| *** Variables *** |
| ${URI} @https://dl.antmicro.com/projects/renode |
| ${BIN} uartlite--custom_uart_demo--zephyr.elf-s_184340-129eb92404f437a466cd8700f6743b1c5b0da912 |
| ${UARTLITE_NATIVE_LINUX} ${URI}/libVuartlite-Linux-x86_64-6585534489.so-s_2065712-ad517d8e2b23842752ef0312a4ef91f84d760c29 |
| ${UARTLITE_SOCKET_LINUX} ${URI}/Vuartlite-Linux-x86_64-6585534489-s_1615536-258c6921413c4d0231a86b30779e38ebd485e44d |
| ${UARTLITE_NATIVE_WINDOWS} ${URI}/libVuartlite-Windows-x86_64-6585534489.dll-s_3120162-a9f05d5b5c8c4a28dbb5a7dea4cb568287c2cf5a |
| ${UARTLITE_SOCKET_WINDOWS} ${URI}/Vuartlite-Windows-x86_64-6585534489.exe-s_3111169-de391155b540aa0f35986c1bf98c3504b8e87ee5 |
| ${UARTLITE_NATIVE_MACOS} ${URI}/libVuartlite-macOS-x86_64-6585534489.dylib-s_216728-0ac50938c9b43c97f133372ffe3842a28a047dcb |
| ${UARTLITE_SOCKET_MACOS} ${URI}/Vuartlite-macOS-x86_64-6585534489-s_217568-53c098deb3bb84f0fc614448f514754a2069fd67 |
| ${UARTLITE_WRONG_PORTS_LINUX} ${URI}/Vuartlite_wrong_ports-Linux-x86_64-6585534489-s_1615536-b31bc852d5c35f75a7b26fa04da2d5cb657275e7 |
| ${UARTLITE_WRONG_PORTS_WINDOWS} ${URI}/Vuartlite_wrong_ports-Windows-x86_64-6585534489.exe-s_3111169-54324bde16d2d6d59f77509fc8dac9d402489e65 |
| ${UARTLITE_WRONG_PORTS_MACOS} ${URI}/Vuartlite_wrong_ports-macOS-x86_64-6585534489-s_217568-5e35e2180a043dc077490ff1c702b64e124c6314 |
| ${UARTLITE_SLEEP_AFTER_1000_ITERS_SOCKET_LINUX} ${URI}/Vuartlite_sleep_after_1000_iters-Linux-x86_64-6585534489-s_1615576-5650af9b947560e121f07a62ca50bd8b1ce68a05 |
| ${UARTLITE_SLEEP_AFTER_1000_ITERS_SOCKET_WINDOWS} ${URI}/Vuartlite_sleep_after_1000_iters-Windows-x86_64-6585534489.exe-s_3114269-bfcb0661daa31b57c77ed3674fdee980acf487d6 |
| ${UARTLITE_SLEEP_AFTER_1000_ITERS_SOCKET_MACOS} ${URI}/Vuartlite_sleep_after_1000_iters-macOS-x86_64-6585534489-s_217608-f620f1032858cfd72a2886886e5844c3fcd623ea |
| ${UARTLITE_WRONG_SECOND_PORT_LINUX} ${URI}/Vuartlite_wrong_second_port-Linux-x86_64-6585534489-s_1615536-572eff3c2886bd192a47a86969210362f3f97e04 |
| ${UARTLITE_WRONG_SECOND_PORT_WINDOWS} ${URI}/Vuartlite_wrong_second_port-Windows-x86_64-6585534489.exe-s_3111169-87d77ac7a42ff87038f1abaf74519b1b9db15638 |
| ${UARTLITE_WRONG_SECOND_PORT_MACOS} ${URI}/Vuartlite_wrong_second_port-macOS-x86_64-6585534489-s_217568-db79061d6a865807f5bb569fa9879384e2d717f4 |
| ${LOCAL_FILENAME} uartlite |
| ${UART} sysbus.uart |
| ${UARTLITE_SCRIPT} scripts/single-node/riscv_verilated_uartlite.resc |
| ${LOG_TIMEOUT} 1 # virtual seconds |
| |
| # same as riscv_verilated_uartlite.repl, but adds address for uart |
| ... """ |
| ... cpu: CPU.RiscV32 @ sysbus |
| ... ${SPACE*4}cpuType: "rv32g" |
| ... ${SPACE*4}privilegedArchitecture: PrivilegedArchitecture.Priv1_09 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}timeProvider: clint |
| ... |
| ... plic: IRQControllers.PlatformLevelInterruptController @ sysbus 0x40000000 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}0 -> cpu@11 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}numberOfSources: 31 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}numberOfContexts: 1 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}prioritiesEnabled : false |
| ... |
| ... clint: IRQControllers.CoreLevelInterruptor @ sysbus 0x44000000 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}frequency: 66000000 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}\[0, 1\] -> cpu@\[3, 7\] |
| ... |
| ... ram: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x60000000 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}size: 0x06400000 |
| ... |
| ... uart: Verilated.VerilatedUART @ sysbus <0x70000000, +0x100> |
| ... ${SPACE*4}frequency: 100000000 |
| ... ${SPACE*4}address: "" |
| ... """ |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Create Machine With Socket Based Communication |
| [Arguments] ${vuartlite_linux} ${vuartlite_windows} ${vuartlite_macos} |
| Execute Command using sysbus |
| Execute Command mach create |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString ${PLATFORM} |
| Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${URI}/${BIN} |
| Execute Command cpu PC `sysbus GetSymbolAddress "vinit"` |
| Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathLinux ${vuartlite_linux} |
| Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathWindows ${vuartlite_windows} |
| Execute Command uart SimulationFilePathMacOS ${vuartlite_macos} |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| Should Run UARTLite Binary From Script |
| [Tags] skip_osx |
| |
| Execute Command \$uartLinux?=${UARTLITE_NATIVE_LINUX} |
| Execute Command \$uartWindows?=${UARTLITE_NATIVE_WINDOWS} |
| Execute Script ${UARTLITE_SCRIPT} |
| Create Terminal Tester ${UART} |
| Start Emulation |
| Wait For Line On Uart I'm alive! counter = 10 |
| |
| # Starting emulation without SimulationFilePath(Linux|MacOS|Windows) set |
| Should Handle Empty UARTLite Binary |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Execute Command mach create |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/verilated/riscv_verilated_uartlite.repl |
| Execute Command showAnalyzer sysbus.uart |
| Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${URI}/${BIN} |
| Execute Command sysbus.cpu PC `sysbus GetSymbolAddress "vinit"` |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error *Cannot start emulation. Set SimulationFilePath or connect to a simulator first!* Start Emulation |
| |
| # File Doesn't Exist |
| Should Handle Nonexistent UARTLite Binary |
| [Tags] skip_osx |
| |
| Execute Command $uartLinux = @nonexistent-uart-binary |
| Execute Command $uartWindows = @nonexistent-uart-binary |
| Execute Command $uartMacOS = @nonexistent-uart-binary |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error *Error starting verilated peripheral!* Execute Script ${UARTLITE_SCRIPT} |
| |
| |
| # Following tests use socket based communication |
| |
| Should Run UARTLite Binary Using Socket |
| Create Terminal Tester ${UART} |
| Start Emulation |
| Wait For Line On Uart I'm alive! counter = 10 |
| |
| # Sleep after 1000 iterations in "simulate" loop (renode.cpp) |
| Should Handle Connection Timeout |
| Set Test Variable ${uartLinux} ${UARTLITE_SLEEP_AFTER_1000_ITERS_SOCKET_LINUX} |
| Set Test Variable ${uartWindows} ${UARTLITE_SLEEP_AFTER_1000_ITERS_SOCKET_WINDOWS} |
| Set Test Variable ${uartMacOS} ${UARTLITE_SLEEP_AFTER_1000_ITERS_SOCKET_MACOS} |
| Create Machine With Socket Based Communication ${uartLinux} ${uartWindows} ${uartMacOS} |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Create Terminal Tester ${UART} |
| Start Emulation |
| Wait For Line On Uart I'm alive! counter = 9 |
| Wait For Log Entry Receive error! |
| |
| # Both ports wrong when calling "simulate" (sim_main.cpp) |
| Should Handle UARTLite Binary Not Connecting |
| Set Test Variable ${uartLinux} ${UARTLITE_WRONG_PORTS_LINUX} |
| Set Test Variable ${uartWindows} ${UARTLITE_WRONG_PORTS_WINDOWS} |
| Set Test Variable ${uartMacOS} ${UARTLITE_WRONG_PORTS_MACOS} |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error *Connection to the verilated peripheral failed!* Create Machine With Socket Based Communication ${uartLinux} ${uartWindows} ${uartMacOS} |
| |
| # Wrong "second" port when calling "simulate" (sim_main.cpp) |
| Should Handle UARTLite Binary Partly Connecting |
| Set Test Variable ${uartLinux} ${UARTLITE_WRONG_SECOND_PORT_LINUX} |
| Set Test Variable ${uartWindows} ${UARTLITE_WRONG_SECOND_PORT_WINDOWS} |
| Set Test Variable ${uartMacOS} ${UARTLITE_WRONG_SECOND_PORT_MACOS} |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error *Connection to the verilated peripheral failed!* Create Machine With Socket Based Communication ${uartLinux} ${uartWindows} ${uartMacOS} |
| |
| # Starting emulation without SimulationFilePath(Linux|MacOS|Windows) set |
| Should Handle Empty UARTLite Binary With Socket Based Communication |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Execute Command mach create |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString ${PLATFORM} |
| Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${URI}/${BIN} |
| Execute Command sysbus.cpu PC `sysbus GetSymbolAddress "vinit"` |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error *Cannot start emulation. Set SimulationFilePath or connect to a simulator first!* Start Emulation |
| |
| # File Doesn't Exist |
| Should Handle Nonexistent UARTLite Binary With Socket Based Communication |
| Create Log Tester ${LOG_TIMEOUT} |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error *Error starting verilated peripheral!* Create Machine With Socket Based Communication nonexistent-uart-binary nonexistent-uart-binary nonexistent-uart-binary |