blob: 6be68d59bbdfa48edf0b4c91bc3743ab407cc914 [file] [log] [blame]
:name: OpenTitan Earlgrey
:description: This script runs hello world example on OpenTitan Earl Grey at commit f243e6802143374741739d2c164c4f2f61697669
using sysbus
mach create $name
machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/cpus/opentitan-earlgrey-cw310.repl
showAnalyzer sysbus.uart0
# NMI vector address for Ibex CPU is relative to MTVEC value:
# MTVEC is set by a bootloader and is not known upfront. Used test rom sets MTVEC to address 0x20000401 (vectored interrupt handler) and we hardcode NMI vector address below.
cpu0 NMIVectorAddress 0x2000047c
cpu0 NMIVectorLength 1
macro reset
sysbus LoadELF $bin
sysbus LoadELF $boot
rom_ctrl LoadVmem $boot_vmem
otp_ctrl LoadVmem $otp_vmem
runMacro $reset