These are steps to reproduce/address failures in TF/TFLite integration tests. All steps here assume starting from the IREE root directory.
python -m venv iree.venv source iree.venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install iree-compiler iree-runtime iree-tools-tf iree-tools-tflite -f
python -m pip install tf-nightly Pillow
cd integrations/tensorflow/test/ cat iree_tfl_tests/ # REQUIRES: llvmaot # RUN: %PYTHON -m iree_tfl_tests.posenet_i8_test --target_backend=llvmaot -artifacts_dir=%t python -m iree_tfl_tests.posenet_i8_test -- target_backend=llvmaot -artifacts_dir=/tmp/posenet_i8_failure
in the temp directory specified. Those can then be fed into iree-translate
(built locally to reproduce the error)iree-translate -iree-mlir-to-vm-bytecode-module -iree-hal-target-backends=dylib-llvm-aot -iree-input-type=mhlo iree_input.mlir