blob: 5aeeb193c00c0fa45c5f51dfb112c2a3b7ac4e05 [file] [log] [blame]
:name: PolarFire SoC
:description: This is a sample script prepared to create a PolarFire SoC platform
using sysbus
mach create
machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/polarfire-soc.repl
showAnalyzer mmuart0
macro reset
sysbus LoadELF $bin
runMacro $reset
## Alternatively, to start GDB and load from SoftConsole:
# machine StartGdbServer 3333 true
## Remember! After the connection is done and the binary is loaded, you have to issue:
# u54_1 PC `e51 PC`
## for every core you need to use as GDB initializes only the e51 core.
## If you don't want the core to run, issue:
# u54_4 IsHalted true