CMake Options and Variables

Frequently-used CMake Variables


Sets the build type. Possible values are Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel. If unset, build type is set to Release.


This is the command that will be used as the <LANG> compiler, which are C and CXX in IREE. These variables are set to compile IREE with clang or rather clang++. Once set, these variables can not be changed.

IREE-specific CMake Options and Variables

This gives a brief explanation of IREE specific CMake options and variables.


Enables instrumented runtime tracing. Defaults to OFF.


Enables instrumented compiler tracing. This requires that IREE_ENABLE_RUNTIME_TRACING also be set. Defaults to OFF.


Enables the build of the out-of-tree MLIR dialect EmitC. Defaults to OFF.


Builds the IREE compiler. Defaults to ON.


Builds IREE unit tests. Defaults to ON.


Builds IREE documentation. Defaults to OFF.


Builds IREE sample projects. Defaults to ON.


Builds the IREE python bindings. Defaults to OFF.


Builds the IREE TFLite C API compatibility shim. Defaults to ON.


Builds the IREE TFLite Java bindings with the C API compatibility shim. Defaults to ON.


Builds the experimental java bindings. Defaults to OFF.


Builds experimental remoting component. Defaults to OFF.


Semicolon-separated list of HAL drivers to build, or all for building all HAL drivers. Case-insensitive. If an empty list is provided, will build no HAL drivers. Defaults to all. Example: -DIREE_HAL_DRIVERS_TO_BUILD=Vulkan;VMLA.


Semicolon-separated list of target backend to build, or all for building all compiler target backends. Case-insensitive. If an empty list is provided, will build no target backends. Defaults to all. Example: -DIREE_TARGET_BACKENDS_TO_BUILD=Vulkan-SPIRV;VMLA.


Use lld when linking. Defaults to OFF. This option is equivalent to -DIREE_USE_LINKER=lld. The option IREE_ENABLE_LLD and IREE_USE_LINKER can not be set at the same time.


Enable address sanitizer if the current build type is Debug and the compiler supports it.


Enable memory sanitizer if the current build type is Debug and the compiler supports it.


Enable thread sanitizer if the current build type is Debug and the compiler supports it.


Defines the MLIR dependency mode. Case-sensitive. Can be BUNDLED, DISABLED or INSTALLED. Defaults to BUNDLED. If set to INSTALLED, the variable MLIR_DIR needs to be passed and that LLVM needs to be compiled with LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI set to ON.


Enables building of the TensorFlow to IREE compiler under integrations/tensorflow, including some native binaries and Python packages. Note that TensorFlow's build system is bazel and this will require having previously built (or installed) the iree-import-tf at the path specified by IREE_TF_TOOLS_ROOT.


Enables building of the TFLite to IREE compiler under integrations/tensorflow, including some native binaries and Python packages. Note that TensorFlow's build system is bazel and this will require having previously built (or installed) the iree-import-tf at the path specified by IREE_TF_TOOLS_ROOT.


Enables building of the XLA to IREE compiler under integrations/tensorflow, including some native binaries and Python packages. Note that TensorFlow's build system is bazel and this will require having previously built (or installed) the iree-import-tf at the path specified by IREE_TF_TOOLS_ROOT.


Path to prebuilt TensorFlow integration binaries to be used by the Python bindings. Defaults to “${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/integrations/tensorflow/bazel-bin/iree_tf_compiler”, which is where they would be placed by a bazel build invocation.

MLIR-specific CMake Options and Variables


Specifies the path where to look for the installed MLIR/LLVM packages. Required if IREE_MLIR_DEP_MODE is set to INSTALLED.


When cross compiling (using a toolchain file like android.toolchain.cmake), first build and install IREE's tools for your host configuration, then use the IREE_HOST_BINARY_ROOT CMake option to point the cross compiled build at the host tools.