blob: fef29b46ef05a0b9ea4789986f3ab97729440276 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${URI} @
*** Keywords ***
Create Machine
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create "Ambiq Apollo4"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/ambiq-apollo4.repl
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.uart2 10
Load Example
[Arguments] ${axf_filename}
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${URI}/${axf_filename}
Start Example
[Arguments] ${axf_filename}
Load Example ${axf_filename}
Start Emulation
Load Bytes To Memory
[Arguments] ${address} @{bytes}
FOR ${byte} IN @{bytes}
Execute Command sysbus WriteByte ${address} ${byte}
${address} = Evaluate ${address} + 1
*** Test Cases ***
Should Successfully Run hello_world_uart Example
Create Machine
Start Example hello_world_uart.axf-s_307536-899c2682fa35d4bf27992bba5a0b5845ae331ba3
Wait For Line On Uart Hello World!
Wait For Line On Uart Vendor Name:
Should Successfully Run stimer Example
Create Machine
Start Example stimer.axf-s_252512-bd594169c2dce5d6771bb426a479fc622b1c6182
Wait For Line On Uart SUCCESS! pauseEmulation=true
Execute Command emulation RunFor '00:00:02.5000'
# A single "SUCCESS!" line should be printed each second (approximately) so check if there are two such lines.
Wait For Line On Uart SUCCESS! 0
Wait For Line On Uart SUCCESS! 0
# There shouldn't be any more SUCCESS! lines on UART.
Run Keyword And Expect Error *Line containing >>SUCCESS!<< event: failure* Wait For Line On Uart SUCCESS! 0
Should Successfully Run rtc_print Example
Create Machine
Start Example rtc_print.axf-s_259852-abb4ec53fd71107857a6b0a60994e81cda77d4d5
# A fixed time set in the test instead of the compilation time.
Wait For Line On Uart It is now 9 : 00 : 00.00 Tuesday April 26, 2022 includeUnfinishedLine=true
# Check RTC setting and progress.
Execute Command pause
Execute Command rtc SetDateTime 2022 12 31 23 59 59 15
${res}= Execute Command rtc PrintPreciseCurrentDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2022-12-31T23:59:59.1500000
${res}= Execute Command emulation RunFor '00:00:00.12'; rtc PrintPreciseCurrentDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2022-12-31T23:59:59.2700000
# Set the alarm to every second.
Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0xE
# Alarm whenever millisecond value equals 310.
Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x30 0x31
# Make sure alarm is properly set.
${res}= Execute Command rtc PrintNextAlarmDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2022-12-31T23:59:59.3100000
# Make sure the interrupt status is off.
${res}= Execute Command rtc ReadDoubleWord 0x204
Should Contain ${res} 0x00000000
# Progress the timer and stop before the event
${res}= Execute Command emulation RunFor '00:00:00.03'; rtc PrintPreciseCurrentDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2022-12-31T23:59:59.3000000
# Check the interrupt status.
${res}= Execute Command rtc ReadDoubleWord 0x204
Should Contain ${res} 0x00000000
# Progress the timer - this time the event should trigger
${res}= Execute Command emulation RunFor '00:00:00.01'; rtc PrintPreciseCurrentDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2022-12-31T23:59:59.3100000
# Check the interrupt status.
${res}= Execute Command rtc ReadDoubleWord 0x204
Should Contain ${res} 0x00000001
# Make sure the next alarm is properly scheduled.
${res}= Execute Command rtc PrintNextAlarmDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2023-01-01T00:00:00.3100000
# Clear the interrupt status and check if it's reset.
${res}= Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x208 0x1; rtc ReadDoubleWord 0x204
Should Contain ${res} 0x00000000
# Progress the timer to the next year.
${res}= Execute Command emulation RunFor '00:00:01.00'; rtc PrintPreciseCurrentDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2023-01-01T00:00:00.3100000
# Check the interrupt status.
${res}= Execute Command rtc ReadDoubleWord 0x204
Should Contain ${res} 0x00000001
# Set the alarm interval to every week.
Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x6
# The alarm will be set to the next Sunday at 00:00:00.31 because only the alarm's milliseconds are set (Sunday is weekday=0).
${res}= Execute Command rtc PrintNextAlarmDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2023-01-08T00:00:00.3100000
# Set the alarm's weekday to Friday.
Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x34 0x50000
# Trigger the alarm exactly at 12:34:56.78.
Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x30 0x12345678
# Check if the alarm is set properly.
${res}= Execute Command rtc PrintNextAlarmDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2023-01-06T12:34:56.7800000
# Test if the alarm is properly adjusted after setting new date.
Execute Command rtc SetDateTime 2022 05 06 20 48 20 15
${res}= Execute Command rtc PrintNextAlarmDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2022-05-13T12:34:56.7800000
# Test setting the alarm to once a year on 23rd of February.
Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x34 0x0223
Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x2
${res}= Execute Command rtc PrintNextAlarmDateTime
Should Contain ${res} 2023-02-23T12:34:56.7800000
# Test disabling the alarm.
Execute Command rtc WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x0
${res}= Execute Command rtc PrintNextAlarmDateTime
Should Contain ${res} Alarm not set.
Should Successfully Run ios_fifo_host Example
Create Machine
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "dummySpi: Mocks.DummySPISlave @ iom1 0"
Create Log Tester 10
Execute Command logLevel 0 iom1.dummySpi
Start Example ios_fifo_host.axf-s_253032-865941e8c49057c68d2d866e9c9308febe684644
Wait For Line On Uart IOS Test Host: Waiting for at least 10000 bytes from the slave. includeUnfinishedLine=true
# Currently only writes to the slave peripheral are tested.
Wait For Log Entry iom1.dummySpi: Data received: 0xF8
Wait For Log Entry iom1.dummySpi: Data received: 0x1
Wait For Log Entry iom1.dummySpi: Data received: 0x80
Wait For Log Entry iom1.dummySpi: Data received: 0x0
Should Successfully Run binary_counter Example
Create Machine
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString 'gpio: { 30 -> led30@0; 90 -> led90@0; 91 -> led91@0 }; led30: Miscellaneous.LED @ gpio 30; led90: Miscellaneous.LED @ gpio 90; led91: Miscellaneous.LED @ gpio 91'
Load Example binary_counter.axf-s_264304-49508d8e17aeaaa88845426e007dde2ce4416892
${led30_tester}= Create LED Tester sysbus.gpio.led30 defaultTimeout=0
${led90_tester}= Create LED Tester sysbus.gpio.led90 defaultTimeout=0
${led91_tester}= Create LED Tester sysbus.gpio.led91 defaultTimeout=0
Execute Command emulation RunFor "1"
Assert LED State false testerId=${led30_tester}
Assert LED State false testerId=${led90_tester}
Assert LED State false testerId=${led91_tester}
# this simulates an IRQ from the timer
Execute Command nvic OnGPIO 14 true; nvic OnGPIO 14 false
Execute Command emulation RunFor "1"
Assert LED State true testerId=${led30_tester}
Assert LED State true testerId=${led90_tester}
Assert LED State true testerId=${led91_tester}
Test Calling Unimplemented Bootrom Function
Create Machine
Create Log Tester 1
${FUNCTION_ADDRESS} = Set Variable 0x08000098
${FUNCTION_NAME} = Set Variable Recovery
Execute Command cpu PC ${FUNCTION_ADDRESS}
Start Emulation
Wait For Log Entry bootrom_logger: Unimplemented BOOTROM function called: ${FUNCTION_NAME} (${FUNCTION_ADDRESS})
Should Successfully Run adc_measure Example
Create Machine
Start Example adc_measure.axf-s_258564-3c473c4e7c59b73cdbf00b22b633e3301923ed61
Wait For Line On Uart ADC correction offset = 0.0
Wait For Line On Uart ADC correction gain * = 0.0 treatAsRegex=true # Regex handles the output's triple space.
# Make sure slot channels are correct
Wait For Line On Uart ADC SLOT0 = 0x.....1.. treatAsRegex=true
Wait For Line On Uart ADC SLOT1 = 0x.....2.. treatAsRegex=true
Wait For Line On Uart ADC SLOT2 = 0x.....4.. treatAsRegex=true
Wait For Line On Uart ADC SLOT3 = 0x.....6.. treatAsRegex=true
# A single software trigger is sent by the example so a single read from each slot should be printed.
# These values are the example defaults set in the REPL file.
Wait For Line On Uart ADC#0 sample read=681, measured voltage=197.0 mV
Wait For Line On Uart ADC#1 sample read=1363, measured voltage=395.0 mV
Wait For Line On Uart ADC#2 sample read=2729, measured voltage=792.0 mV
Wait For Line On Uart ADC#3 sample read=4092, measured voltage=1188.0 mV
# Change some values and manually trigger a scan.
Execute Command adc Channel2Data 0x00040
Execute Command adc Channel4Data 0x35E00
Execute Command adc ScanAllSlots
Wait For Line On Uart ADC#0 sample read=681, measured voltage=197.0 mV
Wait For Line On Uart ADC#1 sample read=0, measured voltage=0.0 mV
Wait For Line On Uart ADC#2 sample read=3445, measured voltage=1000.0 mV
Wait For Line On Uart ADC#3 sample read=4092, measured voltage=1188.0 mV
Test Calculating CRC32 Value
Create Machine
Create Log Tester 1
Execute Command logLevel -1 security
# The data and its CRC come from SDK's 'em9304_patches.c'.
${address} = Set Variable 0x0
${crc} = Set Variable 0xF9FC5EF5
Load Bytes To Memory ${address}
... 0x33 0x39 0x6D 0x65 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00
... 0x01 0x0B 0x18 0x14 0x11 0x0C 0x02 0x00
... 0x75 0xDE 0xC7 0x98 0x81 0x00 0x00 0x00
... 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00
${length} = Set Variable 0x20
# Check if the SDK's 'am_hal_crc32' steps work.
Execute Command security WriteDoubleWord 0x30 0xFFFFFFFF # Seed initial value.
Execute Command security WriteDoubleWord 0x10 ${address} # Set source address.
Execute Command security WriteDoubleWord 0x20 ${length} # Set length.
Execute Command security WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x0 # Set FUNCTION field to CRC32.
# Start the calculation by setting the ENABLE bit and wait for the result log.
Execute Command security WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x1
Wait For Log Entry security: CRC32 calculation result: ${crc}
# Check if the ENABLE bit has been cleared.
${control_register} = Execute Command security ReadDoubleWord 0x0
Should Contain ${control_register} 0x0
# Check the result register's value.
${result_register} = Execute Command security ReadDoubleWord 0x30
Should Contain ${result_register} ${crc}