blob: a47a1f9834c7cb062c7ff933c8a573c1efd4f741 [file] [log] [blame]
import time
class term_color:
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
RED = '\033[91m'
RESET = '\033[0m'
_x_start_time = {}
def decorate(text):
indent_level = 6
box_length = 1
box_upper_corner = u'\u2554'.encode()
box_horizontal_element = u'\u2550'
box_vertical_element = u'\u2551'.encode()
box_lower_corner = u'\u255a'.encode()
initial_spacing = (" " * indent_level).encode()
line_prefix = u"\n".encode() + initial_spacing + box_vertical_element + u" ".encode()
horizontal_line = (box_horizontal_element * box_length).encode()
return (initial_spacing + box_upper_corner + horizontal_line \
+ line_prefix \
+ line_prefix.join([x.encode() for x in text.split("\n")]) \
+ u"\n".encode() + initial_spacing + box_lower_corner + horizontal_line).decode()
def start_test(data, result):
# we have to flush manually, as the '-u' switch that should guarantee unbuffered output does not work on Windows
print("+++++ Starting test '{}'".format(data.longname), flush=True)
_x_start_time[data.longname] = time.time()
def end_test(data, result):
status = ""
if result.passed:
status = term_color.GREEN + 'OK' + term_color.RESET
if 'skipped' in result.tags:
status = term_color.BLUE + 'skipped' + term_color.RESET
elif 'non_critical' in result.tags:
status = term_color.YELLOW + 'failed (non critical)' + term_color.RESET
status = term_color.RED + 'failed' + term_color.RESET
duration = time.time() - _x_start_time[data.longname]
del _x_start_time[data.longname]
print("+++++ Finished test '{0}' in {1:.2f} seconds with status {2}".format(data.longname, duration, status), flush=True)
if not result.passed: