blob: 188d4a52e3e2426e8aad98357507d335029275e4 [file] [log] [blame]
:name: RISC-V platform with a verilated UART
:description: This script runs Zephyr printing out on a verilated UART.
using sysbus
mach create $name
machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/verilated/riscv_verilated_uartlite.repl
showAnalyzer uart
uart SimulationFilePathLinux $uartLinux
uart SimulationFilePathWindows $uartWindows
# uart SimulationFilePathMacOS $uartMacOS
macro reset
sysbus LoadELF $bin
# set pc to the beginning of ROM where `vinit` is defined that sets `mtvec` and jumps directly to `__start`
sysbus.cpu PC `sysbus GetSymbolAddress "vinit"`
runMacro $reset