blob: 03852edadc0b98320c34cb96035ea2984fea5a6e [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${UART} sysbus.uart
${MC3635} sysbus.ffe.i2cMaster0.mc3635
${URI} @
*** Keywords ***
Create Machine
[Arguments] ${elf}
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/boards/eos-s3-quickfeather.repl
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${URI}/${elf}
Assert Flag
[Arguments] ${register} ${position} ${value}
${flag} Evaluate str((${register} >> ${position}) & 0x1)
Should Be Equal ${flag} ${value}
Feed Test Data
[Arguments] ${peripheral}
# The test binary sets mode to the continuous sampling on the beggining of configuration,
# and some samples are fed before we enter the main loop. Hence we start with a few empty ones.
Execute Command ${peripheral} FeedAccelerationSample 0.0 0.0 0.0 5
# One sample short from 0.5s worth of data
FOR ${index} IN RANGE 27
${x}= Evaluate -1.0 + ${index} * (2/26) # Linear sweep from -1 to 1 over 27 samples
${y}= Evaluate -2.0 + ${index} * (2/26) # Linear sweep from -2 to 0 over 27 samples
${z}= Evaluate 2.0 - ${index} * (2/26) # Linear sweep from +2 to 0 over 27 samples
Execute Command ${peripheral} FeedAccelerationSample ${x} ${y} ${z}
*** Test Cases ***
Should Output Data
Create Machine quick_feather--mc3635_ssi_ai_app.elf-s_947900-114d2e13b2ceffb6144135e61d1b3c2a499e35c3
Create Terminal Tester ${UART}
Provides Ready Machine
Start Emulation
Wait For Line On Uart X 0,Y 0,Z 0
Should Work With FeedAccelerationSample
Requires Ready Machine
Feed Test Data ${MC3635}
Start Emulation
Wait For Line On Uart X -8191,Y -16383,Z 16383
Wait For Line On Uart X 0,Y -8191,Z 8191
Wait For Line On Uart X 8191,Y 0,Z 0
Should Be Able To Disable Axis
Requires Ready Machine
Execute Command ${MC3635} DefaultAccelerationX 1.0
Execute Command ${MC3635} DefaultAccelerationY 1.0
Execute Command ${MC3635} DefaultAccelerationZ 1.0
Start Emulation
Wait For Line On Uart X 8191,Y 8191,Z 8191
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterWrite 0x10 0x45 # Mode CWAKE, Z disabled
Wait For Line On Uart X 8191,Y 8191,Z 0
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterWrite 0x10 0x25 # Mode CWAKE, Y disabled
Wait For Line On Uart X 8191,Y 0,Z 8191
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterWrite 0x10 0x15 # Mode CWAKE, X disabled
Wait For Line On Uart X 0,Y 8191,Z 8191
Should Log Error If Some Of Reserved Bits Have Wrong Value
Requires Ready Machine
Create Log Tester 1
Start Emulation
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterWrite 0x20 0x00
Wait For Log Entry Invalid value written to offset 0x20 reserved bits. Allowed values = 0b0000xx01
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterWrite 0x21 0x00
Wait For Log Entry Invalid value written to offset 0x21 reserved bits. Allowed values = 0b1000xx00
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterWrite 0x22 0x01
Wait For Log Entry Invalid value written to offset 0x22 reserved bits. Allowed values = 0b0000xx00
Should Log Error On Selecting Unimplemented Modes
Requires Ready Machine
Create Log Tester 1
Start Emulation
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterWrite 0x10 0x02 # Mode SNIFF
Wait For Log Entry Sniff mode unimplemented. Switching to Standby
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterWrite 0x10 0x06 # Mode SWAKE
Wait For Log Entry Swake mode unimplemented. Switching to Standby
Should Set Flags
# This test relies on the configuration of the emulation and the binary itself.
# Any changes require adjusting the `emulation RunFor` arguments
${NEW_DATA_REG}= Evaluate 0x08
${OVR_DATA_REG}= Evaluate 0x01
${NEW_DATA_POSITION}= Evaluate 3
${OVR_DATA_POSITION}= Evaluate 0
Requires Ready Machine
# Run until the peripheral is set to `continuous sampling` but the configuration is not yet completed and no samples are read
Execute Command emulation RunFor '0.007'
${OVR_DATA}= Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterRead ${OVR_DATA_REG}
${NEW_DATA}= Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterRead ${NEW_DATA_REG}
# Assert the flags indicate that samples are being overwritten
# Read sample and check if flags are adjusted
Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterRead 0x2
${OVR_DATA}= Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterRead ${OVR_DATA_REG}
${NEW_DATA}= Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterRead ${NEW_DATA_REG}
# Wait for the configuration to end, and then for a few more samples. Then assert that samples are not being overwritten
Execute Command emulation RunFor '0.05'
${OVR_DATA}= Execute Command ${MC3635} RegisterRead ${OVR_DATA_REG}