Use Black to format Python files (#14161)

Switch from yapf to Black to better align with the LLVM and broader
Python community. I decided not to go with Pyink as it seems much less
popular and differs in formatting style beyond indentation.

-  Reformat all python files outside of `third_party` with black.
- Update the lint workflow to use black. This only considers files
modified by the PR.
-  Delete old dotfiles.

The command used to reformat all files at once:
fd -e py --exclude third_party | xargs black

To learn more about Back, see:

In the next PR, once the commit SHA of this PR is finalized, I plan to
add this commit to `.git-blame-ignore-revs` to keep the blame history

diff --git a/build_tools/bazel_to_cmake/ b/build_tools/bazel_to_cmake/
index 44e2b8a..efb9529 100755
--- a/build_tools/bazel_to_cmake/
+++ b/build_tools/bazel_to_cmake/
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
 repo_cfg = None
-    r"bazel[\s_]*to[\s_]*cmake[\s_]*:?[\s_]*do[\s_]*not[\s_]*edit",
-    flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+    r"bazel[\s_]*to[\s_]*cmake[\s_]*:?[\s_]*do[\s_]*not[\s_]*edit", flags=re.IGNORECASE
@@ -69,274 +69,299 @@
 class Status(Enum):
-  UPDATED = 1
-  NOOP = 2
-  FAILED = 3
-  SKIPPED = 4
+    UPDATED = 1
+    NOOP = 2
+    FAILED = 3
+    SKIPPED = 4
+    NO_BUILD_FILE = 5
 def parse_arguments():
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-      description="Bazel to CMake conversion helper.")
-  parser.add_argument("--preview",
-                      help="Prints results instead of writing files",
-                      action="store_true",
-                      default=False)
-  parser.add_argument(
-      "--allow_partial_conversion",
-      help="Generates partial files, ignoring errors during conversion.",
-      action="store_true",
-      default=False)
-  parser.add_argument(
-      "--verbosity",
-      "-v",
-      type=int,
-      default=0,
-      help="Specify verbosity level where higher verbosity emits more logging."
-      " 0 (default): Only output errors and summary statistics."
-      " 1: Also output the name of each directory as it's being processed and"
-      " whether the directory is skipped."
-      " 2: Also output when conversion was successful.")
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Bazel to CMake conversion helper.")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--preview",
+        help="Prints results instead of writing files",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--allow_partial_conversion",
+        help="Generates partial files, ignoring errors during conversion.",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--verbosity",
+        "-v",
+        type=int,
+        default=0,
+        help="Specify verbosity level where higher verbosity emits more logging."
+        " 0 (default): Only output errors and summary statistics."
+        " 1: Also output the name of each directory as it's being processed and"
+        " whether the directory is skipped."
+        " 2: Also output when conversion was successful.",
+    )
-  # Specify only one of these (defaults to --root_dir=<main source dirs>).
-  group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-  group.add_argument("--dir",
-                     help="Converts the BUILD file in the given directory",
-                     default=None)
-  default_root_dirs = (repo_cfg.DEFAULT_ROOT_DIRS if hasattr(
-      repo_cfg, "DEFAULT_ROOT_DIRS") else [])
-  group.add_argument("--root_dir",
-                     nargs="+",
-                     help="Converts all BUILD files under a root directory",
-                     default=default_root_dirs)
+    # Specify only one of these (defaults to --root_dir=<main source dirs>).
+    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    group.add_argument(
+        "--dir", help="Converts the BUILD file in the given directory", default=None
+    )
+    default_root_dirs = (
+        repo_cfg.DEFAULT_ROOT_DIRS if hasattr(repo_cfg, "DEFAULT_ROOT_DIRS") else []
+    )
+    group.add_argument(
+        "--root_dir",
+        nargs="+",
+        help="Converts all BUILD files under a root directory",
+        default=default_root_dirs,
+    )
-  args = parser.parse_args()
+    args = parser.parse_args()
-  # --dir takes precedence over --root_dir.
-  # They are mutually exclusive, but the default value is still set.
-  if args.dir:
-    args.root_dir = None
+    # --dir takes precedence over --root_dir.
+    # They are mutually exclusive, but the default value is still set.
+    if args.dir:
+        args.root_dir = None
-  return args
+    return args
 def setup_environment():
-  """Sets up some environment globals."""
-  global repo_root
-  global repo_cfg
+    """Sets up some environment globals."""
+    global repo_root
+    global repo_cfg
-  # Scan up the directory tree for a repo config file.
-  check_dir = os.getcwd()
-  while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(check_dir, REPO_CFG_FILE)):
-    new_check_dir = os.path.dirname(check_dir)
-    if not new_check_dir or new_check_dir == check_dir:
-      print(f"ERROR: Could not find {REPO_CFG_FILE} in a parent directory "
-            f"of {os.getcwd()}")
-      sys.exit(1)
-    check_dir = new_check_dir
-  repo_root = check_dir
-  log(f"Using repo root {repo_root}")
+    # Scan up the directory tree for a repo config file.
+    check_dir = os.getcwd()
+    while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(check_dir, REPO_CFG_FILE)):
+        new_check_dir = os.path.dirname(check_dir)
+        if not new_check_dir or new_check_dir == check_dir:
+            print(
+                f"ERROR: Could not find {REPO_CFG_FILE} in a parent directory "
+                f"of {os.getcwd()}"
+            )
+            sys.exit(1)
+        check_dir = new_check_dir
+    repo_root = check_dir
+    log(f"Using repo root {repo_root}")
-  # Dynamically load the config file as a module.
-  orig_dont_write_bytecode = sys.dont_write_bytecode
-  sys.dont_write_bytecode = True  # Don't generate __pycache__ dir
-  repo_cfg_path = os.path.join(repo_root, REPO_CFG_FILE)
-  spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(REPO_CFG_MODULE_NAME,
-                                                repo_cfg_path)
-  if spec and spec.loader:
-    repo_cfg = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
-    sys.modules[REPO_CFG_MODULE_NAME] = repo_cfg
-    spec.loader.exec_module(repo_cfg)
-    sys.dont_write_bytecode = orig_dont_write_bytecode
-  else:
-    print(f"INTERNAL ERROR: Could not evaluate {repo_cfg_path} as module")
-    sys.exit(1)
+    # Dynamically load the config file as a module.
+    orig_dont_write_bytecode = sys.dont_write_bytecode
+    sys.dont_write_bytecode = True  # Don't generate __pycache__ dir
+    repo_cfg_path = os.path.join(repo_root, REPO_CFG_FILE)
+    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(REPO_CFG_MODULE_NAME, repo_cfg_path)
+    if spec and spec.loader:
+        repo_cfg = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+        sys.modules[REPO_CFG_MODULE_NAME] = repo_cfg
+        spec.loader.exec_module(repo_cfg)
+        sys.dont_write_bytecode = orig_dont_write_bytecode
+    else:
+        print(f"INTERNAL ERROR: Could not evaluate {repo_cfg_path} as module")
+        sys.exit(1)
 def repo_relpath(path):
-  return os.path.relpath(path, repo_root).replace("\\", "/")
+    return os.path.relpath(path, repo_root).replace("\\", "/")
 def log(string, *args, indent=0, **kwargs):
-  print(textwrap.indent(string, prefix=(indent * " ")),
-        *args,
-        **kwargs,
-        file=sys.stderr)
+    print(
+        textwrap.indent(string, prefix=(indent * " ")), *args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr
+    )
-def convert_directories(directories, write_files, allow_partial_conversion,
-                        verbosity):
-  failure_dirs = []
-  skip_count = 0
-  success_count = 0
-  noop_count = 0
-  for directory in directories:
-    status = convert_directory(
-        directory,
-        write_files=write_files,
-        allow_partial_conversion=allow_partial_conversion,
-        verbosity=verbosity)
-    if status == Status.FAILED:
-      failure_dirs.append(repo_relpath(directory))
-    elif status == Status.SKIPPED:
-      skip_count += 1
-    elif status == Status.UPDATED:
-      success_count += 1
-    elif status == Status.NOOP:
-      noop_count += 1
+def convert_directories(directories, write_files, allow_partial_conversion, verbosity):
+    failure_dirs = []
+    skip_count = 0
+    success_count = 0
+    noop_count = 0
+    for directory in directories:
+        status = convert_directory(
+            directory,
+            write_files=write_files,
+            allow_partial_conversion=allow_partial_conversion,
+            verbosity=verbosity,
+        )
+        if status == Status.FAILED:
+            failure_dirs.append(repo_relpath(directory))
+        elif status == Status.SKIPPED:
+            skip_count += 1
+        elif status == Status.UPDATED:
+            success_count += 1
+        elif status == Status.NOOP:
+            noop_count += 1
-  log(f"{success_count} CMakeLists.txt files were updated, {skip_count} were"
-      f" skipped, and {noop_count} required no change.")
-  if failure_dirs:
-    log(f"ERROR: Encountered unexpected errors converting {len(failure_dirs)}"
-        " directories:")
-    log("\n".join(failure_dirs), indent=2)
-    sys.exit(1)
-def convert_directory(directory_path, write_files, allow_partial_conversion,
-                      verbosity):
-  if not os.path.isdir(directory_path):
-    raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot find directory '{directory_path}'")
-  rel_dir_path = repo_relpath(directory_path)
-  if verbosity >= 1:
-    log(f"Processing {rel_dir_path}")
-  # Scan for a BUILD file.
-  build_file_found = False
-  build_file_basenames = ["BUILD", "BUILD.bazel"]
-  for build_file_basename in build_file_basenames:
-    build_file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, build_file_basename)
-    rel_build_file_path = repo_relpath(build_file_path)
-    if os.path.isfile(build_file_path):
-      build_file_found = True
-      break
-  cmakelists_file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, "CMakeLists.txt")
-  rel_cmakelists_file_path = repo_relpath(cmakelists_file_path)
-  if not build_file_found:
-    return Status.NO_BUILD_FILE
-  autogeneration_tag = f"Autogenerated by {repo_relpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))}"
-  header = "\n".join(["#" * 80] + [
-      l.ljust(79) + "#" for l in [
-          f"# {autogeneration_tag} from",
-          f"# {rel_build_file_path}",
-          "#",
-          "# Use iree_cmake_extra_content from iree/build_defs.oss.bzl to add arbitrary",
-          "# CMake-only content.",
-          "#",
-          f"# To disable autogeneration for this file entirely, delete this header.",
-      ]
-  ] + ["#" * 80])
-  old_lines = []
-  possible_preserved_header_lines = []
-  preserved_footer_lines = ["\n" + PRESERVE_BELOW_TAG + "\n"]
-  # Read CMakeLists.txt and check if it has the auto-generated header.
-  found_preserve_below_tag = False
-  found_preserve_above_tag = False
-  if os.path.isfile(cmakelists_file_path):
-    found_autogeneration_tag = False
-    with open(cmakelists_file_path) as f:
-      old_lines = f.readlines()
-    for line in old_lines:
-      if not found_preserve_above_tag:
-        possible_preserved_header_lines.append(line)
-      if not found_autogeneration_tag and autogeneration_tag in line:
-        found_autogeneration_tag = True
-      if not found_preserve_below_tag and PRESERVE_BELOW_TAG in line:
-        found_preserve_below_tag = True
-      elif not found_preserve_above_tag and PRESERVE_ABOVE_TAG in line:
-        found_preserve_above_tag = True
-      elif found_preserve_below_tag:
-        preserved_footer_lines.append(line)
-    if not found_autogeneration_tag:
-      if verbosity >= 1:
-        log(f"Skipped. Did not find autogeneration line.", indent=2)
-      return Status.SKIPPED
-  preserved_header = ("".join(possible_preserved_header_lines)
-                      if found_preserve_above_tag else "")
-  preserved_footer = "".join(preserved_footer_lines)
-  # Read the Bazel BUILD file and interpret it.
-  with open(build_file_path, "rt") as build_file:
-    build_file_contents =
-  if "bazel-to-cmake: skip" in build_file_contents:
-    return Status.SKIPPED
-  build_file_code = compile(build_file_contents, build_file_path, "exec")
-  try:
-    converted_build_file = bazel_to_cmake_converter.convert_build_file(
-        build_file_code,
-        repo_cfg=repo_cfg,
-        allow_partial_conversion=allow_partial_conversion)
-  except (NameError, NotImplementedError) as e:
-        f"ERROR generating {rel_dir_path}.\n"
-        f"Missing a rule handler in\n"
-        f"Reason: `{type(e).__name__}: {e}`",
-        indent=2)
-    return Status.FAILED
-  except KeyError as e:
-    log(
-        f"ERROR generating {rel_dir_path}.\n"
-        f"Missing a conversion in\n"
-        f"Reason: `{type(e).__name__}: {e}`",
-        indent=2)
-    return Status.FAILED
-  converted_content = (preserved_header + header + converted_build_file +
-                       preserved_footer)
-  if write_files:
-    with open(cmakelists_file_path, "wt") as cmakelists_file:
-      cmakelists_file.write(converted_content)
-  else:
-    print(converted_content, end="")
+        f"{success_count} CMakeLists.txt files were updated, {skip_count} were"
+        f" skipped, and {noop_count} required no change."
+    )
+    if failure_dirs:
+        log(
+            f"ERROR: Encountered unexpected errors converting {len(failure_dirs)}"
+            " directories:"
+        )
+        log("\n".join(failure_dirs), indent=2)
+        sys.exit(1)
-  if converted_content == "".join(old_lines):
+def convert_directory(directory_path, write_files, allow_partial_conversion, verbosity):
+    if not os.path.isdir(directory_path):
+        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot find directory '{directory_path}'")
+    rel_dir_path = repo_relpath(directory_path)
+    if verbosity >= 1:
+        log(f"Processing {rel_dir_path}")
+    # Scan for a BUILD file.
+    build_file_found = False
+    build_file_basenames = ["BUILD", "BUILD.bazel"]
+    for build_file_basename in build_file_basenames:
+        build_file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, build_file_basename)
+        rel_build_file_path = repo_relpath(build_file_path)
+        if os.path.isfile(build_file_path):
+            build_file_found = True
+            break
+    cmakelists_file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, "CMakeLists.txt")
+    rel_cmakelists_file_path = repo_relpath(cmakelists_file_path)
+    if not build_file_found:
+        return Status.NO_BUILD_FILE
+    autogeneration_tag = f"Autogenerated by {repo_relpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))}"
+    header = "\n".join(
+        ["#" * 80]
+        + [
+            l.ljust(79) + "#"
+            for l in [
+                f"# {autogeneration_tag} from",
+                f"# {rel_build_file_path}",
+                "#",
+                "# Use iree_cmake_extra_content from iree/build_defs.oss.bzl to add arbitrary",
+                "# CMake-only content.",
+                "#",
+                f"# To disable autogeneration for this file entirely, delete this header.",
+            ]
+        ]
+        + ["#" * 80]
+    )
+    old_lines = []
+    possible_preserved_header_lines = []
+    preserved_footer_lines = ["\n" + PRESERVE_BELOW_TAG + "\n"]
+    # Read CMakeLists.txt and check if it has the auto-generated header.
+    found_preserve_below_tag = False
+    found_preserve_above_tag = False
+    if os.path.isfile(cmakelists_file_path):
+        found_autogeneration_tag = False
+        with open(cmakelists_file_path) as f:
+            old_lines = f.readlines()
+        for line in old_lines:
+            if not found_preserve_above_tag:
+                possible_preserved_header_lines.append(line)
+            if not found_autogeneration_tag and autogeneration_tag in line:
+                found_autogeneration_tag = True
+            if not found_preserve_below_tag and PRESERVE_BELOW_TAG in line:
+                found_preserve_below_tag = True
+            elif not found_preserve_above_tag and PRESERVE_ABOVE_TAG in line:
+                found_preserve_above_tag = True
+            elif found_preserve_below_tag:
+                preserved_footer_lines.append(line)
+        if not found_autogeneration_tag:
+            if verbosity >= 1:
+                log(f"Skipped. Did not find autogeneration line.", indent=2)
+            return Status.SKIPPED
+    preserved_header = (
+        "".join(possible_preserved_header_lines) if found_preserve_above_tag else ""
+    )
+    preserved_footer = "".join(preserved_footer_lines)
+    # Read the Bazel BUILD file and interpret it.
+    with open(build_file_path, "rt") as build_file:
+        build_file_contents =
+    if "bazel-to-cmake: skip" in build_file_contents:
+        return Status.SKIPPED
+    build_file_code = compile(build_file_contents, build_file_path, "exec")
+    try:
+        converted_build_file = bazel_to_cmake_converter.convert_build_file(
+            build_file_code,
+            repo_cfg=repo_cfg,
+            allow_partial_conversion=allow_partial_conversion,
+        )
+    except (NameError, NotImplementedError) as e:
+        log(
+            f"ERROR generating {rel_dir_path}.\n"
+            f"Missing a rule handler in\n"
+            f"Reason: `{type(e).__name__}: {e}`",
+            indent=2,
+        )
+        return Status.FAILED
+    except KeyError as e:
+        log(
+            f"ERROR generating {rel_dir_path}.\n"
+            f"Missing a conversion in\n"
+            f"Reason: `{type(e).__name__}: {e}`",
+            indent=2,
+        )
+        return Status.FAILED
+    converted_content = (
+        preserved_header + header + converted_build_file + preserved_footer
+    )
+    if write_files:
+        with open(cmakelists_file_path, "wt") as cmakelists_file:
+            cmakelists_file.write(converted_content)
+    else:
+        print(converted_content, end="")
+    if converted_content == "".join(old_lines):
+        if verbosity >= 2:
+            log(f"{rel_cmakelists_file_path} required no update", indent=2)
+        return Status.NOOP
     if verbosity >= 2:
-      log(f"{rel_cmakelists_file_path} required no update", indent=2)
-    return Status.NOOP
-  if verbosity >= 2:
-    log(
-        f"Successfly generated {rel_cmakelists_file_path}"
-        f" from {rel_build_file_path}",
-        indent=2)
-  return Status.UPDATED
+        log(
+            f"Successfly generated {rel_cmakelists_file_path}"
+            f" from {rel_build_file_path}",
+            indent=2,
+        )
+    return Status.UPDATED
 def main(args):
-  """Runs Bazel to CMake conversion."""
-  global repo_root
+    """Runs Bazel to CMake conversion."""
+    global repo_root
-  write_files = not args.preview
+    write_files = not args.preview
-  if args.root_dir:
-    for root_dir in args.root_dir:
-      root_directory_path = os.path.join(repo_root, root_dir)
-      log(f"Converting directory tree rooted at: {root_directory_path}")
-      convert_directories(
-          (root for root, _, _ in os.walk(root_directory_path)),
-          write_files=write_files,
-          allow_partial_conversion=args.allow_partial_conversion,
-          verbosity=args.verbosity)
-  elif args.dir:
-    convert_directories([os.path.join(repo_root, args.dir)],
-                        write_files=write_files,
-                        allow_partial_conversion=args.allow_partial_conversion,
-                        verbosity=args.verbosity)
-  else:
-    log(f"ERROR: None of --root-dir, --dir arguments or DEFAULT_ROOT_DIRS in "
-        f" No conversion will be done")
-    sys.exit(1)
+    if args.root_dir:
+        for root_dir in args.root_dir:
+            root_directory_path = os.path.join(repo_root, root_dir)
+            log(f"Converting directory tree rooted at: {root_directory_path}")
+            convert_directories(
+                (root for root, _, _ in os.walk(root_directory_path)),
+                write_files=write_files,
+                allow_partial_conversion=args.allow_partial_conversion,
+                verbosity=args.verbosity,
+            )
+    elif args.dir:
+        convert_directories(
+            [os.path.join(repo_root, args.dir)],
+            write_files=write_files,
+            allow_partial_conversion=args.allow_partial_conversion,
+            verbosity=args.verbosity,
+        )
+    else:
+        log(
+            f"ERROR: None of --root-dir, --dir arguments or DEFAULT_ROOT_DIRS in "
+            f" No conversion will be done"
+        )
+        sys.exit(1)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-  setup_environment()
-  main(parse_arguments())
+    setup_environment()
+    main(parse_arguments())