blob: 1ee8a60d417e3080b55322480c92c21b185a09c9 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${PLATFROM} platforms/cpus/stm32f4.repl
${UART} sysbus.usart2
${SENSOR} sysbus.i2c1.hs3001
${CSV2RESD} ${RENODETOOLS}/csv2resd/
${SAMPLES_CSV} ${CURDIR}/HS3001-samples.csv
*** Keywords ***
Create Machine
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescription @${PLATFROM}
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "hs3001: Sensors.HS3001 @ i2c1 0x44"
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF @${BIN}
Create Terminal Tester ${UART}
Set Enviroment
[Arguments] ${temperature}=0.00 ${humidity}=0.00
Execute Command ${SENSOR} DefaultTemperature ${temperature}
Execute Command ${SENSOR} DefaultHumidity ${humidity}
Check Enviroment
[Arguments] ${temperature}=0.00 ${humidity}=0.00
# The '\xc2\xb0' escape sequence is the unicode character: '°'
Wait For Line On Uart temp is ${temperature} \xc2\xb0C humidity is ${humidity} %RH
Create RESD File
[Arguments] ${path}
${resd_path}= Allocate Temporary File
${args}= Catenate SEPARATOR=,
... "--input", r"${path}"
... "--map", "temperature:temp::0"
... "--map", "humidity:humidity::0"
... "--start-time", "0"
... "--frequency", "1"
... r"${resd_path}"
Evaluate[sys.executable, "${CSV2RESD}", ${args}]) sys,subprocess
[Return] ${resd_path}
*** Test Cases ***
Should Read Temperature And Humidity
Create Machine
# Due the finite precision of the sensor we don't allways expect the exact same
# values as the ones that where set
Check Enviroment temperature=0.00 humidity=0.00
Set Enviroment temperature=25.00
Check Enviroment temperature=25.01
Set Enviroment humidity=50.00
Check Enviroment humidity=50.10
Set Enviroment temperature=12.32 humidity=33.71
Check Enviroment temperature=12.33 humidity=33.71
Set Enviroment temperature=-16.67 humidity=92.01
Check Enviroment temperature=-16.-66 humidity=92.04
Set Enviroment temperature=88.02 humidity=8.50
Check Enviroment temperature=88.08 humidity=8.50
Should Read Samples From RESD
Create Machine
${resd_path}= Create RESD File ${SAMPLES_CSV}
Execute Command ${SENSOR} FeedTemperatureSamplesFromRESD @${resd_path}
Execute Command ${SENSOR} FeedHumiditySamplesFromRESD @${resd_path}
Set Enviroment temperature=25.56 humidity=30.39
Check Enviroment temperature=-9.-99 humidity=0.00
Check Enviroment temperature=0.00 humidity=20.00
Check Enviroment temperature=4.99 humidity=40.05
Check Enviroment temperature=10.00 humidity=60.01
Check Enviroment temperature=15.00 humidity=80.31
# Sensor should go back to the default values after the RESD file finishes
Check Enviroment temperature=25.56 humidity=30.39
Check Enviroment temperature=25.56 humidity=30.39