blob: 7aa9ce2858be80057e920ce862efc60e3d91ccb6 [file] [log] [blame]
:name: Icicle Kit
:description: This is a sample script running HSS, U-Boot and Linux on Icicle Kit with PolarFire SoC
i @scripts/single-node/polarfire-soc.resc
# these settings guarantee a deterministic, successful boot-up of Linux
emulation SetGlobalSerialExecution true
emulation SetGlobalQuantum "0.0008"
showAnalyzer mmuart1
machine SdCardFromFile $emmc mmc 0x100000000
macro reset
sysbus LoadBinary $fit 0x88300000
sysbus LoadSymbolsFrom $vmlinux
sysbus LoadSymbolsFrom $uboot
runMacro $reset