blob: d2dfc73bd3ac130556e5f087eb98f0c28d031463 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${UART} sysbus.uart0
${URI} @
${ZEPHYR_HELLO_WORLD_ELF} ${URI}/cortex_a53-zephyr-hello_world.elf-s_34096-272b1e50f90c8240d875daf679223f2d769e77dd
${ZEPHYR_SYNCHRONIZATION_ELF} ${URI}/virt-a53--zephyr-synchronization.elf-s_582816-bb556dc10df7f09918db3c5d1f298cdd3f3290f3
${ZEPHYR_PHILOSOPHERS_ELF} ${URI}/zephyr_philosophers_a53.elf-s_731440-e6e5bd1c2151b7e5d38d272b01108493e8ef88b4
${ZEPHYR_FPU_SHARING_ELF} ${URI}/zephyr_tests_kernel_fpu_sharing_generic_qemu_cortex_a53.elf-s_763936-8839da556c9913ed1817fc213a79c60de8f0d8e2
${SEL4_ADDER_ELF} ${URI}/camkes_adder_elfloader_aarch64-s_3408064-4385f32dd7a3235af3905c0a473598fc90853b7a
*** Keywords ***
Create Machine
[Arguments] ${gic_version}=3
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/cortex-a53-gicv${gic_version}.repl
Create Terminal Tester ${UART} defaultPauseEmulation=True
Execute Command showAnalyzer ${UART}
Step And Verify Accumulator
[Arguments] ${expected_value}
Execute Command cpu Step
${acc} = Execute Command cpu GetRegisterUnsafe 0
Should Be Equal As Integers ${acc} ${expected_value} base=16
Verify System Registers
[Arguments] ${names} ${expected_values}
${names_length} = Get Length ${names}
${values_length} = Get Length ${expected_values}
Should Be Equal ${names_length} ${values_length}
${all_values} = Execute Command cpu GetAllSystemRegisterValues
FOR ${index} IN RANGE ${names_length}
${name} = Set Variable ${names[${index}]}
${expected_value} = Set Variable ${expected_values[${index}]}
${match} = Get Regexp Matches ${all_values} ${name}.*(0x[0-9A-F]+) 1 flags=MULTILINE
IF ${match}
Should Be Equal ${match[0]} ${expected_value}
... msg="Invalid value of '${name}' system register: ${match[0]}; expected: ${expected_value}"
Fail "${name} not found in the system registers list: ${all_values}"
Verify Timer Register
[Arguments] ${system_register_name} ${timer_register_name}
Execute Command cpu GetSystemRegisterValue "${system_register_name}"
Wait For Log Entry Read from ${timer_register_name}
*** Test Cases ***
Test Accessing ARM Generic Timer Registers Through AArch64 System Registers
Create Machine
Create Log Tester 0
Execute Command logLevel 0 cpu.timer
# Read logs for '*Count' registers are disabled by default because they tend to be read very often.
Execute Command cpu.timer EnableCountReadLogs true
# AArch64 system register reads go through tlib and are handled by ARM Generic Timer which prints a DEBUG access log.
# The log line is used to verify that a proper peripheral register is connected to the given AArch64 system register.
Verify Timer Register CNTFRQ_EL0 Frequency
Verify Timer Register CNTHCTL_EL2 HypervisorControl
Verify Timer Register CNTKCTL_EL1 KernelControl
Verify Timer Register CNTPCT_EL0 PhysicalCount
Verify Timer Register CNTPCTSS_EL0 PhysicalSelfSynchronizedCount
Verify Timer Register CNTPOFF_EL2 PhysicalOffset
Verify Timer Register CNTVCT_EL0 VirtualCount
Verify Timer Register CNTVCTSS_EL0 VirtualSelfSynchronizedCount
Verify Timer Register CNTVOFF_EL2 VirtualOffset
Verify Timer Register CNTHP_CTL_EL2 NonSecureEL2PhysicalTimerControl
Verify Timer Register CNTHP_CVAL_EL2 NonSecureEL2PhysicalTimerCompareValue
Verify Timer Register CNTHP_TVAL_EL2 NonSecureEL2PhysicalTimerValue
Verify Timer Register CNTHPS_CTL_EL2 SecureEL2PhysicalTimerControl
Verify Timer Register CNTHPS_CVAL_EL2 SecureEL2PhysicalTimerCompareValue
Verify Timer Register CNTHPS_TVAL_EL2 SecureEL2PhysicalTimerValue
Verify Timer Register CNTHV_CTL_EL2 NonSecureEL2VirtualTimerControl
Verify Timer Register CNTHV_CVAL_EL2 NonSecureEL2VirtualTimerCompareValue
Verify Timer Register CNTHV_TVAL_EL2 NonSecureEL2VirtualTimerValue
Verify Timer Register CNTHVS_CTL_EL2 SecureEL2VirtualTimerControl
Verify Timer Register CNTHVS_CVAL_EL2 SecureEL2VirtualTimerCompareValue
Verify Timer Register CNTHVS_TVAL_EL2 SecureEL2VirtualTimerValue
Verify Timer Register CNTP_CTL_EL0 EL1PhysicalTimerControl
Verify Timer Register CNTP_CVAL_EL0 EL1PhysicalTimerCompareValue
Verify Timer Register CNTP_TVAL_EL0 EL1PhysicalTimerValue
Verify Timer Register CNTPS_CTL_EL1 EL3PhysicalTimerControl
Verify Timer Register CNTPS_CVAL_EL1 EL3PhysicalTimerCompareValue
Verify Timer Register CNTPS_TVAL_EL1 EL3PhysicalTimerValue
Verify Timer Register CNTV_CTL_EL0 EL1VirtualTimerControl
Verify Timer Register CNTV_CVAL_EL0 EL1VirtualTimerCompareValue
Verify Timer Register CNTV_TVAL_EL0 EL1VirtualTimerValue
Test Accessing System Registers
Create Machine
${MIDR_val} = Set Variable 0x410FD034
${new_DAIF} = Set Variable 0x180
${new_NZCV} = Set Variable 0xA0000000
${new_SCTLR} = Set Variable 0xDEADBEEF
@{register_names} = Create List DAIF MIDR_EL1 NZCV SCTLR_EL3
@{expected_values} = Create List 0x3C0 ${MIDR_val} 0x40000000 0xC50838
Verify System Registers ${register_names} ${expected_values}
# MIDR_EL1 is a Read-Only register. Setting it should fail.
Run Keyword And Expect Error KeywordException: *Writing the MIDR_EL1 register isn't supported*
... Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "MIDR_EL1" 0xDEADBEEF
Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "DAIF" ${new_DAIF}
Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "NZCV" ${new_NZCV}
Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "SCTLR_EL3" ${new_SCTLR}
@{expected_values} = Create List ${new_DAIF} ${MIDR_val} ${new_NZCV} ${new_SCTLR}
Verify System Registers ${register_names} ${expected_values}
Test CRC32X
Create Machine
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x9ac34c00 # crc32x w0, w0, x3
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x4 0x9ac44c00 # crc32x w0, w0, x4
# Set the initial accumulator value.
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 0 0xcafebee
# Set source registers.
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 3 0x1234567890abcdef
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 4 0xfedcba0987654321
# CRC has many caveats with conversions done on input/output/accumulator.
# Let's make sure a proper version is used. Mono used to overwrite tlib's
# implementation with zlib's crc32 which internally converts accumulator
# and output and then the results here are 0x4ab0398 and 0xf77db35e.
Step And Verify Accumulator 0x6189dcf1
Step And Verify Accumulator 0x1bc6f80b
Test CRC32CX
Create Machine
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x9ac35c00 # crc32cx w0, w0, x3
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x4 0x9ac45c00 # crc32cx w0, w0, x4
# Set the initial accumulator value.
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 0 0xcafebee
# Set source registers.
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 3 0x1234567890abcdef
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 4 0xfedcba0987654321
Step And Verify Accumulator 0x8da20236
Step And Verify Accumulator 0xbcfc085a
Test Running the Hello World Zephyr Sample
Create Machine
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${ZEPHYR_HELLO_WORLD_ELF}
Wait For Line On Uart Booting Zephyr OS
Provides zephyr-hello-world-after-booting
Wait For Line On Uart Hello World!
Test Resuming Zephyr Hello World After Deserialization
Requires zephyr-hello-world-after-booting
Execute Command showAnalyzer ${UART}
Wait For Line On Uart Hello World!
Test Running the Zephyr Synchronization Sample
Create Machine
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${ZEPHYR_SYNCHRONIZATION_ELF}
Wait For Line On Uart Booting Zephyr OS
Wait For Line On Uart thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0
Wait For Line On Uart thread_b: Hello World from cpu 0
Wait For Line On Uart thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0
Wait For Line On Uart thread_b: Hello World from cpu 0
Test Running the Zephyr Philosophers Sample
Create Machine
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${ZEPHYR_PHILOSOPHERS_ELF}
Wait For Line On Uart Booting Zephyr OS
Wait For Line On Uart Philosopher 5.*STARVING treatAsRegex=true
Wait For Line On Uart Philosopher 5.*HOLDING ONE FORK treatAsRegex=true
Wait For Line On Uart Philosopher 5.*EATING treatAsRegex=true
Wait For Line On Uart Philosopher 5.*THINKING treatAsRegex=true
Test Running the Zephyr Kernel FPU Sharing Generic Test
Create Machine
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${ZEPHYR_FPU_SHARING_ELF}
Wait For Line On Uart Booting Zephyr OS
Wait For Line On Uart Running TESTSUITE fpu_sharing_generic
# The PASS line is currently printed after about 10.1 virtual seconds from the start.
Wait For Line On Uart START - test_load_store
Wait For Line On Uart PASS - test_load_store timeout=12
# The test prints 5 "Pi calculation OK after X (high) + Y (low) tests" lines.
# Let's finish testing after the first one. It takes about 5 virtual seconds to
# reach it from the start and the whole test takes about 50 virtual seconds.
Wait For Line On Uart START - test_pi
Wait For Line On Uart Pi calculation OK
Test Running the seL4 Adder Sample
Create Machine gic_version=2
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${SEL4_ADDER_ELF}
# seL4 expects to be at most in EL2
Execute Command cpu SetAvailableExceptionLevels true false
# Initialize UART since we don't have a bootloader
Execute Command ${UART} WriteDoubleWord 0x30 0x301
# Set 7-bit word length to hush the warning that 5-bit WLEN is unsupported.
Execute Command ${UART} WriteDoubleWord 0x2c 0x40 #b10 << 5
Wait For Line On Uart Booting all finished, dropped to user space
Wait For Line On Uart client: what's the answer to 342 + 74 + 283 + 37 + 534 ?
Wait For Line On Uart client: result was 1270