blob: 541e23309ee3aa3f0003221ef26a43639ce13652 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Antmicro
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// Full license text is available in 'licenses/MIT.txt'.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using Antmicro.Renode.Core;
using Antmicro.Renode.Logging;
using Antmicro.Renode.Exceptions;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.CPU;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.Bus;
using Antmicro.Renode.Utilities;
namespace Antmicro.Renode.Debug
public static class SeL4Extensions
public static void CreateSeL4(this ICpuSupportingGdb @this, ulong? debugThreadNameSyscallId = null)
EmulationManager.Instance.CurrentEmulation.ExternalsManager.AddExternal(new SeL4DebugHelper(@this, debugThreadNameSyscallId), "seL4");
public class SeL4DebugHelper : IExternal
public SeL4DebugHelper(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong? debugThreadNameSyscallId)
if(cpu is Arm)
this.callingConvention = new ArmCallingConvention(cpu);
else if(cpu is RiscV32)
this.callingConvention = new RiscVCallingConvention(cpu);
throw new RecoverableException("Only ARM and RV32 based platforms are supported by the seL4 extension");
this.debugThreadNameSyscall = debugThreadNameSyscallId ?? DefaultDebugThreadNameSyscall;
this.cpu = cpu;
this.mapping = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
this.breakpoints = new Dictionary<ulong, HashSet<string>>();
this.temporaryBreakpoints = new Dictionary<ulong, HashSet<string>>();
// Save restore_user_context as we will be using it pretty often
this.restoreUserContextAddress = cpu.Bus.GetSymbolAddress("restore_user_context");
// handleUnknownSyscall function is handling seL4_DebugThreadName syscall.
// We are using this hook to inspect thread's TCB after it was initialized
var handleUnknownSyscallAddress = cpu.Bus.GetSymbolAddress("handleUnknownSyscall");
this.cpu.AddHook(handleUnknownSyscallAddress, HandleUnknownSyscall);
// When everything is set up and none of threads is working, this function will be called
// It seems to be always called after initialization of all CAmkES components
// so we can use it to check "readiness".
var idleThreadAddresss = cpu.Bus.GetSymbolAddress("idle_thread");
this.cpu.AddHook(idleThreadAddresss, Finalize);
public string CurrentThread()
if(callingConvention.PrivilegeMode == PrivilegeMode.Supervisor)
return "kernel";
return CurrentThreadUnsafe();
public void BreakOnNamingThread(string threadName)
pendingThreadName = threadName;
public void BreakOnExittingUserspace(ExitUserspaceMode mode)
if(mode == exitUserspaceMode)
if(exitUserspaceMode == ExitUserspaceMode.Never)
cpu.AddHook(callingConvention.SyscallTrapAddress, HandleExitUserspace);
else if(mode == ExitUserspaceMode.Never)
cpu.RemoveHook(callingConvention.SyscallTrapAddress, HandleExitUserspace);
exitUserspaceMode = mode;
// Sets the breakpoint on given address in chosen thread
// If address is not given, the breakpoint is set right after
// on the first instruction after context switch
public void SetBreakpoint(string threadName, ulong address = WildcardAddress)
SetBreakpointHelper(threadName, address, breakpoints);
// Similiar to SetBreakpoint, but for temporary breakpoints
public void SetTemporaryBreakpoint(string threadName, ulong address = WildcardAddress)
SetBreakpointHelper(threadName, address, temporaryBreakpoints);
// Removes existing breakpoint on given address in chosen thread
// If address is not given, then breakpoint which happens on context switch
// is removed (see SetBreakpoint). If removeAll is set to true, all breakpoints for
// given thread are removed.
public void RemoveBreakpoint(string threadName, ulong address = WildcardAddress)
RemoveBreakpointHelper(threadName, address, breakpoints);
public void RemoveTemporaryBreakpoint(string threadName, ulong address = WildcardAddress)
RemoveBreakpointHelper(threadName, address, temporaryBreakpoints);
public void RemoveAllBreakpoints(string threadName = null)
string realThreadName = null;
if(threadName != null && !TryGetRealThreadName(threadName, out realThreadName))
foreach(var item in breakpoints.ToList())
if(realThreadName != null)
if(realThreadName == null || item.Value.Count == 0)
if(GetBreakpointsCount(item.Key) == 0)
foreach(var item in temporaryBreakpoints.ToList())
if(realThreadName != null)
if(realThreadName == null || item.Value.Count == 0)
if(GetBreakpointsCount(item.Key) == 0)
// Returns table with all the breakpoints. If threadName is set,
// returns only breakpoints set in given thread.
public string[,] GetBreakpoints(string threadName = null)
var entries = breakpoints.SelectMany(t => t.Value, (entry, thread) => new { Thread = thread, Address = entry.Key, Temporary = false })
.Concat(temporaryBreakpoints.SelectMany(t => t.Value, (entry, thread) => new { Thread = thread, Address = entry.Key, Temporary = true }));
if(threadName != null)
entries = entries.Where(x => x.Thread.Contains(threadName));
var table = new Table().AddRow("Thread", "Address", "Temporary");
x => x.Thread == AnyThreadName ? "any" : x.Thread,
x => x.Address == WildcardAddress ? "any" : "0x{0:X}".FormatWith(x.Address),
x => x.Temporary.ToString());
if(exitUserspaceMode != ExitUserspaceMode.Never)
table.AddRow("kernel", "any", (exitUserspaceMode == ExitUserspaceMode.Once).ToString());
return table.ToArray();
// Returns list of all the breakpoints in script-friendly format: <THREAD_NAME>:<ADDRESS>\n.
// If threadName is set, returns only breakpoints set in given thread.
public string GetBreakpointsPlain(string threadName = null)
var entries = breakpoints.SelectMany(t => t.Value, (entry, thread) => new { Thread = thread, Address = entry.Key })
.Concat(temporaryBreakpoints.SelectMany(t => t.Value, (entry, thread) => new { Thread = thread, Address = entry.Key }));
if(threadName != null)
entries = entries.Where(x => x.Thread.Contains(threadName));
var output = entries.Select(entry => "{0}:{1}".FormatWith(
entry.Address == WildcardAddress ? "any" : "0x{0:X}".FormatWith(entry.Address)));
return string.Join("\n", output);
public string[] Threads => mapping.Values.ToArray();
public bool Ready { get; private set; }
private ulong TryTranslateAddress(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong virtualAddress)
if(cpu is ICPUWithMMU cpuWithMmu)
virtualAddress = cpuWithMmu.TranslateAddress(virtualAddress, MpuAccess.Read);
return virtualAddress;
private void HandleUnknownSyscall(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
// Check if seL4_DebugThreadName was called
if((callingConvention.FirstArgument & 0xFFFFFFFF) != debugThreadNameSyscall)
// We are in seL4_DebugThreadName handler, we don't need this hook anymore
cpu.RemoveHook(address, HandleUnknownSyscall);
// This function will now call lookupIPCBuffer and lookupCapAndSlot
// We can temporarily hook those functions, and save theirs
// return addresses (which will be somewhere in handleUnknownSyscall)
// so we can use them later to "scrape" thread information.
// Additionally, we are getting address of ksCurThread variable
// which stores address of TCB of current thread.
var ksCurThreadAddress = cpu.Bus.GetSymbolAddress("ksCurThread");
var lookupIPCBufferAddress = cpu.Bus.GetSymbolAddress("lookupIPCBuffer");
var lookupCapAndSlotAddress = cpu.Bus.GetSymbolAddress("lookupCapAndSlot");
// At this point we are sure, that we are in kernel context and ksCurrThread symbol vaddr
// will resolve properly. Therefore we can translate virtual address to physical address
// and use it to read memory. That allow us to check current TCB no matter in which
// context/privilege mode we are currently in, ignoring MMU completely.
ksCurThreadPhysAddress = TryTranslateAddress(cpu, ksCurThreadAddress);
cpu.AddHook(lookupCapAndSlotAddress, HandleLookupCapAndSlotAddress);
cpu.AddHook(lookupIPCBufferAddress, HandleLookupIPCBuffer);
private void Finalize(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
cpu.RemoveHook(address, Finalize);
Ready = true;
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Initialization complete.");
private void HandleRestoreUserContext(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
var threadName = CurrentThreadUnsafe();
if(!DoBreakpointExists(WildcardAddress, threadName))
ulong tcbAddress = cpu.Bus.ReadDoubleWord(this.ksCurThreadPhysAddress, context: cpu);
this.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Got invalid address for TCB, skipping");
var nextPCAddress = TryTranslateAddress(cpu, tcbAddress + callingConvention.TCBNextPCOffset);
this.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "NextPC address in TCB is invalid, skipping");
var pc = cpu.Bus.ReadDoubleWord(nextPCAddress, context: cpu);
cpu.AddHook(pc, HandleThreadSwitch);
private void HandleThreadSwitch(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
var threadName = CurrentThread();
// Remove temporary breakpoint if exists
ClearTemporaryBreakpoint(WildcardAddress, threadName);
// We changed context, remove this hook as we don't need it anymore
cpu.RemoveHook(address, HandleThreadSwitch);
cpu.EnterSingleStepModeSafely(new HaltArguments(HaltReason.Breakpoint, cpu.Id, address, BreakpointType.MemoryBreakpoint));
private void HandleBreakpoint(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
var threadName = CurrentThread();
if(!DoBreakpointExists(address, threadName))
ClearTemporaryBreakpoint(address, threadName);
cpu.EnterSingleStepModeSafely(new HaltArguments(HaltReason.Breakpoint, cpu.Id, address, BreakpointType.MemoryBreakpoint));
private void HandleExitUserspace(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
if(callingConvention.PrivilegeMode != PrivilegeMode.Supervisor)
cpu.EnterSingleStepModeSafely(new HaltArguments(HaltReason.Breakpoint, cpu.Id, address, BreakpointType.MemoryBreakpoint));
if(exitUserspaceMode == ExitUserspaceMode.Once)
cpu.RemoveHook(address, HandleExitUserspace);
exitUserspaceMode = ExitUserspaceMode.Never;
private void HandleLookupCapAndSlotAddress(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
// Save address to instruction in handleUnknownSyscall after call to lookupCapAndSlot
cpu.RemoveHook(address, HandleLookupCapAndSlotAddress);
cpu.AddHook(callingConvention.ReturnAddress, HandlePostLookupCapAndSlotAddress);
private void HandlePostLookupCapAndSlotAddress(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
// Return value of lookupCapAndSlot is a structure
// with size of two machine words. We are interested in second value
// which is address of the capability (in this case TCB)
var luRet = callingConvention.ReturnValue;
var paddr = TryTranslateAddress(cpu, luRet + 0x4UL);
var underlying = cpu.Bus.ReadDoubleWord(paddr, context: cpu);
currentTCB = underlying & 0xffffffffffffff00;
private void HandleLookupIPCBuffer(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
// Save address to instruction in handleUnknownSyscall after call to lookupIPCBuffer
cpu.RemoveHook(address, HandleLookupIPCBuffer);
cpu.AddHook(callingConvention.ReturnAddress, HandlePostLookupIPCBuffer);
private void HandlePostLookupIPCBuffer(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu, ulong address)
// In A0 register address to IPC buffer is returned.
// As seL4_DebugThreadName saves pointer to the string in IPC buffer,
// we can now just recover and read it.
var paddr = TryTranslateAddress(cpu, callingConvention.ReturnValue + 0x4UL);
var buffer = new List<byte>();
// Maximum string size is MaximumMesageLength * size of machine word - 1
for(ulong i = 0; i < MaximumMessageLength * 4 - 1; ++i)
var c = cpu.Bus.ReadByte(paddr + i, context: cpu);
if(c == 0)
var threadName = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer.ToArray());
// This function is called _after_ lookupCapAndSlot, therefore we now
// have both TCB address and thread's name. We can add it to our list
// of known threads.
if(!mapping.ContainsKey(currentTCB) || threadName.Contains("_control"))
mapping[currentTCB] = threadName;
// There was pendingThreadName set by WaitForThread function. As we have now all
// necessary information for requested thread, we can enter SingleStepMode
// (and thus return to prompt in GDB) so user can do something with it,
// e.g. create breakpoint on this thread.
if(pendingThreadName != null && threadName.Contains(pendingThreadName))
pendingThreadName = null;
cpu.EnterSingleStepModeSafely(new HaltArguments(HaltReason.Breakpoint, cpu.Id, address, BreakpointType.MemoryBreakpoint));
private int GetBreakpointsCount(ulong address)
breakpoints.TryGetValue(address, out var bp);
temporaryBreakpoints.TryGetValue(address, out var tbp);
return (bp?.Count ?? 0) + (tbp?.Count ?? 0);
private bool TryGetRealThreadName(string threadName, out string realThreadName)
if(threadName == AnyThreadName)
realThreadName = AnyThreadName;
return true;
realThreadName = mapping.Values.Where(thread => thread.Contains(threadName)).FirstOrDefault();
this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "No thread with name '{0}' found.", threadName);
return false;
return true;
private bool DoBreakpointExists(ulong address, string threadName)
return (breakpoints.TryGetValue(address, out var bpList) && (bpList.Contains(AnyThreadName) || bpList.Contains(threadName))) ||
(temporaryBreakpoints.TryGetValue(address, out var tbpList) && (tbpList.Contains(AnyThreadName) || tbpList.Contains(threadName)));
private void AddContextSwitchHook()
cpu.AddHook(restoreUserContextAddress, HandleRestoreUserContext);
private void RemoveContextSwitchHook()
cpu.RemoveHook(restoreUserContextAddress, HandleRestoreUserContext);
private void ClearTemporaryBreakpoint(ulong address, string threadName)
if(GetBreakpointsCount(address) == 0)
private void SetBreakpointHelper(string threadName, ulong address, Dictionary<ulong, HashSet<string>> breakpointsSource)
if(!TryGetRealThreadName(threadName, out var realThreadName))
breakpointsSource.Add(address, new HashSet<string>());
this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "This breakpoint already exists.");
var breakpointsNum = GetBreakpointsCount(address);
// Ignore if we already registered breakpoint for this address
if(breakpointsNum != 1)
private void RemoveBreakpointHelper(string threadName, ulong address, Dictionary<ulong, HashSet<string>> breakpointsSource)
if(!breakpointsSource.TryGetValue(address, out var breakpoint))
if(!TryGetRealThreadName(threadName, out var realThreadName))
var breakpointsNum = GetBreakpointsCount(address);
if(breakpointsNum != 0)
private void AddHook(ulong address)
if(address != WildcardAddress)
cpu.AddHook(address, HandleBreakpoint);
private void RemoveHook(ulong address)
if(address != WildcardAddress)
cpu.RemoveHook(address, HandleBreakpoint);
private bool IsValidAddress(ulong address)
return !(address == 0x00000000 || address == 0xFFFFFFFF);
private string CurrentThreadUnsafe()
var tcb = cpu.Bus.ReadDoubleWord(this.ksCurThreadPhysAddress, context: cpu);
return mapping[tcb];
return "unknown";
public enum ExitUserspaceMode
private const uint DefaultDebugThreadNameSyscall = 0xfffffff2;
private const string AnyThreadName = "<any>";
private const uint WildcardAddress = 0x00000000;
private const uint MaximumMessageLength = 120;
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, HashSet<string>> breakpoints;
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, HashSet<string>> temporaryBreakpoints;
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, string> mapping;
private readonly ICpuSupportingGdb cpu;
private readonly ICallingConvention callingConvention;
private readonly ulong debugThreadNameSyscall;
private ExitUserspaceMode exitUserspaceMode;
private bool breakpointsEnabled;
private ulong ksCurThreadPhysAddress;
private ulong restoreUserContextAddress;
private string pendingThreadName;
private ulong currentTCB;
private interface ICallingConvention
ulong FirstArgument { get; }
ulong ReturnValue { get; }
ulong ReturnAddress { get; }
ulong SyscallTrapAddress { get; }
ulong TCBNextPCOffset { get; }
PrivilegeMode PrivilegeMode { get; }
private enum PrivilegeMode
private class RiscVCallingConvention : ICallingConvention
public RiscVCallingConvention(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu)
this.cpu = cpu;
// Assumes that symbols for kernel are loaded
syscallTrapAddress = cpu.Bus.GetSymbolAddress("trap_entry");
public ulong FirstArgument => cpu.A[0];
public ulong ReturnValue => cpu.A[0];
public ulong ReturnAddress => cpu.RA;
public ulong SyscallTrapAddress => syscallTrapAddress;
public PrivilegeMode PrivilegeMode
case 0b00:
return PrivilegeMode.Userspace;
case 0b01:
return PrivilegeMode.Supervisor;
return PrivilegeMode.Other;
public ulong TCBNextPCOffset => 34 * 4;
private readonly ulong syscallTrapAddress;
private readonly dynamic cpu;
private class ArmCallingConvention : ICallingConvention
public ArmCallingConvention(ICpuSupportingGdb cpu)
this.cpu = (Arm)cpu;
// Assumes that symbols for kernel are loaded
syscallTrapAddress = cpu.Bus.GetSymbolAddress("arm_swi_syscall");
public ulong FirstArgument => cpu.R[0];
public ulong ReturnValue => cpu.R[0];
public ulong ReturnAddress => cpu.R[14];
public ulong SyscallTrapAddress => syscallTrapAddress;
public PrivilegeMode PrivilegeMode
switch(cpu.CPSR & 0xfUL)
case 0b00:
return PrivilegeMode.Userspace;
case 0b11:
return PrivilegeMode.Supervisor;
return PrivilegeMode.Other;
public ulong TCBNextPCOffset => 15 * 4;
private readonly ulong syscallTrapAddress;
private readonly Arm cpu;