Trim and link to our website more prominently. (#5803)

* Remove "Getting Started" section entirely, since the new website covers that from a few different angles
* Remove "Architecture and Goals" section entirely. The new homepage covers these at a high level. The "Demonstrate MLIR's ability" and "Embrace standard-based ML via Vulkan" paragraphs are nice, but they need a better home :)
* Remove "Roadmap and Milestones" section entirely. It has been moved to (which then links back to GitHub... open to better ideas there)
* Reorder "Presentations and Talks"
diff --git a/ b/
index 38a6c30..555acd8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
 # IREE: Intermediate Representation Execution Environment
 IREE (**I**ntermediate **R**epresentation **E**xecution **E**nvironment,
-pronounced as "eerie") is an MLIR-based end-to-end compiler that lowers ML
-models to a unified IR optimized for real-time mobile/edge inference against
-heterogeneous hardware accelerators. IREE also provides flexible deployment
-solutions for the compiled ML models.
+pronounced as "eerie") is an [MLIR]( end-to-end
+compiler that lowers Machine Learning (ML) models to a unified IR optimized for
+real-time inference on mobile/edge devices against heterogeneous hardware
+accelerators. IREE also provides flexible deployment solutions for its compiled
+ML models.
+See [our website]( for project details, user
+guides, and instructions on building from source.
 #### Project Status
@@ -16,13 +20,12 @@
 ## Communication Channels
-*   [GitHub Issues]( Preferred for
-    specific technical issues and coordination on upcoming features.
-*   [Google IREE Discord Server]( The core team and
-    collaborators coordinate daily development here; good for low-latency
-    communication.
-*   [Google Groups Email List](!forum/iree-discuss):
-    Good for general and low-priority discussion.
+*   [GitHub issues]( Feature requests,
+    bugs, and other work tracking
+*   [IREE Discord server]( Daily development
+    discussions with the core team and collaborators
+*   [iree-discuss email list](!forum/iree-discuss):
+    Announcements, general and low-priority discussion
 #### Related Project Channels
@@ -31,98 +34,6 @@
     sometimes is referred to in certain MLIR discussions. Useful if you are also
     interested in MLIR evolution.
-## Getting Started
-### Quick Start using Python
-Python packages are published on the
-[releases]( page. See the
-[colab/]( directory for examples.
-### Building from Source
-IREE can be built from source using both Bazel and CMake on Windows and Linux.
-We also have experimental macOS support.
-Please see the [Getting Started](
-pages on IREE's [documentation hub]( to configure,
-compile, and run IREE in your favorite development environment!
-## Documentation and Talks
-IREE hosts all its documentation and project status dashboards on
-[GitHub Pages]( We are still building up the
-website; please feel free to
-[create issues]( for the documentation
-you'd like to see!
-We also have some public talks that explain IREE's concepts and architecture:
-*   2020-08-20: IREE CodeGen: MLIR Open Design Meeting Presentation
-    ([recording](
-    and
-    [slides](
-*   2020-03-18: Interactive HAL IR Walkthrough (Ben Vanik and core team)
-    ([recording](
-*   2020-01-31: End-to-end MLIR Workflow in IREE: MLIR Open Design Meeting Presentation
-    ([recording](
-    and
-    [slides](
-## Architecture and Goals
-IREE adopts a _holistic_ approach towards ML model compilation: the IR produced
-contains both the _scheduling_ logic, required to communicate data dependencies
-to low-level parallel pipelined hardware/API like Vulkan, and the _execution_
-logic, encoding dense computation on the hardware in the form of
-hardware/API-specific binaries like SPIR-V.
-The architecture of IREE is best illustrated by the following picture:
-![IREE Architecture](./docs/developers/iree_architecture.svg)
-Being compilation-based means IREE does not have a traditional runtime that
-dispatches "ops" to their fat kernel implementations. What IREE provides is a
-toolbox for different deployment scenarios. It scales from running generated
-code on a particular API (such as emitting C code calling external DSP kernels),
-to a HAL (**H**ardware **A**bstraction **L**ayer) that allows the same generated
-code to target multiple APIs (like Vulkan and Direct3D 12), to a full VM
-allowing runtime model loading for flexible deployment options and heterogeneous
-IREE aims to
-*   Support advanced models on mobile/edge devices. Dynamic shapes, dynamic flow
-    control, dynamic multi-model dispatch, streaming models, tree-based search
-    algorithms, and other are all good examples of exciting ML evolution. We are
-    trying to build IREE from the ground-up to enable these models and run them
-    efficiently on modern hardware, especially on mobile/edge devices.
-*   Demonstrate MLIR's ability to develop non-traditional ML compiler backends
-    and runtimes. MLIR enables IREE's holistic approach of focusing on the math
-    being performed and how that math is scheduled rather than graphs of "ops".
-*   Embrace standard-based ML via Vulkan. The graphics world is shifting towards
-    favoring modern explicit APIs for performance and predictability and Vulkan
-    is emerging as the "compatibility" layer. We would love to allow hardware
-    vendors to be able to make ML efficient on their hardware without the need
-    for bespoke runtimes and special access. We also would love to let
-    developers and users utilize all the hardware available on as many platforms
-    as possible.
-## Roadmap and Milestones
-IREE is in the early stages of development and not yet ready for broad adoption.
-Check out the [long-term design roadmap](./docs/developers/ to
-get a sense of where we're headed.
-We plan on a quarterly basis using [OKRs](
-Review our latest [objectives](./docs/developers/ to get a sense
-of what we're up to in the near term.
-We use [GitHub Projects]( to track
-progress on IREE components and specific efforts. We use
-[GitHub Milestones]( to track the
-work associated with plans for each quarter.
 ## Build Status
 CI System | Build System  | Platform | Architecture    | Component            | Status
@@ -136,6 +47,19 @@
 Kokoro    | CMake         | Android  | arm64-v8a       | Runtime (build only) | [![kokoro_status_cmake_android_arm64-v8a](](
 BuildKite | CMake         | Android  | arm64-v8a       | Runtime              | [![buildkite-status-cmake-android-arm](](
+## Presentations and Talks
+*   2020-08-20: IREE CodeGen: MLIR Open Design Meeting Presentation
+    ([recording](
+    and
+    [slides](
+*   2020-03-18: Interactive HAL IR Walkthrough
+    ([recording](
+*   2020-01-31: End-to-end MLIR Workflow in IREE: MLIR Open Design Meeting Presentation
+    ([recording](
+    and
+    [slides](
 ## License
 IREE is licensed under the terms of the Apache license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE)