blob: ea954731f8e76bd9236c4ab1c2235420f061028e [file] [log] [blame]
flash: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x0
size: 0x100000
mem: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x20000000
size: 0x30000
lpuart0: UART.Kinetis_LPUART @ sysbus 0x40042000
IRQ -> cpu@17
lpuart1: UART.Kinetis_LPUART @ sysbus 0x40043000
lptmr0: UART.LowPower_Timer @ sysbus 0x40032000
// normally it should be routed via intmux, but we connect it directly to CPU
-> cpu@24
lptmr1: UART.LowPower_Timer @ sysbus 0x40033000
lptmr2: UART.LowPower_Timer @ sysbus 0x4102B000
cpu: CPU.Ri5cy @ sysbus
privilegedArchitecture: PrivilegedArchitecture.Priv1_10