blob: 6ed2e77506e310f6712d20ec0cce65b5ed48aaff [file] [log] [blame]
*** Variables ***
${a0} 0xa
${a1} 0xb
${a2} 0xc
${START_PC} 0x0
*** Keywords ***
Create Platform
Execute Command using sysbus
Execute Command mach create "risc-v"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "clint: IRQControllers.CoreLevelInterruptor @ sysbus 0x44000000 { frequency: 66000000 }"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "cpu: CPU.RiscV32 @ sysbus { timeProvider: clint; cpuType: \\"rv32gc\\" }"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mem: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x0 { size: 0x100000 }"
Execute Command cpu PC ${START_PC}
Expect Value Read From Address
[Arguments] ${address} ${value}
Execute Command cpu PC ${START_PC}
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafe ${a0} ${address}
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord ${START_PC} 0x52583 # lw a1, 0(a0)
Execute Command cpu Step
${val}= Execute Command cpu GetRegisterUnsafe ${a1}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${val} ${value}
Write Range With Doublewords
[Arguments] ${start_addr} ${length} ${value}
${end_addr}= Evaluate ${start_addr}+${length}
${bytesPerDoubleword}= Evaluate 4
FOR ${addr} IN RANGE ${start_addr} ${end_addr} ${bytesPerDoubleWord}
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord ${addr} ${value}
Define Window Using CPU API
[Arguments] ${start_addr} ${end_addr} ${addend} ${priv}
Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true
${window_index}= Execute Command cpu AcquireExternalMmuWindow ${PRIV_ALL}
Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowStart ${window_index} ${start_addr}
Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowEnd ${window_index} ${end_addr}
Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowAddend ${window_index} ${addend}
Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window_index} ${priv}
Return From Keyword ${window_index}
Define Typed Window Using CPU API
[Arguments] ${start_addr} ${end_addr} ${addend} ${priv} ${type}
Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true
${window_index}= Execute Command cpu AcquireExternalMmuWindow ${type}
Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowStart ${window_index} ${start_addr}
Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowEnd ${window_index} ${end_addr}
Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowAddend ${window_index} ${addend}
Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window_index} ${priv}
Return From Keyword ${window_index}
Define Window In Peripheral
[Arguments] ${periph} ${window_index} ${start_addr} ${end_addr} ${addend} ${priv}
${offset}= Evaluate 4 * ${window_index}
${start_register}= Evaluate 0x0 + ${offset}
${end_register}= Evaluate 0x400 + ${offset}
${addend_register}= Evaluate 0x800 + ${offset}
${priv_register}= Evaluate 0xC00 + ${offset}
Execute Command ${periph} WriteDoubleWord ${start_register} ${start_addr}
Execute Command ${periph} WriteDoubleWord ${end_register} ${end_addr}
Execute Command ${periph} WriteDoubleWord ${addend_register} ${addend}
Execute Command ${periph} WriteDoubleWord ${priv_register} ${priv}
*** Test Cases ***
Setting MMU Window Parameters Before Enabling Throws
Create Platform
Run Keyword And Expect Error KeywordException: *There was an error executing command 'cpu SetMmuWindowAddend 0 256'External MMU not enabled*
... Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowAddend 0 0x100
Using Too High MMU Window Index Throws
Create Platform
Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true
Run Keyword And Expect Error KeywordException: *There was an error executing command 'cpu SetMmuWindowAddend 256 256'Window index to high, maximum number: 255, got 256*
... Execute Command cpu SetMmuWindowAddend 256 0x100
Read/Write From Address Outside The Defined MMU Windows Throws
Create Platform
Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true
Create Log Tester 0
Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x2000 0x1234
Expect Value Read From Address 0x10000 0x0
Wait For Log Entry MMU fault - the address 0x0 is not specified in any of the existing ranges
Window Can Handle Only One Type Of Access
Create Platform
Execute Command cpu EnableExternalWindowMmu true
Create Log Tester 0
Define Typed Window Using CPU API 0x0000 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY}
Define Typed Window Using CPU API 0x0000 0x1000 0x1000 ${PRIV_READWRITE} ${PRIV_READWRITE}
Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x1000 0x0124
Expect Value Read From Address 0x0 0x0124
Is Able To Retrive The Properties
Create Platform
${window}= Define Window Using CPU API 0x1000 0x2000 0x100 ${PRIV_ALL}
${range_start}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowStart ${window}
${range_end}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowEnd ${window}
${addend}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowAddend ${window}
${priv}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x1000 ${range_start}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x2000 ${range_end}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x100 ${addend}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${PRIV_ALL} ${priv}
Can Reset The Windows
Create Platform
${window1}= Define Window Using CPU API 0x1000 0x2000 0x100 ${PRIV_ALL}
${window2}= Define Window Using CPU API 0x2000 0x3000 0x100 ${PRIV_ALL}
${window3}= Define Window Using CPU API 0x3000 0x4000 0x100 ${PRIV_ALL}
Execute Command cpu ResetMmuWindow ${window2}
# Removed window
${range_start}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowStart ${window2}
${range_end}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowEnd ${window2}
${addend}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowAddend ${window2}
${priv}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window2}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${range_start} "Range start incorrect"
Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${range_end} "Range end incorrect"
Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${addend} "Range adden incorrect"
Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${priv} "Range privileges incorrect"
# Surrounding windows should remain untouched
${range_start}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowStart ${window1}
${range_end}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowEnd ${window1}
${addend}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowAddend ${window1}
${priv}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window1}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x1000 ${range_start}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x2000 ${range_end}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x100 ${addend}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${PRIV_ALL} ${priv}
${range_start}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowStart ${window3}
${range_end}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowEnd ${window3}
${addend}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowAddend ${window3}
${priv}= Execute Command cpu GetMmuWindowPrivileges ${window3}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x3000 ${range_start}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x4000 ${range_end}
Should Be Equal As Integers 0x100 ${addend}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${PRIV_ALL} ${priv}
Read/Write Uses The Proper Addend
Create Platform
Define Window Using CPU API 0x0000 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_ALL}
Define Window Using CPU API 0x10000 0x11000 0x1000 ${PRIV_ALL}
Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x10000 0xFFFF
Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x11000 0x0124
Expect Value Read From Address 0x10000 0x0124
Throws On Ranges Unaligned To The Page Size
Create Platform
Run Keyword And Expect Error CpuAbortException: MMU ranges must be aligned to the page size (0x1000), the address 0x100 is not*
... Define Window Using CPU API 0x100 0x1100 0x1000 ${PRIV_ALL}
Permissions Are Respected
Create Platform
Create Log Tester 0
Execute Command logLevel -1
Define Window Using CPU API 0x0000 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_ALL}
Define Window Using CPU API 0x1000 0x2000 0x100 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY}
Write Range With Doublewords 0x1000 0x1FF 0xFFFFFFFF
Expect Value Read From Address 0x1100 0x0
Wait For Log Entry External MMU fault at 0x1100
Fault Callback Works Only When Enabled
Create Platform
Create Log Tester 0.0001
Execute Command logLevel 0 cpu
Expect Value Read From Address 0x1100 0x0
Should Not Be In Log External MMU fault at 0x1100
Peripheral Can Be Attached To The Sysbus
Create Platform
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mmu1: Miscellaneous.ExternalWindowMMU @ sysbus 0x47000000 {cpu: cpu; startAddress: 0x0; windowSize: 0x1000; numberOfWindows: 4}"
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 0 0x0 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY}
Provides SingleMMU
Peripheral Can Be Configured Using The Registers Inteface
Requires SingleMMU
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x10000 0x11000 0x1000 ${PRIV_ALL}
Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x10000 0xFFFF
Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x11000 0x0124
Expect Value Read From Address 0x10000 0x0124
CPU Can Have Two MMUs
Create Platform
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mmu1: Miscellaneous.ExternalWindowMMU @ sysbus 0x47000000 {cpu: cpu; startAddress: 0x0; windowSize: 0x1000; numberOfWindows: 2}"
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mmu2: Miscellaneous.ExternalWindowMMU @ sysbus 0x47001000 {cpu: cpu; startAddress: 0x1000; windowSize: 0x1000; numberOfWindows: 2}"
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 0 0x0 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY}
Define Window In Peripheral mmu2 0 0x0 0x1000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY}
Provides TwoMmus
Peripheral Throws Fault On Illegal Data Access
Requires SingleMMU
Create Log Tester 0
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x0000 0x1000 0x0000 ${PRIV_ALL}
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 2 0x1000 0x2000 0x0000 ${PRIV_NONE}
Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1
Expect Value Read From Address 0x1100 0x0
Wait For Log Entry mmu1: MMU fault occured
Peripheral Does Not Throw When no_page_fault Is Set
Requires SingleMMU
Create Log Tester 0
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x0000 0x1000 0x0000 ${PRIV_ALL}
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 2 0x1000 0x2000 0x0000 ${PRIV_NONE}
Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1
# cpu TranslateAddress uses the cpu_handle_mmu_fault with no_page_fault set to 1
${returned value}= Execute Command cpu TranslateAddress 0x1100 Read
Should Be Equal As Integers ${returned value} ${-1u64}
Should Not Be In Log mmu1: MMU fault occured
Peripheal Throws On Illegal Instruction Fetch
Create Platform
Create Log Tester 0
Execute Command machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString "mmu1: Miscellaneous.ExternalWindowMMU @ sysbus 0x47000000 {cpu: cpu; startAddress: 0x0; windowSize: 0x1000; numberOfWindows: 4}"
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x0000 0x1000 0x0000 ${PRIV_WRITE_ONLY}
Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1
Expect Value Read From Address 0x2000 0x0
Wait For Log Entry mmu1: MMU fault occured
First MMU Throws On Fault In Its Window
Requires TwoMmus
Create Log Tester 0
Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1
Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu2
Define Window In Peripheral mmu1 1 0x1000 0x2000 0x0000 ${PRIV_NONE}
Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x1000 0x0124
Expect Value Read From Address 0x1000 0x0
Wait For Log Entry mmu1: MMU fault occured
Should Not Be In Log mmu2: MMU fault occured
Second MMU Throws On Fault In Its Window
Requires TwoMmus
Create Log Tester 0
Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu1
Execute Command logLevel 0 mmu2
Define Window In Peripheral mmu2 1 0x2000 0x3000 0x1000 ${PRIV_WRITE_ONLY}
Execute Command sysbus WriteWord 0x2000 0x0124
Expect Value Read From Address 0x2000 0x0
Wait For Log Entry mmu2: MMU fault occured
Should Not Be In Log mmu1: MMU fault occured
Execution Stops On Fault
Requires SingleMMU
Write Range With Doublewords 0x0 0x1000 0x13 # Nop sled on whole page
Execute Command cpu SetRegisterUnsafe ${a0} 0x1C
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x1C 0x52583 # lw a1, 0(a0)
Execute Command sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0x20 0xd02503 # lw a2, 0(zero)
Start Emulation
Sleep 0.1
# Assert we are halted on the faulting insn
${pc}= Execute Command cpu PC
Should Be Equal As integers ${pc} 0x1C
# Assert that the second insn was not executed
${val}= Execute Command cpu GetRegisterUnsafe ${a2}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${val} 0x0
Throws When Window Is Out Of Range
Requires SingleMMU
Run Keyword And Expect Error *Address is outside of the possible range.*
... Define Typed Window Using CPU API 0x0 0x100001000 0x0 ${PRIV_ALL} ${PRIV_ALL}
Works With The Last Page Of Memory
Requires SingleMMU
Define Typed Window Using CPU API 0x0 0x100000000 0x0 ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY} ${PRIV_EXEC_ONLY}
Execute Command sysbus ReadWord 0xFFFFFFFF