blob: fcf8869811d666a7bd0825491165980905f7250f [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
# The values and addresses are totally arbitrary.
${init_value_0x40} 0x11
${init_value_0x80} 0x22
${init_value_0x100} 0x33
${init_value_0x140} 0x44
${init_value_0x180} 0x55
${per-core-memory}= SEPARATOR=
... """
... memory2: Memory.ArrayMemory @ { sysbus new Bus.BusPointRegistration { address: 0x200; cpu: mockCpu0 } } ${\n}
... ${SPACE*4}size: 0x100 ${\n}
... ${\n}
... memory3: Memory.ArrayMemory @ { sysbus new Bus.BusPointRegistration { address: 0x250; cpu: mockCpu1 } } ${\n}
... ${SPACE*4}size: 0x500 ${\n}
... """
${max_32bit_addr} 0xFFFFFFFF
*** Keywords ***
Create Machine With CPU And Two MappedMemory Peripherals
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create
# ARMv7A is used only because it can be created without any additional peripherals.
# Locking can be used with all CPUs.
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "cpu: CPU.ARMv7A @ sysbus { cpuType: \\"cortex-a9\\"}"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mem1: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x10000 { size: 0x10000 }"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mem2: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x80000 { size: 0x10000 }"
Get ${peripheral} Size, Address And Range
${size}= Execute Command ${peripheral} Size
${size}= Strip String ${size}
${ranges}= Execute Command sysbus GetRegistrationPoints ${peripheral}
# Let's make sure there's only one range.
${count}= Evaluate """${ranges}""".count('<')
Should Be Equal As Integers 1 ${count}
${range} ${address}= Evaluate
... ['<(0x[0-9A-F]*), .*>', """${ranges}""").group(i) for i in range(2) ]
... modules=re
[Return] ${size} ${address} ${range}
${lock_or_unlock:(Lock|Unlock)} Address Range From ${start} To ${end}
${range}= Evaluate f"<{ hex(${start}) }, { hex(${end}) }>"
${lock_or_unlock} Address Range ${range}
${lock_or_unlock:(Lock|Unlock)} Address Range ${range}
${set_lock}= Evaluate '${lock_or_unlock}' == 'Lock'
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked ${range} ${set_lock}
Range From ${start} To ${end} Should Be Accessible
${range}= Evaluate f"<{ hex(${start}) }, { hex(${end}) }>"
${locked_str}= Execute Command sysbus IsAddressRangeLocked ${range}
Should Start With ${locked_str} False
No Blocked Access Should Be In Log
Should Not Be In Log Tried to (read|write) .* which is inside a locked address range treatAsRegex=True
Blocked ${access_size}B Read From ${address} Should Be In Log
${eval_addr}= Evaluate '0x' + hex(${address}).upper()[2:]
Wait For Log Entry Tried to read ${access_size} bytes at ${eval_addr} which is inside a locked address range, returning 0
Read From Sysbus And Check If Blocked
[Arguments] ${address} ${expected_value}=0x0 ${should_be_blocked}=True ${access_type}=Byte ${access_size}=1 ${cpu_context}=
${read_value}= Execute Command sysbus Read${access_type} ${address} ${cpu_context}
IF ${should_be_blocked}
Blocked ${access_size}B Read From ${address} Should Be In Log
No Blocked Access Should Be In Log
Should Be Equal As Integers ${read_value} ${expected_value} base=16
Should Block Read Byte
[Arguments] ${address} ${cpu_context}=
Read From Sysbus And Check If Blocked ${address} cpu_context=${cpu_context}
Should Block Read Quad
[Arguments] ${address} ${cpu_context}=
Read From Sysbus And Check If Blocked ${address} access_type=QuadWord access_size=8 cpu_context=${cpu_context}
Should Read Byte
[Arguments] ${address} ${expected_value} ${cpu_context}=
Read From Sysbus And Check If Blocked ${address} ${expected_value} should_be_blocked=False cpu_context=${cpu_context}
Should Read Quad
[Arguments] ${address} ${expected_value} ${cpu_context}=
Read From Sysbus And Check If Blocked ${address} ${expected_value} should_be_blocked=False access_type=QuadWord access_size=8 cpu_context=${cpu_context}
Blocked ${access_size}B Write${access_type} Of ${value} To ${address} Should Be In Log
${eval_addr}= Evaluate '0x' + hex(${address}).upper()[2:]
Wait For Log Entry Tried to write ${access_size} bytes (${value}) at ${eval_addr} which is inside a locked address range, write ignored
Write To Sysbus And Check If Blocked
[Arguments] ${address} ${value} ${should_be_blocked}=True ${access_type}=Byte ${access_size}=1 ${cpu_context}=
Execute Command sysbus Write${access_type} ${address} ${value} ${cpu_context}
IF ${should_be_blocked}
Blocked ${access_size}B Write Of ${value} To ${address} Should Be In Log
No Blocked Access Should Be In Log
Should Block Write Byte
[Arguments] ${address} ${value} ${cpu_context}=
Write To Sysbus And Check If Blocked ${address} ${value} cpu_context=${cpu_context}
Should Block Write Quad
[Arguments] ${address} ${value} ${cpu_context}=
Write To Sysbus And Check If Blocked ${address} ${value} access_type=QuadWord access_size=8 cpu_context=${cpu_context}
Should Write Byte
[Arguments] ${address} ${value} ${cpu_context}=
Write To Sysbus And Check If Blocked ${address} ${value} should_be_blocked=False cpu_context=${cpu_context}
Should Write Quad
[Arguments] ${address} ${value} ${cpu_context}=
Write To Sysbus And Check If Blocked ${address} ${value} should_be_blocked=False access_type=QuadWord access_size=8 cpu_context=${cpu_context}
Should Write Byte To Non Existing Peripheral
[Arguments] ${address} ${value} ${cpu_context}=
Execute Command sysbus WriteByte ${address} ${value} ${cpu_context}
Wait For Log Entry WriteByte to non existing peripheral at ${address}, value ${value}
*** Test Cases ***
Test Reading Bytes From Locked Sysbus Range
Execute Command mach create
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "memory: Memory.ArrayMemory @ sysbus 0x100 { size: 0x100 }"
Create Log Tester 0
Execute Command sysbus Tag <0x40 1> "test" ${init_value_0x40}
Execute Command sysbus Tag <0x80 1> "test" ${init_value_0x80}
Should Write Byte 0x100 ${init_value_0x100}
Should Write Byte 0x140 ${init_value_0x140}
Should Write Byte 0x180 ${init_value_0x180}
Should Read Byte 0x40 ${init_value_0x40}
Should Read Byte 0x80 ${init_value_0x80}
Should Read Byte 0x100 ${init_value_0x100}
Should Read Byte 0x140 ${init_value_0x140}
Should Read Byte 0x180 ${init_value_0x180}
Provides sysbus-with-test-values
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x0 0x200> true
Should Block Read Byte 0x40
Should Block Read Byte 0x80
Should Block Read Byte 0x100
Should Block Read Byte 0x140
Should Block Read Byte 0x180
Provides sysbus-with-test-values-locked-below-0x200
Test Accessing Locked Sysbus Range Boundaries With Wide Accesses
Requires sysbus-with-test-values
${quad_test_value}= Set Variable 0xFEDCBA9876543210
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x144, 0x17C> true
# Wide accesses should only succeed if all the bytes are outside a locked range.
Should Block Read Quad 0x140
Should Block Write Quad 0x140 ${quad_test_value}
Should Read Byte 0x140 ${init_value_0x140}
# 0x17C is the address of the last locked byte.
Should Block Read Quad 0x17C
Should Block Write Quad 0x17C ${quad_test_value}
Should Read Byte 0x180 ${init_value_0x180}
Should Write Quad 0x17E ${quad_test_value}
Should Read Quad 0x17E ${quad_test_value}
Test Reading After Unlocking Parts Of Locked Sysbus Range
Requires sysbus-with-test-values-locked-below-0x200
# Reconfigure locked ranges to unlock arbitrary ranges containing 0x80 and 0x140.
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x60, 0x15F> false
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x100, 0x13F> true
Should Block Read Byte 0x40
Should Read Byte 0x80 ${init_value_0x80}
Should Block Read Byte 0x100
Should Read Byte 0x140 ${init_value_0x140}
Should Block Read Byte 0x180
Test Writing To A Locked Sysbus Range
Requires sysbus-with-test-values
${new_value_0x100}= Set Variable 0x66
${new_value_0x140}= Set Variable 0x77
# In the first round of writing, only the write to 0x100 should succeed
# and 0x140 in the second round. 0x180 is locked in both writing rounds
# so read at the end should return its initial value.
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x140, 0x1FF> true
Should Write Byte 0x100 ${new_value_0x100}
Should Block Write Byte 0x140 ${new_value_0x100}
Should Block Write Byte 0x180 ${new_value_0x100}
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x100, 0x1FF> true
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x140, 0x140> false
Should Block Write Byte 0x100 ${new_value_0x140}
Should Write Byte 0x140 ${new_value_0x140}
Should Block Write Byte 0x180 ${new_value_0x140}
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x100, 0x1FF> false
Should Read Byte 0x100 ${new_value_0x100}
Should Read Byte 0x140 ${new_value_0x140}
Should Read Byte 0x180 ${init_value_0x180}
Test Writing To A Locked Sysbus Range With CPU Context
Requires sysbus-with-test-values
# Architecture doesn't matter, these CPUs are just mocks
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mockCpu0: CPU.ARMv7A @ sysbus { cpuType: \\"cortex-a9\\" }"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mockCpu1: CPU.ARMv7A @ sysbus { cpuType: \\"cortex-a9\\" }"
Provides sysbus-with-mock-cpus
${new_value_0x100}= Set Variable 0x66
${new_value_0x140}= Set Variable 0x77
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x100, 0x1FF> true sysbus.mockCpu0
Should Block Write Byte 0x100 ${new_value_0x100} sysbus.mockCpu0
Should Write Byte 0x100 ${new_value_0x100}
Should Block Write Byte 0x140 ${new_value_0x100} sysbus.mockCpu0
Should Block Write Byte 0x180 ${new_value_0x100} sysbus.mockCpu0
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x100, 0x1FF> true sysbus.mockCpu1
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x140, 0x140> false sysbus.mockCpu0
Should Block Write Byte 0x100 ${new_value_0x140} sysbus.mockCpu0
Should Write Byte 0x140 ${new_value_0x140} sysbus.mockCpu0
Should Block Write Byte 0x180 ${new_value_0x140} sysbus.mockCpu1
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x100, 0x1FF> false sysbus.mockCpu0
Should Read Byte 0x100 ${new_value_0x100}
Should Read Byte 0x140 ${new_value_0x140}
Should Read Byte 0x180 ${init_value_0x180}
Test Writing To A Locked Sysbus Range Registered Per CPU
Requires sysbus-with-mock-cpus
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString ${per-core-memory}
${new_value_0x200}= Set Variable 0x99
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x200, 0x2FF> true sysbus.mockCpu0
Should Block Write Byte 0x200 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu0
# For these, the range doesn't exist, as it's local to CPU0 only
Should Write Byte To Non Existing Peripheral 0x200 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu1
Should Write Byte To Non Existing Peripheral 0x200 ${new_value_0x200}
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x200, 0x2FF> false sysbus.mockCpu0
# Now the lock is global, but the peripheral is still locally-mapped.
# Since locking has precedence over non-existent access, CPUs won't trip on non-existing access
# and all writes will fail (lock is on "any" context)
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x200, 0x2FF> true
Should Block Write Byte 0x200 ${new_value_0x200}
Should Block Write Byte 0x200 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu1
Should Block Write Byte 0x200 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu0
# The other range should still not be writable by its core
Should Block Write Byte 0x250 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu1
# Unlock the global range
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x200, 0x2FF> false
# Re-lock it but with CPU1 only and repeat the previous steps
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x200, 0x2FF> true sysbus.mockCpu1
# CPU0 is unaffected by the lock, as is the access without context
Should Write Byte 0x200 ${new_value_0x200}
Should Block Write Byte 0x200 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu1
Should Write Byte 0x200 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu0
# The other range should still not be writable by its core
Should Block Write Byte 0x250 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu1
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x200, 0x2FF> false sysbus.mockCpu1
# Now, unlock the first range, and lock the second range
# Cpu1 should fail on accessing the range
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x250, 0x7FF> true sysbus.mockCpu1
Should Block Write Byte 0x250 ${new_value_0x200} sysbus.mockCpu1
Test Registering Mapped Memory In Locked Range
# We want to test IMapped memory here, so we need CPU's presence for a full test
# relocking is trivial for anything that isn't directly mapped to CPU (unmanaged memory)
Requires sysbus-with-mock-cpus
${value}= Set Variable 0x66
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <0x4000, 0x4FFF> true
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "memory_locked: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x4000 { size: 0x1000 }"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "memory_unlocked: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x5000 { size: 0x1000 }"
Should Write Byte 0x5000 ${value}
Should Block Write Byte 0x4000 ${value}
Execute Command sysbus.mockCpu0 PC 0x4000
Execute Command sysbus.mockCpu1 PC 0x5000
Start Emulation
# Now, to really test if newly registered memory has been locked correctly, try executing code (instructions don't matter here)
# Cpu0 should abort immediately, and Cpu1 should fall out of memory range
Wait For Log Entry mockCpu0: CPU abort \[PC=0x4000\]: Trying to execute code from disabled or locked memory at 0x00004000 timeout=10
Wait For Log Entry mockCpu1: CPU abort \[PC=0x6000\]: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0x00006000 timeout=10
Locked MappedMemory Should Not Be Accessible From CPU
Create Machine With CPU And Two MappedMemory Peripherals
${flash}= Set Variable mem1
${ram}= Set Variable mem2
${flash_size} ${flash_addr} ${flash_range}= Get ${flash} Size, Address And Range
${ram_size} ${ram_addr} ${ram_range}= Get ${ram} Size, Address And Range
Execute Command cpu ExecutionMode SingleStep
Execute Command cpu PC ${ram_addr}
Create Log Tester 0
# With flash locked, the loads from [r3] and stores to [r3] should be blocked.
${result_addr}= Evaluate hex(${flash_addr} + 0x1000)
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafe 3 ${result_addr}
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x00 0xe59f2028 # ldr r2, [pc, #40] // =0x11111111
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x04 0xe5832000 # str r2, [r3]
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x30 0x11111111 # this will be loaded by LDR instruction above
# Ranges have to fully contain all MappedMemory peripherals registered in the given range.
# Here we lock whole sysbus and then unlock ram.
Lock Address Range From 0x0 To ${max_32bit_addr}
Unlock Address Range ${ram_range}
Execute Command cpu Step 2
Blocked 4B Write Of 0x11111111 To ${result_addr} Should Be In Log
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x08 0xe59f2024 # ldr r2, [pc, #34] // =0x22222222
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x0c 0xe5832000 # str r2, [r3]
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x10 0xe3032333 # movw r2, #0x3333
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x14 0xe1c320b1 # strh r2, [r3, #1]
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x34 0x22222222 # this will be loaded by LDR instruction above
Unlock Address Range ${flash_range}
Execute Command cpu Step 4
No Blocked Access Should Be In Log
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x18 0xe3a02044 # mov r2, #0x44
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x1c 0xe5c32001 # strb r2, [r3, #1]
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x20 0xe5932000 # ldr r2, [r3]
# Lock flash and some memory around it.
Lock Address Range From ${flash_addr}-${flash_size} To ${flash_addr}+${flash_size}*2
Execute Command cpu Step 3
Blocked 1B Write Of 0x44 To ${result_addr}+1 Should Be In Log
Blocked 4B Read From ${result_addr} Should Be In Log
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x24 0xe3a02055 # mov r2, #0x55
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x28 0xe5c32002 # strb r2, [r3, #2]
Execute Command ${ram} WriteDoubleWord 0x2c 0xe5932000 # ldr r2, [r3]
Unlock Address Range From 0x0 To ${max_32bit_addr}
Execute Command cpu Step 3
No Blocked Access Should Be In Log
${res}= Execute Command sysbus ReadDoubleWord ${result_addr}
Should Be True """${res}""".strip() == '0x22553322'
Partial MappedMemory Locking Should Not Be Allowed With ICPUWithMappedMemory
# CPU is important; partial MappedMemory locking isn't allowed only with ICPUWithMappedMemory.
Create Machine With CPU And Two MappedMemory Peripherals
${mem1_size} ${mem1_addr} ${mem1_range}= Get mem1 Size, Address And Range
${mem2_size} ${mem2_addr} ${mem2_range}= Get mem2 Size, Address And Range
${mem2_end}= Evaluate hex(${mem2_addr} + ${mem2_size} - 1)
${error}= Set Variable Mapped peripherals registered at the given range * have to be fully included:
${mem1_reg}= Set Variable \n\* machine-0.mem1 registered at ${mem1_range}
${mem2_reg}= Set Variable \n\* machine-0.mem2 registered at ${mem2_range}
# Test partial locking of one or both MappedMemory peripherals.
Run Keyword And Expect Error *${error}${mem1_reg}*
... Lock Address Range From 0x0 To ${mem1_addr}+0x10
Run Keyword And Expect Error *${error}${mem1_reg}*
... Lock Address Range From ${mem1_addr}+0x10 To ${max_32bit_addr}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *${error}${mem2_reg}*
... Lock Address Range From 0x0 To ${mem2_addr}+0x10
Run Keyword And Expect Error *${error}${mem1_reg}${mem2_reg}*
... Lock Address Range From ${mem1_addr}+0x10 To ${mem2_addr}+0x10
# Make sure no range within 32-bit address space has been locked.
Range From 0x0 To ${max_32bit_addr} Should Be Accessible
# Lock mem1, mem2 and the address space in between.
Execute Command sysbus SetAddressRangeLocked <${mem1_addr}, ${mem2_end}> true
# Test partial unlocking of one or both MappedMemory peripherals.
Run Keyword And Expect Error *${error}${mem1_reg}*
... Unlock Address Range From 0x0 To ${mem1_addr}+0x10
Run Keyword And Expect Error *${error}${mem1_reg}*
... Unlock Address Range From ${mem1_addr}+0x10 To ${max_32bit_addr}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *${error}${mem2_reg}*
... Unlock Address Range From ${mem2_addr}+0x10 To ${max_32bit_addr}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *${error}${mem1_reg}${mem2_reg}*
... Unlock Address Range From ${mem1_addr}+0x10 To ${mem2_addr}+0x10
# Make sure mem1, mem2 and the address space in between are still locked. Range
# is considered locked if the given range contains any locked range which is why
# `IsAddressRangeLocked` isn't used. Let's check accessing a byte every 0x8000.
@{locked_range_addresses}= Evaluate
... [address for address in range(${mem1_addr}, ${mem2_end}, 0x8000)]
FOR ${address} IN ${mem1_addr} @{locked_range_addresses}
Log ${address}
Should Block Read Byte ${address}
# Unlock mem1, mem2 and the address space in between and verify there are no locks now.
Unlock Address Range <${mem1_addr}, ${mem2_end}>
Range From ${mem1_addr} To ${mem2_end} Should Be Accessible
Symbols Should Be Dynamically Loaded and Unloaded On Request
${bin}= Set Variable @
${cpu}= Set Variable sysbus.cpu
${main_symbol_name}= Set Variable "main"
${main_symbol_address}= Set Variable 0x0000000008007644
Execute Command include @platforms/cpus/stm32l072.repl
# LoadELF without cpu context argument loads symbols in the global scope
Execute Command sysbus LoadELF ${bin}
${main_address_global}= Execute Command sysbus GetSymbolAddress ${main_symbol_name}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${main_symbol_address} ${main_address_global}
# Symbol lookup fallbacks to the global scope if the per-cpu lookup is not found
${main_address_local}= Execute Command sysbus GetSymbolAddress ${main_symbol_name} context=${cpu}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${main_symbol_address} ${main_address_local}
# Global lookup is not cleared when the per-cpu lookup is cleared, so local lookup fallbacks to the global scope
Execute Command sysbus ClearSymbols context=${cpu}
${main_address_local}= Execute Command sysbus GetSymbolAddress ${main_symbol_name} context=${cpu}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${main_symbol_address} ${main_address_local}
Execute Command sysbus ClearSymbols
# Global lookup is cleared so both local and global lookup fail
Run Keyword And Expect Error *No symbol with name `main` found*
... Execute Command sysbus GetSymbolAddress ${main_symbol_name} context=${cpu}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *No symbol with name `main` found*
... Execute Command sysbus GetSymbolAddress ${main_symbol_name}
# Load symbols in the local scope so they are visible only for the given cpu
Execute Command sysbus LoadSymbolsFrom ${bin} context=${cpu}
${main_address_local}= Execute Command sysbus GetSymbolAddress ${main_symbol_name} context=${cpu}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${main_symbol_address} ${main_address_local}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *No symbol with name `main` found*
... Execute Command sysbus GetSymbolAddress ${main_symbol_name}