blob: d700704c5fab8074c3bb574927f65c171bcabb5c [file] [log] [blame]
:name: VexRiscv platform with a verilated CFU
:description: This script runs CFU-Playground software using a verilated Custom Function Unit.
using sysbus
mach create $name
machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/verilated/litex_vexriscv_verilated_cfu.repl
showAnalyzer uart
cpu.cfu0 SimulationFilePathLinux $cfuLinux
# These CSR registers are mocked here to match the CPU used by the CFU-Playground project.
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB04 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB05 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB06 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB07 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB08 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB09 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB0A User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB0B User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB0C User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB0D User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB0E User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB0F User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB10 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB11 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB12 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB13 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB14 User
cpu RegisterCustomCSR "BPM" 0xB15 User
macro reset
sysbus LoadELF $bin
runMacro $reset
echo "Software loaded. It is the `example_cfu` from CFU-Playground ("
echo "You can test it by running `Functional CFU Test` (2) menu option."
echo ""
echo "To test a more advanced CFU you can use `cfu_mnv2` from with `mnv2_first` software from"
echo "MobileNetv2 CFU will let you test models with `TfLM Models menu` (1) or `Project menu` (3)."