| *** Variables *** |
| ${a0} 0xa |
| ${a1} 0xb |
| ${a2} 0xc |
| ${PRIV_ALL} 7 |
| ${PRIV_NONE} 0 |
| ${START_PC} 0x0 |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Create Platform |
| Execute Command using sysbus |
| Execute Command mach create "risc-v" |
| |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "clint: IRQControllers.CoreLevelInterruptor @ sysbus 0x44000000 { frequency: 66000000 }" |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "cpu: CPU.RiscV32 @ sysbus { timeProvider: clint; cpuType: \\"rv32gc\\" }" |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mem: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x0 { size: 0x100000 }" |
| |
| Execute Command cpu PC ${START_PC} |
| |
| Expect Value Read From Address |
| [Arguments] ${address} ${value} |
| Execute Command cpu PC ${START_PC} |
| Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafe ${a0} ${address} |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord ${START_PC} 0x52583 # lw a1, 0(a0) |
| |
| Execute Command cpu Step |
| |
| ${val}= Execute Command cpu GetRegisterUnsafe ${a1} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${val} ${value} |
| |
| Write Range With Doublewords |
| [Arguments] ${start_addr} ${length} ${value} |
| ${end_addr}= Evaluate ${start_addr}+${length} |
| ${bytesPerDoubleword}= Evaluate 4 |
| FOR ${addr} IN RANGE ${start_addr} ${end_addr} ${bytesPerDoubleWord} |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord ${addr} ${value} |
| END |
| |
| Define Window Using CPU API |
| [Arguments] ${start_addr} ${end_addr} ${addend} ${priv} |
| Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true |
| ${window_index}= Execute Command cpu AcquireExternalMmuWindow ${PRIV_ALL} |
| Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowStart ${window_index} ${start_addr} |
| Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowEnd ${window_index} ${end_addr} |
| Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowAddend ${window_index} ${addend} |
| Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window_index} ${priv} |
| Return From Keyword ${window_index} |
| |
| Define Typed Window Using CPU API |
| [Arguments] ${start_addr} ${end_addr} ${addend} ${priv} ${type} |
| Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true |
| ${window_index}= Execute Command cpu AcquireExternalMmuWindow ${type} |
| Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowStart ${window_index} ${start_addr} |
| Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowEnd ${window_index} ${end_addr} |
| Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowAddend ${window_index} ${addend} |
| Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window_index} ${priv} |
| Return From Keyword ${window_index} |
| |
| Define Window In Peripheral |
| [Arguments] ${periph} ${window_index} ${start_addr} ${end_addr} ${addend} ${priv} |
| ${offset}= Evaluate 4 * ${window_index} |
| ${start_register}= Evaluate 0x0 + ${offset} |
| ${end_register}= Evaluate 0x400 + ${offset} |
| ${addend_register}= Evaluate 0x800 + ${offset} |
| ${priv_register}= Evaluate 0xC00 + ${offset} |
| Execute Command ${periph} WriteDoubleWord ${start_register} ${start_addr} |
| Execute Command ${periph} WriteDoubleWord ${end_register} ${end_addr} |
| Execute Command ${periph} WriteDoubleWord ${addend_register} ${addend} |
| Execute Command ${periph} WriteDoubleWord ${priv_register} ${priv} |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| Setting MMU Window Parameters Before Enabling Throws |
| Create Platform |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error KeywordException: *There was an error executing command 'cpu SetMmuWindowAddend 0 256'External MMU not enabled* |
| ... Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowAddend 0 0x100 |
| |
| Using Too High MMU Window Index Throws |
| Create Platform |
| Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error KeywordException: *There was an error executing command 'cpu SetMmuWindowAddend 256 256'Window index to high, maximum number: 255, got 256* |
| ... Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowAddend 256 0x100 |
| |
| Read/Write From Address Outside The Defined MMU Windows Throws |
| Create Platform |
| Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x2000 0x1234 |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x10000 0x0 |
| Wait For Log Entry MMU fault - the address 0x0 is not specified in any of the existing ranges |
| |
| Window Can Handle Only One Type Of Access |
| Create Platform |
| Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| Define Typed Window Using CPU API 0x0000 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} |
| Define Typed Window Using CPU API 0x0000 0x1000 0x1000 ${PRIV_READWRITE} ${PRIV_READWRITE} |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x1000 0x0124 |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x0 0x0124 |
| |
| Is Able To Retrive The Properties |
| Create Platform |
| |
| ${window}= Define Window Using CPU API 0x1000 0x2000 0x100 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| ${range_start}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowStart ${window} |
| ${range_end}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowEnd ${window} |
| ${addend}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowAddend ${window} |
| ${priv}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x1000 ${range_start} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x2000 ${range_end} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x100 ${addend} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${PRIV_ALL} ${priv} |
| |
| Can Reset The Windows |
| Create Platform |
| |
| ${window1}= Define Window Using CPU API 0x1000 0x2000 0x100 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| ${window2}= Define Window Using CPU API 0x2000 0x3000 0x100 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| ${window3}= Define Window Using CPU API 0x3000 0x4000 0x100 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| Execute Command cpu ResetMmuWindow ${window2} |
| |
| # Removed window |
| ${range_start}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowStart ${window2} |
| ${range_end}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowEnd ${window2} |
| ${addend}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowAddend ${window2} |
| ${priv}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window2} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${range_start} "Range start incorrect" |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${range_end} "Range end incorrect" |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${addend} "Range adden incorrect" |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${priv} "Range privileges incorrect" |
| |
| # Surrounding windows should remain untouched |
| ${range_start}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowStart ${window1} |
| ${range_end}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowEnd ${window1} |
| ${addend}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowAddend ${window1} |
| ${priv}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window1} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x1000 ${range_start} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x2000 ${range_end} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x100 ${addend} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${PRIV_ALL} ${priv} |
| |
| ${range_start}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowStart ${window3} |
| ${range_end}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowEnd ${window3} |
| ${addend}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowAddend ${window3} |
| ${priv}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window3} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x3000 ${range_start} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x4000 ${range_end} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0x100 ${addend} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${PRIV_ALL} ${priv} |
| |
| Read/Write Uses The Proper Addend |
| Create Platform |
| Define Window Using CPU API 0x0000 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| Define Window Using CPU API 0x10000 0x11000 0x1000 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x10000 0xFFFF |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x11000 0x0124 |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x10000 0x0124 |
| |
| Throws On Ranges Unaligned To The Page Size |
| Create Platform |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error CpuAbortException: MMU ranges must be aligned to the page size (0x1000), the address 0x100 is not* |
| ... Define Window Using CPU API 0x100 0x1100 0x1000 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| |
| Permissions Are Respected |
| Create Platform |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| Execute Command logLevel -1 |
| Define Window Using CPU API 0x0000 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| Define Window Using CPU API 0x1000 0x2000 0x100 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} |
| Write Range With Doublewords 0x1000 0x1FF 0xFFFFFFFF |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x1100 0x0 |
| Wait For Log Entry External MMU fault at 0x1100 |
| |
| Fault Callback Works Only When Enabled |
| Create Platform |
| Create Log Tester 0.0001 |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 cpu |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x1100 0x0 |
| Should Not Be In Log External MMU fault at 0x1100 |
| |
| Peripheral Can Be Attached To The Sysbus |
| Create Platform |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mmu1: Miscellaneous.ExternalWindowMMU @ sysbus 0x47000000 {cpu: cpu; startAddress: 0x0; windowSize: 0x1000; numberOfWindows: 4}" |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 0 0x0 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} |
| Provides SingleMMU |
| |
| Peripheral Can Be Configured Using The Registers Inteface |
| Requires SingleMMU |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x10000 0x11000 0x1000 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x10000 0xFFFF |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x11000 0x0124 |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x10000 0x0124 |
| |
| CPU Can Have Two MMUs |
| Create Platform |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mmu1: Miscellaneous.ExternalWindowMMU @ sysbus 0x47000000 {cpu: cpu; startAddress: 0x0; windowSize: 0x1000; numberOfWindows: 2}" |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mmu2: Miscellaneous.ExternalWindowMMU @ sysbus 0x47001000 {cpu: cpu; startAddress: 0x1000; windowSize: 0x1000; numberOfWindows: 2}" |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 0 0x0 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu2 0 0x0 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} |
| Provides TwoMmus |
| |
| Peripheral Throws Fault On Illegal Data Access |
| Requires SingleMMU |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x0000 0x1000 0x0000 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 2 0x1000 0x2000 0x0000 ${PRIV_NONE} |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1 |
| |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x1100 0x0 |
| Wait For Log Entry mmu1: MMU fault occured |
| |
| Peripheral Does Not Throw When no_page_fault Is Set |
| Requires SingleMMU |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x0000 0x1000 0x0000 ${PRIV_ALL} |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 2 0x1000 0x2000 0x0000 ${PRIV_NONE} |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1 |
| |
| # cpu TranslateAddress uses the cpu_handle_mmu_fault with no_page_fault set to 1 |
| ${returned value}= Execute Command cpu TranslateAddress 0x1100 Read |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${returned value} ${-1u64} |
| Should Not Be In Log mmu1: MMU fault occured |
| |
| Peripheal Throws On Illegal Instruction Fetch |
| Create Platform |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mmu1: Miscellaneous.ExternalWindowMMU @ sysbus 0x47000000 {cpu: cpu; startAddress: 0x0; windowSize: 0x1000; numberOfWindows: 4}" |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x0000 0x1000 0x0000 ${PRIV_WRITE_ONLY} |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1 |
| |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x2000 0x0 |
| Wait For Log Entry mmu1: MMU fault occured |
| |
| First MMU Throws On Fault In Its Window |
| Requires TwoMmus |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1 |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu2 |
| |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x1000 0x2000 0x0000 ${PRIV_NONE} |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x1000 0x0124 |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x1000 0x0 |
| |
| Wait For Log Entry mmu1: MMU fault occured |
| Should Not Be In Log mmu2: MMU fault occured |
| |
| Second MMU Throws On Fault In Its Window |
| Requires TwoMmus |
| Create Log Tester 0 |
| |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1 |
| Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu2 |
| |
| Define Window In Peripheral mmu2 1 0x2000 0x3000 0x1000 ${PRIV_WRITE_ONLY} |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x2000 0x0124 |
| Expect Value Read From Address 0x2000 0x0 |
| |
| Wait For Log Entry mmu2: MMU fault occured |
| Should Not Be In Log mmu1: MMU fault occured |
| |
| Execution Stops On Fault |
| Requires SingleMMU |
| Write Range With Doublewords 0x0 0x1000 0x13 # Nop sled on whole page |
| Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafe ${a0} 0x1C |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x1C 0x52583 # lw a1, 0(a0) |
| Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x20 0xd02503 # lw a2, 0(zero) |
| Start Emulation |
| Sleep 0.1 |
| |
| # Assert we are halted on the faulting insn |
| ${pc}= Execute Command cpu PC |
| Should Be Equal As integers ${pc} 0x1C |
| # Assert that the second insn was not executed |
| ${val}= Execute Command cpu GetRegisterUnsafe ${a2} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${val} 0x0 |
| |
| Throws When Window Is Out Of Range |
| Requires SingleMMU |
| Run Keyword And Expect Error *Address is outside of the possible range.* |
| ... Define Typed Window Using CPU API 0x0 0x100001000 0x0 ${PRIV_ALL} ${PRIV_ALL} |
| |
| Works With The Last Page Of Memory |
| Requires SingleMMU |
| Define Typed Window Using CPU API 0x0 0x100000000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} |
| Execute Command sysbus ReadWord 0xFFFFFFFF |