blob: 801f39efe4c949946bf59af9a6c7e02359aa2336 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${URI} @
*** Keywords ***
Create Machine
[Arguments] ${step_blocking}=false
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/sifive-fu540.repl
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${URI}/hifive-unleashed--bbl.elf-s_17219640-c7e1b920bf81be4062f467d9ecf689dbf7f29c7a
Execute Command sysbus LoadFdt ${URI}/hifive-unleashed--devicetree.dtb-s_10532-70cd4fc9f3b4df929eba6e6f22d02e6ce4c17bd1 0x81000000 "earlyconsole mem=256M@0x80000000"
Execute Command e51 SetRegisterUnsafe 11 0x81000000
Execute Command emulation SingleStepBlocking ${step_blocking}
Execute Command u54_1 ExecutionMode SingleStep
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.uart0
${cpu} PC ${should:(Should|Shouldn't)} Be Equal To ${pc_expected}
${pc}= Execute Command ${cpu} PC
IF "${should}" == "Should"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${pc} ${pc_expected}
Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${pc} ${pc_expected}
SingleStep Should Be Blocking
${isBlocking}= Execute Command emulation SingleStepBlocking
Should Be True ${isBlocking}
*** Test Cases ***
Should Start Execution With One Core In SingleStepNonBlocking
Create Machine
Execute Command start
Wait For Line On Uart smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs
Should Step Core In SingleStepNonBlocking
Create Machine
Execute Command start
Wait For Line On Uart smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs
${x}= Execute Command u54_1 PC
Should Contain ${x} 0x80000000
Execute Command u54_1 Step
${x}= Execute Command u54_1 PC
Should Contain ${x} 0x800001f8
Should Step Core In SingleStepNonBlocking Over Quantum Limit
Create Machine
Execute Command u54_1 PerformanceInMips 1
Execute Command machine SetQuantum "00:00:00.000100"
Execute Command start
Wait For Line On Uart smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs
# InstructionsPerQuantum = MIPS * Quantum = 10^6 * 10^-4 = 100
# Every Quant (time allowance) will consist of a maximum of 100 instructions
# Thereby stepping by 101 steps, guarantees that the next Quantum will need to be given
${x}= Execute Command u54_1 Step 101
Should Contain ${x} 0x0000000080001C1C
Step Should Be Blocking By Default
SingleStep Should Be Blocking
Step Should Be Blocking After Deserialization
# Let's change to make sure the value isn't serialized.
Execute Command emulation SingleStepBlocking false
${tmp_file}= Allocate Temporary File
Execute Command Save @${tmp_file}
Execute Command Load @${tmp_file}
SingleStep Should Be Blocking
Test SingleStepBlocking Change After Blocking Steps
Create Machine step_blocking=True
# Let's do a single step; PCs of other cores change on the first step.
Execute Command u54_1 Step
# Let's keep PCs for two other cores.
... Execute Command e51 PC
... Execute Command u54_2 PC
Execute Command u54_1 Step 10
# Let's make sure PCs are the same.
e51 PC Should Be Equal To ${pc_e51}
u54_2 PC Should Be Equal To ${pc_u54_2}
# Now make SingleStep non-blocking without any other changes.
Execute Command emulation SingleStepBlocking false
# Other cores should be able to reach it.
Wait For Line On Uart smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs