blob: e119f499815f4c155ecb1627e31c041ff930136e [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${SHELL_ELF} arduino_uno_r4_minima-zephyr-shell_module.elf-s_1068728-aab68bf55c34638d1ba641464a8456a04bfff1df
${GPT_ELF} gpt_ek_ra4m1_ep.elf-s_765644-1d962f940be6f73024384883e7d6322a2a269ce0
*** Keywords ***
Prepare Machine
[Arguments] ${bin}
Execute Command set bin @${URL}/${bin}
Execute Command include @scripts/single-node/arduino_uno_r4_minima.resc
Prepare UART Tester
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.sci2
Prepare Segger RTT
Execute Command machine CreateVirtualConsole "segger_rtt"
Execute Command include @scripts/single-node/
Execute Command setup_segger_rtt sysbus.segger_rtt
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.segger_rtt
*** Test Cases ***
Run ZephyrRTOS Shell
Prepare Machine ${SHELL_ELF}
Prepare UART Tester
Start Emulation
Wait For Prompt On Uart uart:~$
Write Line To Uart demo ping
Wait For Line On Uart pong
Should Run The Timer In One Shot Mode
Prepare Machine ${GPT_ELF}
Prepare Segger RTT
Wait For Prompt On Uart User Input:
Write Line To Uart 3 waitForEcho=false
Wait For Line On Uart Timer Expired in One-Shot Mode