blob: 75d4f82863caf159e0fcdfdf5d9140087c20e04c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Test Cases ***
Frame Buffer Test
[Tags] non_critical
Execute Script scripts/single-node/litex_nexys_video_vexriscv_linux.resc
Create Terminal Tester sysbus.uart
Start Emulation
Wait For Line On Uart Press Q or ESC to abort boot completely.
Send Key To Uart 0x51 # Q
Wait For Prompt On Uart litex>
Write Line To Uart sdcardboot
Wait For Prompt On Uart buildroot login:
Write Line To Uart root
Wait For Line On Uart root login on 'console'
Write Line To Uart export PS1="$ "
Wait For Prompt On Uart $
Execute Command emulation CreateFrameBufferTester "fb_tester" 5
Execute Command fb_tester AttachTo litex_video
Write Line To Uart cat /etc/motd > /dev/tty0
Execute Command fb_tester WaitForFrame @
Provides first_test_pass
Frame Buffer with ROI Test
[Tags] non_critical
Requires first_test_pass
Execute Command fb_tester WaitForFrameROI @ 0 0 75 80