State
# PMP Configuration: #
# Rules : 1 (pmpaddr0 + pmpcfg0) #
# Mode : NAPOT #
# Grain : 32 #
# #
# Expected configuration: #
# - sa = 0x0 #
# - ea = 0xFFFFFFFF #
# - privs = R/W/X #
# - lock = false #
# Aligment
Write Opcode To 0x80000000 0x13 # nop
# Set up pmpaddr0
Write Opcode To 0x80000004 0x800002b7 # lui t0,0x80000
Write Opcode To 0x80000008 0x12fd # addi t0,t0,-1 # t0 = 0x7fffffff
Write Opcode To 0x8000000A 0x3b029073 # csrw pmpaddr0,t0
# Set up pmpcfg0
Write Opcode To 0x8000000E 0x42fd # li t0,31
Write Opcode To 0x80000010 0x3a029073 # csrw pmpcfg0,t0
Execute Command cpu MEPC 0x80000018
Write Opcode To 0x80000014 0x30200073 # mret
Execute Command cpu Step 7
# Test code execution from the PMP covered region
Write Opcode To 0x80000018 0x13 # nop
Step Once And Ensure Not Trapped ${MTVEC}
# Test loads from the PMP covered region
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafe 8 0x80001000
Write Opcode To 0x8000001c 0x00042483 # lw s1, 0(s0)
Step Once And Ensure Not Trapped ${MTVEC}
# Test writes to PMP covered region
Write Opcode To 0x80000020 0x00942023 # sw s1,0(s0)
Step Once And Ensure Not Trapped ${MTVEC}