blob: f94c02f460a6b2b2507c2044ab764095380a2ca0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Antmicro
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// Full license text is available in 'licenses/MIT.txt'.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.Wireless;
using Antmicro.Renode.Logging;
using Antmicro.Renode.Utilities;
namespace Antmicro.Renode.Plugins.WiresharkPlugin
public class BLESniffer
public byte[] InsertHeaderToPacket(IRadio sender, byte[] originalPacket)
byte[] completePacket = new byte[originalPacket.Length + SnifferMetadataSizeInBytes];
// If packet is shorter than minimal acceptable or channel is out of range then communication is broken
// and we can abort sniffing anything.
if(originalPacket.Length < MinimalBLEPacketLength)
sender.Log(LogLevel.Error, "BLE packet size is {0} bytes. Expected at least {1} bytes.", originalPacket.Length, MinimalBLEPacketLength);
FillRestOfData(originalPacket, completePacket, SnifferMetadataSizeInBytes);
return completePacket;
if(!channelToWiresharkIndex.TryGetValue(sender.Channel, out var wiresharkIndex))
sender.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Channel number {0} doesn't exist in bluetooth specification.", sender.Channel);
FillRestOfData(originalPacket, completePacket, SnifferMetadataSizeInBytes);
return completePacket;
completePacket[0] = wiresharkIndex;
// Signal Power
completePacket[1] = 0x0;
// Noise Power
completePacket[2] = 0x0;
// Access Address Offenses
completePacket[3] = 0x0;
// Reference Access Address
completePacket[4] = originalPacket[0];
completePacket[5] = originalPacket[1];
completePacket[6] = originalPacket[2];
completePacket[7] = originalPacket[3];
var flags = (short)SnifferFlags.PacketDeWhitened | (short)SnifferFlags.SignalPowerIsValid | (short)SnifferFlags.NoisePowerIsValid | (short)SnifferFlags.PacketIsDecrypted
| (short)SnifferFlags.ReferenceAccessAddressIsValid | (short)SnifferFlags.AccessAddressOffensesIsValid | (short)SnifferFlags.CRCWasChecked
| (short)SnifferFlags.CRCIsValid | (short)SnifferFlags.MICWasChecked | (short)SnifferFlags.MICIsValid;
var accessAddress = BitHelper.ToUInt32(originalPacket, 0, 4, true);
// Here we check whether we have an advertisement packet or data packet. We're using access address embedded in packet.
if(accessAddress != AdvertisementAccessAddress)
// If an accessAddress is a key in the dictionary then we know that sender belongs to this connection.
// There is an assumption that data packets are sent after advertisement packets. If there is no key that matches access address then something went wrong.
// If sender is a value for this key then it's a master, otherwise it's a slave.
if(!mastersInConnections.TryGetValue(accessAddress, out var masterRadio))
sender.Log(LogLevel.Error, "There is no connection associated with accessAddress: 0x{0:X}.", accessAddress);
FillRestOfData(originalPacket, completePacket, SnifferMetadataSizeInBytes);
return completePacket;
if(masterRadio == sender)
flags |= (short)PDUTypeNumbers.DataPacketMasterToSlave;
flags |= (short)PDUTypeNumbers.DataPacketSlaveToMaster;
flags |= (short)PDUTypeNumbers.Advertisement;
// When CONNECT_IND packet (PDU type 5) is sent we can read from PDU payload what access address will be used for this connection.
// This way we can save connection's access address and which radio is a master for this connection.
var pduType = originalPacket[4] & 0xF;
if(pduType == ConnectPDUType)
if(originalPacket.Length < ConnectBLEPacketLength)
sender.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Connect packet size is {0} bytes. Expected at least {1} bytes.", originalPacket.Length, ConnectBLEPacketLength);
FillRestOfData(originalPacket, completePacket, SnifferMetadataSizeInBytes);
return completePacket;
// Extract an accessAddress for connection from PDU payload.
var newAccessAddress = BitHelper.ToUInt32(originalPacket, 18, 4, true);
// connection with this access address already exists, so we override it
sender.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "There is already a connection associated with access address: 0x{0:X}. Overriding old connection.", newAccessAddress);
mastersInConnections[newAccessAddress] = sender;
mastersInConnections.Add(newAccessAddress, sender);
// Sniffer just sets an appropriate flag in header to indicate that it's auxiliary advertisement packet.
else if(pduType == AuxiliaryAdvertisementPDUType)
flags |= (short)PDUTypeNumbers.AuxiliaryAdvertisement;
// Embed flags to the packet.
completePacket[8] = (byte)flags;
completePacket[9] = (byte)(flags >> 8);
FillRestOfData(originalPacket, completePacket, SnifferMetadataSizeInBytes);
return completePacket;
private void FillRestOfData(byte[] src, byte[] dest, int offset)
for(int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++)
dest[i + offset] = src[i];
private const int SnifferMetadataSizeInBytes = 10;
private const int MinimalBLEPacketLength = 9;
private const int ConnectBLEPacketLength = 43;
private const uint AdvertisementAccessAddress = 0x8e89bed6;
private const byte ConnectPDUType = 5;
private const byte AuxiliaryAdvertisementPDUType = 7;
// Wireshark indexes channels from 0 to 39 basing on the frequency meanwhile in reality channels 37, 38 and 39
// are in different places of frequency spectrum. This is why we have to remap channel numbers to indexed for Wireshark.
private readonly Dictionary<int, byte> channelToWiresharkIndex = new Dictionary<int, byte>()
{ 37, 0 },
{ 0, 1 },
{ 1, 2 },
{ 2, 3 },
{ 3, 4 },
{ 4, 5 },
{ 5, 6 },
{ 6, 7 },
{ 7, 8 },
{ 8, 9 },
{ 9, 10 },
{ 10, 11 },
{ 38, 12 },
{ 11, 13 },
{ 12, 14 },
{ 13, 15 },
{ 14, 16 },
{ 15, 17 },
{ 16, 18 },
{ 17, 19 },
{ 18, 20 },
{ 19, 21 },
{ 20, 22 },
{ 21, 23 },
{ 22, 24 },
{ 23, 25 },
{ 24, 26 },
{ 25, 27 },
{ 26, 28 },
{ 27, 29 },
{ 28, 30 },
{ 29, 31 },
{ 30, 32 },
{ 31, 33 },
{ 32, 34 },
{ 33, 35 },
{ 34, 36 },
{ 35, 37 },
{ 36, 38 },
{ 39, 39 },
// This dictionary holds an information about all connections. Each connection is identified by an access address
// and there is only one master device associated with each access address. Other devices associated with access addressses
// are considered to be slaves.
private readonly Dictionary<uint, IRadio> mastersInConnections = new Dictionary<uint, IRadio>();
// Flags registers are made of a bitfield and pdu type numbers
private enum SnifferFlags : short
None = 0x0,
PacketDeWhitened = 0x1,
SignalPowerIsValid = 0x2,
NoisePowerIsValid = 0x4,
PacketIsDecrypted = 0x8,
ReferenceAccessAddressIsValid = 0x10,
AccessAddressOffensesIsValid = 0x20,
RFChannelIsLikelyToBeDistorted = 0x40,
CRCWasChecked = 0x400,
CRCIsValid = 0x800,
MICWasChecked = 0x1000,
MICIsValid = 0x2000,
private enum PDUTypeNumbers : short
Advertisement = 0x0 << 7,
AuxiliaryAdvertisement = 0x1 << 7,
DataPacketMasterToSlave = 0x2 << 7,
DataPacketSlaveToMaster = 0x3 << 7