| *** Variables *** |
| ${UART} sysbus.uart0 |
| ${URI} @https://dl.antmicro.com/projects/renode |
| |
| ${ZEPHYR_HELLO_WORLD_ELF} ${URI}/cortex_a53-zephyr-hello_world.elf-s_34096-272b1e50f90c8240d875daf679223f2d769e77dd |
| ${ZEPHYR_SYNCHRONIZATION_ELF} ${URI}/virt-a53--zephyr-synchronization.elf-s_582816-bb556dc10df7f09918db3c5d1f298cdd3f3290f3 |
| ${ZEPHYR_PHILOSOPHERS_ELF} ${URI}/zephyr_philosophers_a53.elf-s_731440-e6e5bd1c2151b7e5d38d272b01108493e8ef88b4 |
| ${ZEPHYR_FPU_SHARING_ELF} ${URI}/zephyr_tests_kernel_fpu_sharing_generic_qemu_cortex_a53.elf-s_763936-8839da556c9913ed1817fc213a79c60de8f0d8e2 |
| |
| ${SEL4_ADDER_ELF} ${URI}/camkes_adder_elfloader_aarch64-s_3408064-4385f32dd7a3235af3905c0a473598fc90853b7a |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Create Machine |
| [Arguments] ${gic_version}=3 |
| |
| Execute Command using sysbus |
| Execute Command mach create |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/cortex-a53-gicv${gic_version}.repl |
| |
| Create Terminal Tester ${UART} defaultPauseEmulation=True |
| Execute Command showAnalyzer ${UART} |
| |
| Step And Verify Accumulator |
| [Arguments] ${expected_value} |
| |
| Execute Command cpu Step |
| ${acc} = Execute Command cpu GetRegisterUnsafe 0 |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${acc} ${expected_value} base=16 |
| |
| Verify System Registers |
| [Arguments] ${names} ${expected_values} |
| |
| ${names_length} = Get Length ${names} |
| ${values_length} = Get Length ${expected_values} |
| Should Be Equal ${names_length} ${values_length} |
| |
| ${all_values} = Execute Command cpu GetAllSystemRegisterValues |
| FOR ${index} IN RANGE ${names_length} |
| ${name} = Set Variable ${names[${index}]} |
| ${expected_value} = Set Variable ${expected_values[${index}]} |
| |
| ${match} = Get Regexp Matches ${all_values} ${name}.*(0x[0-9A-F]+) 1 flags=MULTILINE |
| IF ${match} |
| Should Be Equal ${match[0]} ${expected_value} |
| ... msg="Invalid value of '${name}' system register: ${match[0]}; expected: ${expected_value}" |
| ELSE |
| Fail "${name} not found in the system registers list: ${all_values}" |
| END |
| END |
| |
| Verify Timer Register |
| [Arguments] ${system_register_name} ${timer_register_name} |
| |
| Execute Command cpu GetSystemRegisterValue "${system_register_name}" |
| Wait For Log Entry Read from ${timer_register_name} |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| Test Accessing ARM Generic Timer Registers Through AArch64 System Registers |
| Create Machine |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 cpu.timer |
| |
| # Read logs for '*Count' registers are disabled by default because they tend to be read very often. |
| Execute Command cpu.timer EnableCountReadLogs true |
| |
| # AArch64 system register reads go through tlib and are handled by ARM Generic Timer which prints a DEBUG access log. |
| # The log line is used to verify that a proper peripheral register is connected to the given AArch64 system register. |
| Verify Timer Register CNTFRQ_EL0 Frequency |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHCTL_EL2 HypervisorControl |
| Verify Timer Register CNTKCTL_EL1 KernelControl |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTPCT_EL0 PhysicalCount |
| Verify Timer Register CNTPCTSS_EL0 PhysicalSelfSynchronizedCount |
| Verify Timer Register CNTPOFF_EL2 PhysicalOffset |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTVCT_EL0 VirtualCount |
| Verify Timer Register CNTVCTSS_EL0 VirtualSelfSynchronizedCount |
| Verify Timer Register CNTVOFF_EL2 VirtualOffset |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHP_CTL_EL2 NonSecureEL2PhysicalTimerControl |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHP_CVAL_EL2 NonSecureEL2PhysicalTimerCompareValue |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHP_TVAL_EL2 NonSecureEL2PhysicalTimerValue |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHPS_CTL_EL2 SecureEL2PhysicalTimerControl |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHPS_CVAL_EL2 SecureEL2PhysicalTimerCompareValue |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHPS_TVAL_EL2 SecureEL2PhysicalTimerValue |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHV_CTL_EL2 NonSecureEL2VirtualTimerControl |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHV_CVAL_EL2 NonSecureEL2VirtualTimerCompareValue |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHV_TVAL_EL2 NonSecureEL2VirtualTimerValue |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHVS_CTL_EL2 SecureEL2VirtualTimerControl |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHVS_CVAL_EL2 SecureEL2VirtualTimerCompareValue |
| Verify Timer Register CNTHVS_TVAL_EL2 SecureEL2VirtualTimerValue |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTP_CTL_EL0 EL1PhysicalTimerControl |
| Verify Timer Register CNTP_CVAL_EL0 EL1PhysicalTimerCompareValue |
| Verify Timer Register CNTP_TVAL_EL0 EL1PhysicalTimerValue |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTPS_CTL_EL1 EL3PhysicalTimerControl |
| Verify Timer Register CNTPS_CVAL_EL1 EL3PhysicalTimerCompareValue |
| Verify Timer Register CNTPS_TVAL_EL1 EL3PhysicalTimerValue |
| |
| Verify Timer Register CNTV_CTL_EL0 EL1VirtualTimerControl |
| Verify Timer Register CNTV_CVAL_EL0 EL1VirtualTimerCompareValue |
| Verify Timer Register CNTV_TVAL_EL0 EL1VirtualTimerValue |
| |
| Test Accessing System Registers |
| Create Machine |
| |
| ${MIDR_val} = Set Variable 0x410FD034 |
| ${new_DAIF} = Set Variable 0x180 |
| ${new_NZCV} = Set Variable 0xA0000000 |
| ${new_SCTLR} = Set Variable 0xDEADBEEF |
| |
| @{register_names} = Create List DAIF MIDR_EL1 NZCV SCTLR_EL3 |
| @{expected_values} = Create List 0x3C0 ${MIDR_val} 0x40000000 0xC50838 |
| |
| Verify System Registers ${register_names} ${expected_values} |
| |
| # MIDR_EL1 is a Read-Only register. Setting it should fail. |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error KeywordException: *Writing the MIDR_EL1 register isn't supported* |
| ... Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "MIDR_EL1" 0xDEADBEEF |
| |
| Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "DAIF" ${new_DAIF} |
| Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "NZCV" ${new_NZCV} |
| Execute Command cpu SetSystemRegisterValue "SCTLR_EL3" ${new_SCTLR} |
| |
| @{expected_values} = Create List ${new_DAIF} ${MIDR_val} ${new_NZCV} ${new_SCTLR} |
| Verify System Registers ${register_names} ${expected_values} |
| |
| Test CRC32X |
| Create Machine |
| |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x9ac34c00 # crc32x w0, w0, x3 |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x4 0x9ac44c00 # crc32x w0, w0, x4 |
| |
| # Set the initial accumulator value. |
| Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 0 0xcafebee |
| |
| # Set source registers. |
| Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 3 0x1234567890abcdef |
| Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 4 0xfedcba0987654321 |
| |
| # CRC has many caveats with conversions done on input/output/accumulator. |
| # Let's make sure a proper version is used. Mono used to overwrite tlib's |
| # implementation with zlib's crc32 which internally converts accumulator |
| # and output and then the results here are 0x4ab0398 and 0xf77db35e. |
| Step And Verify Accumulator 0x6189dcf1 |
| Step And Verify Accumulator 0x1bc6f80b |
| |
| Test CRC32CX |
| Create Machine |
| |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x0 0x9ac35c00 # crc32cx w0, w0, x3 |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x4 0x9ac45c00 # crc32cx w0, w0, x4 |
| |
| # Set the initial accumulator value. |
| Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 0 0xcafebee |
| |
| # Set source registers. |
| Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 3 0x1234567890abcdef |
| Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafeUlong 4 0xfedcba0987654321 |
| |
| Step And Verify Accumulator 0x8da20236 |
| Step And Verify Accumulator 0xbcfc085a |
| |
| Test Running the Hello World Zephyr Sample |
| Create Machine |
| Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${ZEPHYR_HELLO_WORLD_ELF} |
| |
| Wait For Line On Uart Booting Zephyr OS |
| Provides zephyr-hello-world-after-booting |
| Wait For Line On Uart Hello World! |
| |
| Test Resuming Zephyr Hello World After Deserialization |
| Requires zephyr-hello-world-after-booting |
| Execute Command showAnalyzer ${UART} |
| Wait For Line On Uart Hello World! |
| |
| Test Running the Zephyr Synchronization Sample |
| Create Machine |
| Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${ZEPHYR_SYNCHRONIZATION_ELF} |
| |
| Wait For Line On Uart Booting Zephyr OS |
| Wait For Line On Uart thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0 |
| Wait For Line On Uart thread_b: Hello World from cpu 0 |
| Wait For Line On Uart thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0 |
| Wait For Line On Uart thread_b: Hello World from cpu 0 |
| |
| Test Running the Zephyr Philosophers Sample |
| Create Machine |
| Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${ZEPHYR_PHILOSOPHERS_ELF} |
| |
| Wait For Line On Uart Booting Zephyr OS |
| Wait For Line On Uart Philosopher 5.*STARVING treatAsRegex=true |
| Wait For Line On Uart Philosopher 5.*HOLDING ONE FORK treatAsRegex=true |
| Wait For Line On Uart Philosopher 5.*EATING treatAsRegex=true |
| Wait For Line On Uart Philosopher 5.*THINKING treatAsRegex=true |
| |
| Test Running the Zephyr Kernel FPU Sharing Generic Test |
| Create Machine |
| Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${ZEPHYR_FPU_SHARING_ELF} |
| |
| Wait For Line On Uart Booting Zephyr OS |
| Wait For Line On Uart Running TESTSUITE fpu_sharing_generic |
| |
| # The PASS line is currently printed after about 10.1 virtual seconds from the start. |
| Wait For Line On Uart START - test_load_store |
| Wait For Line On Uart PASS - test_load_store timeout=12 |
| |
| # The test prints 5 "Pi calculation OK after X (high) + Y (low) tests" lines. |
| # Let's finish testing after the first one. It takes about 5 virtual seconds to |
| # reach it from the start and the whole test takes about 50 virtual seconds. |
| Wait For Line On Uart START - test_pi |
| Wait For Line On Uart Pi calculation OK |
| |
| Test Running the seL4 Adder Sample |
| Create Machine gic_version=2 |
| Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${SEL4_ADDER_ELF} |
| # seL4 expects to be at most in EL2 |
| Execute Command cpu SetAvailableExceptionLevels true false |
| # Initialize UART since we don't have a bootloader |
| Execute Command ${UART} WriteDoubleWord 0x30 0x301 |
| # Set 7-bit word length to hush the warning that 5-bit WLEN is unsupported. |
| Execute Command ${UART} WriteDoubleWord 0x2c 0x40 #b10 << 5 |
| |
| Wait For Line On Uart Booting all finished, dropped to user space |
| Wait For Line On Uart client: what's the answer to 342 + 74 + 283 + 37 + 534 ? |
| Wait For Line On Uart client: result was 1270 |