blob: 0051da69f82693f659a95ce2a7b6f144c5038c59 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${SCRIPT} ${CURDIR}/../../scripts/single-node/versatile.resc
${UART} sysbus.uart0
*** Keywords ***
Prepare Machine
[Arguments] ${name}=Versatile
Execute Command $name="${name}"
Execute Script ${SCRIPT}
*** Test Cases ***
Should Boot Linux
[Documentation] Boots Linux on the Versatile platform.
[Tags] linux uart
Prepare Machine
Create Terminal Tester ${UART}
Start Emulation
Wait For Line On Uart Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
Wait For Line On Uart Welcome to the Renode Versatile demo!
Wait For Prompt On Uart master login:
Write Line To Uart root
Wait For Prompt On Uart ${PROMPT}
Provides booted-linux
Should Ls
[Documentation] Tests shell responsiveness in Linux on the Versatile platform.
[Tags] linux uart
Requires booted-linux
# wait for the psmouse line to avoid serial output cluttering
Wait For Line On Uart psmouse serio1: Failed to enable mouse on fpga:07
Write Line To Uart ls /
Wait For Line On Uart proc